2 research outputs found

    Overexpression of the sodium ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: conditions for phosphorylation from ATP and Pi

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    AbstractThe ENA1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a putative ATPase necessary for Na+ efflux. Plasma membranes and intracellular membranes of a yeast strain overexpressing the ENA1 gene contain significant amounts of ENA1 protein. Consequences of the overexpression with reference to the wild-type strain are: (1) a 5-fold higher content of the ENA1-protein in plasma membranes; (2) lower Na+ and Li+ effluxes; (3) slightly higher Na+ tolerance; and (4) much higher Li+ tolerance. The ENA1-specific ATPase activity in plasma membrane preparations of the overexpressing strain was low, but an ENA1 phosphoprotein was clearly detected when the plasma membranes were exposed to ATP in the presence of Na+ or to Pi in the absence of Na+. The characteristics of this phosphoprotein, which correspond to the acyl phosphate intermediaries of P-type ATPases, the absolute requirement of Na+ or other alkali cations for phosphorylation, and the Na+ and pH dependence of phosphorylation from ATP and Pi suggest that the product of the ENA1 gene may be a Na,H-ATPase, which can also pump other alkali cations. The role of the intracellular membranes structures produced with the overexpression of ENA1 in Na+ and Li+ tolerances and the existence of a β-subunit of the ENA1 ATPase are discussed

    Quark propagator and vertex: systematic corrections of hypercubic artifacts from lattice simulations

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    This is the first part of a study of the quark propagator and the vertex function of the vector current on the lattice in the Landau gauge and using both Wilson-clover and overlap actions. In order to be able to identify lattice artifacts and to reach large momenta we use a range of lattice spacings. The lattice artifacts turn out to be exceedingly large in this study. We present a new and very efficient method to eliminate the hypercubic (anisotropy) artifacts based on a systematic expansion on hypercubic invariants which are not SO(4) invariant. A simpler version of this method has been used in previous works. This method is shown to be significantly more efficient than the popular ``democratic'' methods. It can of course be applied to the lattice simulations of many other physical quantities. The analysis indicates a hierarchy in the size of hypercubic artifacts: overlap larger than clover and propagator larger than vertex function. This pleads for the combined study of propagators and vertex functions via Ward identities.Comment: 14 pags., 9 fig