29 research outputs found

    Thinning practices in rehabilitated mangroves: Opportunity to synergize climate change mitigation and adaptation

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    Mangrove trees act important roles in the coastal ecosystems, protecting community against high-tide and\ud storms, controlling land erosion and providing fish breeding ground. In the last few decades, the massive area has\ud devastated due to commercial shrimp and fish ponds development. To rehabilitate the coastal ecosystems, some\ud mangrove has been planted with spacing distances of 1x1 m with minimal forest management. Those dense-spaced\ud stands enhanced light competitions and inhibit growth. These poor quality and immature stands that reach an early\ud climax in 10-15 years were observed in two adjacent sites near Nam Dinh and Thanh Hoa in northern Vietnam, where\ud Kandelia candel were planted. To cultivate the resurgent stands and increase their growth, thinning mangrove is\ud essential. Stand densities of the mangrove trees with and without the thinning practice were 17,800 and 5,200 trees ha-1,\ud respectively. Their potential of the maximum above-ground biomass were 303 and 239 Mg ha-1, respectively. However,\ud quality of the single tree was largely different whether or not thinning practice is conducted, as the thinned one of 46 kg\ud tree-1 was about three times higher than the non-thinned of 17 kg tree-1. The thinning practice enhances stand biomass\ud growth with improved growth condition in the forest, which advances carbon sequestration for the climate change\ud mitigation. The cultivated trees also ensure the climate change adaptation of coastal protection, fishery products and\ud bio-diversity. Synergizing mitigation and adaptation strategies with the mangrove thinning would enhance the benefits\ud for coastal communities most vulnerable to climate change

    A cost-efficient method to assess carbon stocks in tropical peat soil

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    Estimation of belowground carbon stocks in tropical wetland forests requires funding for laboratory analyses and suitable facilities, which are often lacking in developing nations where most tropical wetlands are found. It is therefore beneficial to develop simple analytical tools to assist belowground carbon estimation where financial and technical limitations are common. Here we use published and original data to describe soil carbon density (kgC m<sup>āˆ’3</sup>; C<sub>d</sub>) as a function of bulk density (gC cm<sup>āˆ’3</sup>; <i>B</i><sub>d</sub>), which can be used to rapidly estimate belowground carbon storage using <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> measurements only. Predicted carbon densities and stocks are compared with those obtained from direct carbon analysis for ten peat swamp forest stands in three national parks of Indonesia. Analysis of soil carbon density and bulk density from the literature indicated a strong linear relationship (C<sub>d</sub> = <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> × 495.14 + 5.41, <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.93, <i>n</i> = 151) for soils with organic C content > 40%. As organic C content decreases, the relationship between C<sub>d</sub> and <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> becomes less predictable as soil texture becomes an important determinant of C<sub>d</sub>. The equation predicted belowground C stocks to within 0.92% to 9.57% of observed values. Average bulk density of collected peat samples was 0.127 g cm<sup>āˆ’3</sup>, which is in the upper range of previous reports for Southeast Asian peatlands. When original data were included, the revised equation C<sub>d</sub> = <i>B</i><sub>d</sub> × 468.76 + 5.82, with <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.95 and <i>n</i> = 712, was slightly below the lower 95% confidence interval of the original equation, and tended to decrease C<sub>d</sub> estimates. We recommend this last equation for a rapid estimation of soil C stocks for well-developed peat soils where C content > 40%