72,669 research outputs found

    Criticality and Condensation in a Non-Conserving Zero Range Process

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    The Zero-Range Process, in which particles hop between sites on a lattice under conserving dynamics, is a prototypical model for studying real-space condensation. Within this model the system is critical only at the transition point. Here we consider a non-conserving Zero-Range Process which is shown to exhibit generic critical phases which exist in a range of creation and annihilation parameters. The model also exhibits phases characterised by mesocondensates each of which contains a subextensive number of particles. A detailed phase diagram, delineating the various phases, is derived.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure, published versi

    Variable geometry aft-fan for takeoff quieting or thrust augmentation of a turbojet engine

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    A concept is presented that combines the low-noise and high-thrust characteristics of a turbofan at takeoff, together with its high efficiency at subsonic flight speeds, with the high efficiency of a turbojet at supersonic cruise. It consists of a free turbine with tip fan mounted behind the turbine of a conventional turbojet engine. Fan air is supplied from blow-in doors or is ducted from the main engine inlet. At high flight speeds where fan augmentation is not desirable, the fan inlet is closed and the free turbine is stopped by adjustment of its variable-camber stators. Estimates of noise, cycle performance, and example configurations are presented for a typical supersonic transport application

    Quantitative comparisons of type 3 radio burst intensity and fast electron flux at 1 AU

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    The flux of fast solar electrons and the intensity of the type 111 radio emission generated by these particles were compared at one AU. Two regimes were found in the generation of type 111 radiation: one where the radio intensity is linearly proportional to the electron flux, and another, which occurs above a threshold electron flux, where the radio intensity is approximately proportional to the 2.4 power of the electron flux. This threshold appears to reflect a transition to a different emission mechanism

    Condensation Transitions in a One-Dimensional Zero-Range Process with a Single Defect Site

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    Condensation occurs in nonequilibrium steady states when a finite fraction of particles in the system occupies a single lattice site. We study condensation transitions in a one-dimensional zero-range process with a single defect site. The system is analysed in the grand canonical and canonical ensembles and the two are contrasted. Two distinct condensation mechanisms are found in the grand canonical ensemble. Discrepancies between the infinite and large but finite systems' particle current versus particle density diagrams are investigated and an explanation for how the finite current goes above a maximum value predicted for infinite systems is found in the canonical ensemble.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    Asymptotic decay of pair correlations in a Yukawa fluid

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    We analyse the rr \to \infty asymptotic decay of the total correlation function, h(r)h(r), for a fluid composed of particles interacting via a (point) Yukawa pair potential. Such a potential provides a simple model for dusty plasmas. The asymptotic decay is determined by the poles of the liquid structure factor in the complex plane. We use the hypernetted-chain closure to the Ornstein-Zernike equation to determine the line in the phase diagram, well-removed from the freezing transition line, where crossover occurs in the ultimate decay of h(r)h(r), from monotonic to damped oscillatory. We show: i) crossover takes place via the same mechanism (coalescence of imaginary poles) as in the classical one-component plasma and in other models of Coulomb fluids and ii) leading-order pole contributions provide an accurate description of h(r)h(r) at intermediate distances rr as well as at long range.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Correlation function algebra for inhomogeneous fluids

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    We consider variational (density functional) models of fluids confined in parallel-plate geometries (with walls situated in the planes z=0 and z=L respectively) and focus on the structure of the pair correlation function G(r_1,r_2). We show that for local variational models there exist two non-trivial identities relating both the transverse Fourier transform G(z_\mu, z_\nu;q) and the zeroth moment G_0(z_\mu,z_\nu) at different positions z_1, z_2 and z_3. These relations form an algebra which severely restricts the possible form of the function G_0(z_\mu,z_\nu). For the common situations in which the equilibrium one-body (magnetization/number density) profile m_0(z) exhibits an odd or even reflection symmetry in the z=L/2 plane the algebra simplifies considerably and is used to relate the correlation function to the finite-size excess free-energy \gamma(L). We rederive non-trivial scaling expressions for the finite-size contribution to the free-energy at bulk criticality and for systems where large scale interfacial fluctuations are present. Extensions to non-planar geometries are also considered.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 4 eps figures. To appear in J.Phys.Condens.Matte

    The Glass Transition and the Jarzynski Equality

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    A simple model featuring a double well potential is used to represent a liquid that is quenched from an ergodic state into a history dependent glassy state. Issues surrounding the application of the Jarzynski Equality to glass formation are investigated. We demonstrate that the Jarzynski Equality gives the free energy difference between the initial state and the state we would obtain if the glass relaxed to true thermodynamic equilibrium. We derive new variations of the Jarzynski Equality which are relevant to the history dependent glassy state rather than the underlying equilibrium state. It is shown how to compute the free energy differences for the nonequilibrium history dependent glassy state such that it remains consistent with the standard expression for the entropy and with the second law inequality.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Duality in Shearing Rheology Near the Athermal Jamming Transition

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    We consider the rheology of soft-core frictionless disks in two dimensions in the neighborhood of the athermal jamming transition. From numerical simulations of bidisperse, overdamped, particles, we argue that the divergence of the viscosity below jamming is characteristic of the hard-core limit, independent of the particular soft-core interaction. We develop a mapping from soft-core to hard-core particles that recovers all the critical behavior found in earlier scaling analyses. Using this mapping we derive a duality relation that gives the exponent of the non-linear Herschel-Bulkley rheology above jamming in terms of the exponent of the diverging viscosity below jamming.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Manuscript revisions: new title, additional text concerning connections to experiment, revised Fig. 4, other minor changes and clarifications in text. Conclusions remain essentially unchanged. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Solvent mediated interactions between model colloids and interfaces: A microscopic approach

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    We determine the solvent mediated contribution to the effective potentials for model colloidal or nano- particles dispersed in a binary solvent that exhibits fluid-fluid phase separation. Using a simple density functional theory we calculate the density profiles of both solvent species in the presence of the `colloids', which are treated as external potentials, and determine the solvent mediated (SM) potentials. Specifically, we calculate SM potentials between (i) two colloids, (ii) a colloid and a planar fluid-fluid interface, and (iii) a colloid and a planar wall with an adsorbed wetting film. We consider three different types of colloidal particles: colloid A which prefers the bulk solvent phase rich in species 2, colloid C which prefers the solvent phase rich in species 1, and `neutral' colloid B which has no strong preference for either phase, i.e. the free energies to insert the colloid into either of the coexisting bulk phases are almost equal. When a colloid which has a preference for one of the two solvent phases is inserted into the disfavored phase at statepoints close to coexistence a thick adsorbed `wetting' film of the preferred phase may form around the colloids. The presence of the adsorbed film has a profound influence on the form of the SM potentials.Comment: 17 Pages, 13 Figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic