4,543 research outputs found

    Blue Straggler Stars: The Spectacular Population in M80

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    Using HST-WFPC2 observations in two ultraviolet (UV) filters (F225W and F336W) of the central region of the high density Galactic Globular cluster (GGC) M80 we have identified 305 Blue Straggler Stars (BSS) which represents the largest and most concentrated population of BSS ever observed in a GGC. We also identify the largest, clean sample of evolved BSS yet found. The high stellar density alone cannot explain the BSS, and we suggest that in M80 we are witnessing a transient dynamical state, during which stellar interactions are delaying the core-collapse process leading to an exceptionally large population of collisional-BSS.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    The giant, horizontal and asymptotic branches of galactic globular clusters. I. The catalog, photometric observables and features

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    A catalog including a set of the most recent Color Magnitude Diagrams (CMDs) is presented for a sample of 61 Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs). We used this data-base to perform an homogeneous systematic analysis of the evolved sequences (namely, Red Giant Branch (RGB), Horizontal Branch (HB) and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB)). Based on this analysis, we present: (1) a new procedure to measure the level of the ZAHB (V_ZAHB) and an homogeneous set of distance moduli obtained adopting the HB as standard candle; (2) an independent estimate for RGB metallicity indicators and new calibrations of these parameters in terms of both spectroscopic ([Fe/H]_CG97) and global metallicity ([M/H], including also the alpha-elements enhancement). The set of equations presented can be used to simultaneously derive a photometric estimate of the metal abundance and the reddening from the morphology and the location of the RGB in the (V,B-V)-CMD. (3) the location of the RGB-Bump (in 47 GGCs) and the AGB-Bump (in 9 GGCs). The dependence of these features on the metallicity is discussed. We find that by using the latest theoretical models and the new metallicity scales the earlier discrepancy between theory and observations (~0.4 mag) completely disappears.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, AAS Latex, macro rtrpp4.sty included, accepted by A

    Very Large Telescope Observations of the peculiar globular cluster NGC6712. Discovery of a UV, H-alpha excess star in the core

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    We present results from multi-band observations in the central region of the cluster NGC6712 with the ESO-Very Large Telescope. Using high resolution images we have identified three UV-excess stars. In particular two of them are within the cluster core, a few arcsec apart: the first object is star "S" which previous studies identified as the best candidate to the optical counterpart to the luminous X-ray source detected in this cluster. The other UV object shows clearcut H-alpha emission and, for this reason, is an additional promising interacting binary candidate (a quiescent LMXB or a CV). The presence of two unrelated interacting binary systems a few arcsec apart in the core of this low-density cluster is somewhat surprising and supports the hypothesis that the (internal) dynamical history of the cluster and/or the (external) interaction with the Galaxy might play a fundamental role in the formation of these peculiar objects.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. ApJL in pres

    The surprising external upturn of the Blue Straggler radial distribution in M55

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    By combining high-resolution HST and wide-field ground based observations, in ultraviolet and optical bands, we study the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) population of the low density galactic globular cluster M55 (NGC 6809) over its entire radial extent. The BSS projected radial distribution is found to be bimodal, with a central peak, a broad minimum at intermediate radii, and an upturn at large radii. Similar bimodal distributions have been found in other globular clusters (M3, 47 Tucanae, NGC 6752, M5), but the external upturn in M55 is the largest found to date. This might indicate a large fraction of primordial binaries in the outer regions of M55, which seems somehow in contrast with the relatively low (\sim 10%) binary fraction recently measured in the core of this cluster.Comment: in press on Ap

    The small Blue Straggler star population in the dense Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 6752

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    We have used high resolution WFPC2-HST and wide field ground-based observations to construct a catalog of blue straggler stars (BSS) which spans the entire radial extent of the globular cluster NGC 6752. The BSS sample is the most extensive ever obtained for this cluster. Though NGC 6752 is a high density cluster with a large binary population, we found that its BSS content is surprisingly low: the specific number of BSS is among the lowest ever measured in a cluster. The BSS distribution is highly peaked in the cluster center, shows a rapid decrease at intermediate radii, and finally rises again at larger distances. This distribution closely resembles those observed in M3 and 47Tuc by Ferraro et al. (1993), Ferraro et al. (2003c). To date, BSS surveys covering the central regions with HST and the outer regions with wide field CCD ground-based observations have been performed for only these three clusters. Despite the different dynamical properties, a bimodal radial distribution has been found in each. A detailed comparison of observed BSS luminosity and temperature distributions with theoretical models reveals a population of luminous, hot BSS which is not easily interpreted.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, in press on Ap

    M75, a Globular Cluster with a Trimodal Horizontal Branch. I. Color-Magnitude Diagram

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    Deep UBVI photometry for a large field covering the distant globular cluster M75 (NGC 6864) is presented. We confirm a previous suggestion (Catelan et al. 1998a) that M75 possesses a bimodal horizontal branch (HB) bearing striking resemblance to the well-known case of NGC 1851. In addition, we detect a third, smaller grouping of stars on the M75 blue tail, separated from the bulk of the blue HB stars by a gap spanning about 0.5 mag in V. Such a group of stars may correspond to the upper part of a very extended, though thinly populated, blue tail. Thus M75 appears to have a trimodal HB. The presence of the "Grundahl jump" is verified using the broadband U filter. We explore the color-magnitude diagram of M75 with the purpose of deriving the cluster's fundamental parameters, and find a metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.03 +/- 0.17 dex and -1.24 +/- 0.21 dex in the Carretta & Gratton (1997) and Zinn & West (1984) scales, respectively. We discuss earlier suggestions that the cluster has an anomalously low ratio of bright red giants to HB stars. A differential age analysis with respect to NGC 1851 suggests that the two clusters are essentially coeval.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, emulateapj5/apjfonts style. Astronomical Journal, in press. This version contains some very low-resolution figures, due to the size constraints of astro-ph. We strongly encourage the interested reader to download instead the preprint with full-resolution figures, which can be found at http://www.astro.puc.cl/~mcatelan

    Discovery of another peculiar radial distribution of Blue Stragglers in Globular Clusters: The case of 47 Tuc

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    We have used high resolution WFPC2-HST and wide field ground-based observations to construct a catalog of blue straggler stars (BSS) in the globular cluster 47 Tuc spanning the entire radial extent of the cluster. The BSS distribution is highly peaked in the cluster center, rapidly decreases at intermediate radii, and finally rises again at larger radii. The observed distribution closely resembles that discovered in M3 by Ferraro et al (1993,1997). To date, complete BSS surveys covering the full radial extent (HST in the center and wide field CCD ground based observations of the exterior) have been performed for only these two clusters. Both show a bimodal radial distribution, despite their different dynamical properties. BSS surveys covering the full spatial extent of more globular clusters are clearly required to determine how common bimodality is and what its consequence is for theories of BSS formation and cluster dynamics.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted for pubblication in Ap

    Another Non-segregated Blue Straggler Population in a Globular Cluster: the Case of NGC 2419

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    We have used a combination of ACS-HST high-resolution and wide-field SUBARU data in order to study the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) population over the entire extension of the remote Galactic globular cluster NGC 2419. The BSS population presented here is among the largest ever observed in any stellar system, with more than 230 BSS in the brightest portion of the sequence. The radial distribution of the selected BSS is essentially the same as that of the other cluster stars. In this sense the BSS radial distribution is similar to that of omega Centauri and unlike that of all Galactic globular clusters studied to date, which have highly centrally segregated distributions and, in most cases, a pronounced upturn in the external regions. As in the case of omega Centauri, this evidence indicates that NGC 2419 is not yet relaxed even in the central regions. This observational fact is in agreement with estimated half-mass relaxation time, which is of the order of the cluster age.Comment: in press in the Ap

    The Luminosity Function of M3

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    We present a high precision, large sample luminosity function (LF) for the Galactic globular cluster M3. With a combination of ground based and Hubble Space Telescope data we cover the entire radial extent of the cluster. The observed LF is well fit by canonical standard stellar models from the red giant branch (RGB) tip to below the main sequence turnoff point. Specifically, neither the RGB LF-bump nor subgiant branch LF indicate any breakdown in the standard models. On the main sequence we find evidence for a flat initial mass function and for mass segregation due to the dynamical evolution of the cluster.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures. ApJ, in pres

    Gauge invariance of parametrized systems and path integral quantization

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    Gauge invariance of systems whose Hamilton-Jacobi equation is separable is improved by adding surface terms to the action fuctional. The general form of these terms is given for some complete solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The procedure is applied to the relativistic particle and toy universes, which are quantized by imposing canonical gauge conditions in the path integral; in the case of empty models, we first quantize the parametrized system called ``ideal clock'', and then we examine the possibility of obtaining the amplitude for the minisuperspaces by matching them with the ideal clock. The relation existing between the geometrical properties of the constraint surface and the variables identifying the quantum states in the path integral is discussed.Comment: 23 page
