19 research outputs found

    Kinetic theory of simple reacting spheres I

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    We consider physical and mathematical aspects of the model of simple reacting spheres (SRS) in the kinetic theory of chemically reacting fluids. The SRS, being a natural extension of the hard--sphere collisional model, reduces itself to the revised Enskog theory when the chemical reactions are turned off. In the dilute--gas limit, it provides an interesting kinetic model of chemical reactions that has not been considered before. In contrast to other reactive kinetic theories (e.g., line-of-centers models), the SRS has built-in detailed balance and microscopic reversibility conditions. The mathematical analysis of the work consists of global existence result for the system of partial differential equations for the model of SRS.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Centro de Matemática da UM (CMat)FCT-PTDC/MAT/68615/200

    Kinetic theory of simple reacting spheres : an application to coloring processes

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    We consider a simplified version of the kinetic model of simple reacting spheres (SRS) for a quaternary reactive mixture of hard-spheres in the dilute-gas limit. The model mimics a coloring process occurring with probability aR, described by the reversible chemical law A1 + A2 = A3 + A4. We provide the linearized collisional operators of our model and investigate some of their mathematical properties. In particular we obtain an explicit and symmetric representation of the elastic and reactive kernels and use this to prove the compactness of the linearized collisional operator in (L2(R^3))^4.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319166360#otherVersion=978331916637

    On the kinetic systems for simple reacting spheres : modeling and linearized equations

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    Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 75In this work we present some results on the kinetic theory of chemically reacting gases, concerning the model of simple reacting spheres (SRS) for a gaseous mixture undergoing a chemical reaction of type A1 +A2 A3 +A4. Starting from the approach developed in paper [11], we provide properties of the SRS system needed in the mathematical and physical analysis of the model. Our main result in this proceedings provides basic properties of the SRS system linearized around the equilibrium, including the explicit representations of the kernels of the linearized SRS operators.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011, SFRH/BD/28795/200

    The Enskog Process

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    The existence of a weak solution to a McKean-Vlasov type stochastic differential system corresponding to the Enskog equation of the kinetic theory of gases is established under natural conditions. The distribution of any solution to the system at each fixed time is shown to be unique. The existence of a probability density for the time-marginals of the velocity is verified in the case where the initial condition is Gaussian, and is shown to be the density of an invariant measure.Comment: 38 page

    On modified simple reacting spheres kinetic model for chemically reactive gases

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    Versão dos autores para esta publicação.We consider the modiffed simple reacting spheres (MSRS) kinetic model that, in addition to the conservation of energy and momentum, also preserves the angular momentum in the collisional processes. In contrast to the line-of-center models or chemical reactive models considered in [1], in the MSRS (SRS) kinetic models, the microscopic reversibility (detailed balance) can be easily shown to be satisfied, and thus all mathematical aspects of the model can be fully justi ed. In the MSRS model, the molecules behave as if they were single mass points with two internal states. Collisions may alter the internal states of the molecules, and this occurs when the kinetic energy associated with the reactive motion exceeds the activation energy. Reactive and non-reactive collision events are considered to be hard spheres-like. We consider a four component mixture A, B, A*, B*, in which the chemical reactions are of the type A + B = A* + B*, with A* and B* being distinct species from A and B. We provide fundamental physical and mathematical properties of the MSRS model, concerning the consistency of the model, the entropy inequality for the reactive system, the characterization of the equilibrium solutions, the macroscopic setting of the model and the spatially homogeneous evolution. Moreover, we show that the MSRS kinetic model reduces to the previously considered SRS model (e.g., [2], [3]) if the reduced masses of the reacting pairs are the same before and after collisions, and state in the Appendix the more important properties of the SRS system.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Global Solution to the Relativistic Enskog Equation With Near-Vacuum Data

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    We give two hypotheses of the relativistic collision kernal and show the existence and uniqueness of the global mild solution to the relativistic Enskog equation with the initial data near the vacuum for a hard sphere gas.Comment: 6 page

    On Rigorous Derivation of the Enskog Kinetic Equation

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    We develop a rigorous formalism for the description of the kinetic evolution of infinitely many hard spheres. On the basis of the kinetic cluster expansions of cumulants of groups of operators of finitely many hard spheres the nonlinear kinetic Enskog equation and its generalizations are justified. It is established that for initial states which are specified in terms of one-particle distribution functions the description of the evolution by the Cauchy problem of the BBGKY hierarchy and by the Cauchy problem of the generalized Enskog kinetic equation together with a sequence of explicitly defined functionals of a solution of stated kinetic equation is an equivalent. For the initial-value problem of the generalized Enskog equation the existence theorem is proved in the space of integrable functions.Comment: 28 page

    On two kinetic models for chemical reactions: comparisons and existence results,

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    Two kinetic theories for bimolecular chemical reactions in dilute gases are analyzed and compared. Reactive scattering kernels are constructed, satisfying microreversibility principles and yielding a physically plausible link between the two models. Mathematical properties and in particular the role played by microreversibility conditions and by certain elastic collisional terms on existence of solutions are also investigated