23,776 research outputs found

    A method for predicting interfacial freezing of a liquid flowing over a cold surface

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    Instantaneous thickness of a frozen layer is a function of specific heat, heat of fusion, temperatures, the frozen layer thickness at equilibrium, the thermal conductivity, and heat transfer coefficient. The equation can be evaluated on a desk calculator

    Potential of a New Technique for Remote Sensing of Hydrocarbon Accumulations and Blind Uranium Deposits: Buried Lif Thermoluminescence Dosimeters

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    Buried thermoluminescence dosimeters may be useful in remote sensing of petroleum and natural gas accumulations and blind uranium deposits. They act as integrating detectors that smooth out the effects of environmental variations that affect other measuring systems and result in irregularities and poor repeatability in measurements made during gas and radiometric surveys

    Subcritical Superstrings

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    We introduce the Liouville mode into the Green-Schwarz superstring. Like massive supersymmetry without central charges, there is no kappa symmetry. However, the second-class constraints (and corresponding Wess-Zumino term) remain, and can be solved by (twisted) chiral superspace in dimensions D=4 and 6. The matter conformal anomaly is c = 4-D < 1. It thus can be canceled for physical dimensions by the usual Liouville methods, unlike the bosonic string (for which the consistency condition is c = D <= 1).Comment: 9 pg., compressed postscript file (.ps.Z), other formats (.dvi, .ps, .ps.Z, 8-bit .tex) available at http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~siegel/preprints/ or at ftp://max.physics.sunysb.edu/preprints/siege

    Versatile liquid helium scintillation counter of large volume design

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    Design and performance of large liquid helium scintillation counter for meson experiment

    Energy and width measurements of low-Z pionic X-ray transitions

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    High resolution spectrometric measurement of energy and natural line widths of 2p-1s pionic X ray transitions, as well as muonic transition energies in Li, Be, B, and C isotope

    A new measurement of the lifetime of the positive pion

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    Digital timing method for measuring positive pion lifetim

    Linear Self-Motion Cues Support the Spatial Distribution and Stability of Hippocampal Place Cells

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    The vestibular system provides a crucial component of place-cell and head-direction cell activity [1-7]. Otolith signals are necessary for head-direction signal stability and associated behavior [8, 9], and the head-direction signal's contribution to parahippocampal spatial representations [10-14] suggests that place cells may also require otolithic information. Here, we demonstrate that self-movement information from the otolith organs is necessary for the development of stable place fields within and across sessions. Place cells in otoconia-deficient tilted mice showed reduced spatial coherence and formed place fields that were located closer to environmental boundaries, relative to those of control mice. These differences reveal an important otolithic contribution to place-cell functioning and provide insight into the cognitive deficits associated with otolith dysfunction
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