4,754 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of nonlinear photoionization to resonance substructure in collective excitation

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    Collective behaviour is a characteristic feature in many-body systems, important for developments in fields such as magnetism, superconductivity, photonics and electronics. Recently, there has been increasing interest in the optically nonlinear response of collective excitations. Here we demonstrate how the nonlinear interaction of a many-body system with intense XUV radiation can be used as an effective probe for characterizing otherwise unresolved features of its collective response. Resonant photoionization of atomic xenon was chosen as a case study. The excellent agreement between experiment and theory strongly supports the prediction that two distinct poles underlie the giant dipole resonance. Our results pave the way towards a deeper understanding of collective behaviour in atoms, molecules and solid-state systems using nonlinear spectroscopic techniques enabled by modern short-wavelength light sources

    The role of string-like, supramolecular assemblies in reentrant supernematic liquid crystals

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    Using a combination of isothermal-isobaric Monte Carlo and microcanonical molecular dynamics we investigate the relation between structure and self-diffusion in various phases of a model liquid crystal using the Gay-Berne-Kihara potential. These molecules are confined to a mesoscopic slit-pore with atomically smooth substrate surfaces. As reported recently [see M. G. Mazza {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 105}, 227802 (2010)], a reentrant nematic (RN) phase may form at sufficiently high pressures/densities. This phase is characterized by a high degree of nematic order and a substantially enhanced self-diffusivity in the direction of the director n^\hat{\bm{n}} which exceeds that of the lower-density nematic and an intermittent smectic A phase by about an order of magnitude. Here we demonstrate that the unique transport behavior in the RN phase may be linked to a confinement-induced packing effect which causes the formation of supramolecular, string-like conformations. The strings consist of several individual molecules that are capable of travelling in the direction of n^\hat{\bm{n}} as individual "trains" consisting of chains of molecular "cars". Individual trains run in parallel and may pass each other at sufficiently high pressures.Comment: 24 page

    Two-electron processes in multiple ionization under strong soft-x-ray radiation

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    In a combined experimental and theoretical study we have investigated the ionization of atomic argon upon irradiation with intense soft-x-ray pulses of 105 eV photon energy from the free-electron laser FLASH. The measured ion yields show charge states up to Ar7+. The comparison with the theoretical study of the underlying photoionization dynamics highlights the importance of excited states in general and of processes governed by electron correlation in particular, namely, ionization with excitation and shake-off, processes usually inaccessible by measurements of ionic yields only. The Ar7+ yield shows a clear deviation from the predictions of the commonly used model of sequential ionization via single-electron processes and the observed signal can only be explained by taking into account the full multiplet structure of the involved configurations and by inclusion of two-electron processes. The competing process of two-photon ionization from the ground state of Ar6+ is calculated to be orders of magnitude smaller

    Estrutura de tamanhos de uma população natural de Maytenus ilicifolia (espinheira-santa) na Floresta Nacional de Irati, Paraná.

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    Os produtos florestais não-madeiráveis (PFNM) são essenciais para a subsistência de algumas comunidades rurais de agricultores familiares e de povos tradicionais. Pesquisas têm evidenciado mais de 200 espécies nativas da Floresta de Araucária como uma opção importante para uso local. O conhecimento da distribuição natural, abundância, estrutura e dinâmica das populações naturais são essenciais para se avaliar a sustentabilidade na extração de PFNM. Neste contexto, este estudo avaliou a estrutura de tamanho de Maytenus ilicifolia, em três anos, em uma população natural localizada na Floresta Nacional de Irati. Foram definidas 11 classes, com intervalos de 0,50 m de altura e 0,50 cm de diâmetro à altura do solo (DAS). A estrutura de tamanho assumiu o tipo J-invertido, contendo representantes em todas as classes, mostrando-se estável nos três anos avaliados. Os resultados mostraram que a população de M. ilicifolia avaliada na Flona de Irati apresenta um padrão típico de população natural não manejada, com distribuição estável, mostrando-se adequada para ser utilizada como base em estudos comparativos, no monitoramento de outras populações localizadas no entorno da Unidade de Conservação, que estejam submetidas a diferentes intensidades de coleta de frutos, sementes e folhas.bitstream/CNPF-2009-09/42623/1/BPD36_CD.pdf1 CD-RO

    Modeling Local Energy Market for Energy Management of Multi-Microgrids

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    The diffusion of distributed energy resources (DERs) has changed the supply-demand balance of power systems. One option to modernize the management of the electricity distribution is to operate the distribution system with interconnected micro-grids (MGs). However, the MG participation in wholesale energy and ancillary service markets creates several challenges in the interactions among the energy market managing entities. To solve these problems, local energy markets (LEMs) have been proposed, where the MGs can trade energy with each other under the management of the LEM manager (LEMM) to minimize their operation cost. In this paper, a local energy market is modeled for multi-MGs (MMGs) to minimize the operation cost of MGs individually and their social welfare in cooperation with each other. In such model, the optimal scheduling of the DERs in each MG is done through the market clearing process. To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the local energy market is applied to a distribution network with three MGs

    Large deviations for a damped telegraph process

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    In this paper we consider a slight generalization of the damped telegraph process in Di Crescenzo and Martinucci (2010). We prove a large deviation principle for this process and an asymptotic result for its level crossing probabilities (as the level goes to infinity). Finally we compare our results with the analogous well-known results for the standard telegraph process

    Angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of two-color XUV-NIR ionization with polarization control

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    Electron emission caused by extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation in the presence of a strong near infrared (NIR) field leads to multiphoton interactions that depend on several parameters. Here, a comprehensive study of the influence of the angle between the polarization directions of the NIR and XUV fields on the two-color angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of He and Ne is presented. The resulting photoelectron angular distribution strongly depends on the orientation of the NIR polarization plane with respect to that of the XUV field. The prevailing influence of the intense NIR field over the angular emission characteristics for He(1s) and Ne(2p) ionization lines is shown. The underlying processes are modeled in the frame of the strong field approximation (SFA) which shows very consistent agreement with the experiment reaffirming the power of the SFA for multicolor-multiphoton ionization in this regime

    Multinet : enabler for next generation enterprise wireless services

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    Wireless communications are currently experiencing a fast migration toward the beyond third-generation (B3G)/fourth generation (4G) era. This represents a generational change in wireless systems: new capabilities related to mobility and new services support is required and new concepts as individual-centric, user-centric or ambient-aware communications are included. One of the main restrictions associated to wireless technology is mobility management, this feature was not considered in the design phase; for this reason, a complete solution is not already found, although different solutions are proposed and are being proposed. In MULTINET project, features as mobility and multihoming are applied to wireless network to provide the necessary network and application functionality enhancements for seamless data communication mobility considering end-user scenario and preferences. The aim of this paper is to show the benefits of these functionalities from the Service Providers and final User point of view

    Topological Wilson-loop area law manifested using a superposition of loops

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    We introduce a new topological effect involving interference of two meson loops, manifesting a path-independent topological area dependence. The effect also draws a connection between quark confinement, Wilson-loops and topological interference effects. Although this is only a gedanken experiment in the context of particle physics, such an experiment may be realized and used as a tool to test confinement effects and phase transitions in quantum simulation of dynamic gauge theories.Comment: Superceding arXiv:1206.2021v1 [quant-ph