5,163 research outputs found

    Use of in vitro and haptic assessments in the characterisation of surface lubricity

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    Lubricity is a key property of hydrophilic-coated urinary catheter surfaces. In vitro tests are commonly employed for evaluation of surface properties in the development of novel catheter coating technologies, however, their value in predicting the more subjective feeling of lubricity requires validation. We herein perform a range of in vitro assessments and human organoleptic studies to characterise surface properties of developmental hydrophilic coating formulations, including water wettability, coefficient of friction, dry-out kinetics and lubricity. Significant reductions of up to 40% in the contact angles and coefficient of friction values of the novel coating formulations in comparison to the control poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-coated surfaces were demonstrated during quantitative laboratory assessments. In contrast, no significant differences in the more subjective feeling of lubricity between the novel formulations and the control-coated surfaces were observed when formulations were haptically assessed by the techniques described herein. This study, importantly, highlights the need for optimisation of in vitro and human haptic assessments to more reliably predict patient preferences

    Unraveling the Helix Nebula: Its Structure and Knots

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    Through HST imaging of the inner part of the main-ring of the Helix Nebula together with CTIO 4-m images of the fainter outer parts, we have an unprecedented-quality view of the nearest bright planetary nebula. These images have allowed determination that the main-ring of the nebula is composed of an inner-disk of about 499\arcsec diameter (0.52 pc) surrounded by an outer-ring (in reality a torus) of 742\arcsec diameter (0.77 pc) whose plane is highly inclined to the plane of the disk. This outer-ring is surrounded by an outermost-ring of 1500\arcsec (1.76 pc) diameter which is flattened on the side colliding with the ambient interstellar medium. The inner-disk has an extended distribution of low density gas along its rotational axis of symmetry and the disk is optically thick to ionizing radiation, as is the outer-ring. Published radial velocities of the knots provides support for the two-component structure of the main-ring of the nebula and to the idea that the knots found there are expanding along with the nebular material from which it recently originated. There is a change in the morphology of the knots as a function of the distance from the local ionization front. This supports a scenario in which the knots are formed in or near the ionization front and are then sculpted by the stellar radiation from the central star as the ionization front advances beyond them.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures, many figures have reduce fidelity for astroph preprint. Note: URLs in preprint were change

    The XO Planetary Survey Project - Astrophysical False Positives

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    Searches for planetary transits find many astrophysical false positives as a by-product. There are four main types analyzed in the literature: a grazing-incidence eclipsing binary star, an eclipsing binary star with a small radius companion star, a blend of one or more stars with an unrelated eclipsing binary star, and a physical triple star system. We present a list of 69 astrophysical false positives that had been identified as candidates of transiting planets of the on-going XO survey. This list may be useful in order to avoid redundant observation and characterization of these particular candidates independently identified by other wide-field searches for transiting planets. The list may be useful for those modeling the yield of the XO survey and surveys similar to it. Subsequent observations of some of the listed stars may improve mass-radius relations, especially for low-mass stars. From the candidates exhibiting eclipses, we report three new spectroscopic double-line binaries and give mass function estimations for 15 single lined spectroscopic binaries.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ

    A-Scroll Compressor for Shipboard Helium Liquefier Systems

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    Dynamics of Quasi-ordered Structure in a Regio-regulated pi-Conjugated Polymer:Poly(4-methylthiazole-2,5-diyl)

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    Dynamics of regio-regulated Poly(4-methylthiazole-2,5-diyl) [HH-P4MeTz] was inves tigated by solid-state 1H, 2D, 13C NMR spectroscopies, and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) measurements. DSC, 2D quadrupolar echo NMR, 13C cross-polarization and magic-angle spinning(CPMAS) NMR, and 2D spin-echo(2DSE) CPMAS NMR spectroscopy suggest existence of a quasi-ordered phase in which backbone twists take place with weakened pi-stackings. Two-dimensional exchange 2D NMR(2DEX) detected slow dynamics with a rate of an order of 10^2Hz for the CD_3 group in d_3-HH-P4MeTz at 288K. The frequency dependence of proton longitudinal relaxation rate at 288K shows a omega^-1/2 dependence, which is due to the one-dimensional diffusion-like motion of backbone conformational modulation waves. The diffusion rate was estimated as 3+/-2 GHz, which was approximately 10^7 times larger than that estimated by 2DEX NMR measurements. These results suggest that there exists anomalous dispersion of modulation waves in HH-P4MeTz. The one-dimensional group velocity of the wave packet is responsible for the behavior of proton longitudinal relaxation time. On the other hand, the 2DEX NMR is sensitive to phase velocity of the nutation of methyl groups that is associated with backbone twists. From proton T_1 and T_2 measurements, the activation energy was estimated as 2.9 and 3.4 kcal/mol, respectively. These were in agreement with 3.0 kcal/mol determined by Moller-Plesset(MP2) molecular orbital(MO) calculation. We also performed chemical shielding calculation of the methyl-carbon in order to understand chemical shift tensor behavior, leading to the fact that a quasi-ordered phase coexist with the crystalline phase.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.
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