56 research outputs found

    Limits on Universality in Ultracold Three-Boson Recombination

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    The recombination rate for three identical bosons has been calculated to test the limits of its universal behavior. It has been obtained for several different collision energies and scattering lengths (a) up to 10^5 a.u., giving rates that vary over 15 orders of magnitude. We find that universal behavior is limited to the threshold region characterized by E lesssim hbar^2/(2mu_{12}a^2), where E is the total energy and mu_{12} is the two-body reduced mass. The analytically predicted infinite series of resonance peaks and interference minima is truncated to no more than three of each for typical experimental parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Efimov effect for three interacting bosonic dipoles

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    Three oriented bosonic dipoles are treated using the hyperspherical adiabatic representation, providing numerical evidence that the Efimov effect persists near a two-dipole resonance and in a system where angular momentum is not conserved. Our results further show that the Efimov features in scattering observables become universal, with a known three-body parameter, i.e. the resonance energies depend only on the two-body physics, which also has implications for the universal spectrum of the four-dipole problem. Moreover, the Efimov states should be long-lived, which is favorable for their creation and manipulation in ultracold dipolar gases. Finally, deeply-bound two-dipole states are shown to be relatively stable against collisions with a third dipole, owing to the emergence of a repulsive interaction originating in the angular momentum nonconservation for this system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Ultracold three-body collisions near overlapping Feshbach resonances

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    We present a comprehensive collection of ultracold three-body collisions properties near overlapping Feshbach resonances. Our results incorporate variations of all scattering lengths and demonstrate novel collisional behavior, such as atom-molecule interference effects. Taking advantage of the unique ways in which these collisions reflect Efimov physics, new pathways to control atomic and molecular losses open up. Further, we show that overlapping resonances can greatly improve the chances of observing multiple Efimov features in an ultracold quantum gas for nearly any system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Ultracold atom-molecule collisions with fermionic atoms

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    Elastic and inelastic properties of weakly bound s- and p-wave molecules of fermionic atoms that collide with a third atom are investigated. Analysis of calculated collisional properties of s-wave dimers of fermions in different spin states permit us to compare and highlight the physical mechanisms that determine the stability of s-wave and p-wave molecules. In contrast to s-wave molecules, the collisional properties of p-wave molecules are found to be largely insensitive to variations of the p-wave scattering length and that these collisions will usually result in short molecular lifetimes. We also discuss the importance of this result for both theories and experiments involving degenerate Fermi gases.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Origin of the Three-body Parameter Universality in Efimov Physics

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    In recent years extensive theoretical and experimental studies of universal few-body physics have led to advances in our understanding of universal Efimov physics [1]. The Efimov effect, once considered a mysterious and esoteric effect, is today a reality that many experiments in ultracold quantum gases have successfully observed and continued to explore [2-14]. Whereas theory was the driving force behind our understanding of Efimov physics for decades, recent experiments have contributed an unexpected discovery. Specifically, measurements have found that the so-called three-body parameter determining several properties of the system is universal, even though fundamental assumptions in the theory of the Efimov effect suggest that it should be a variable property that depends on the precise details of the short-range two- and three-body interactions. The present Letter resolves this apparent contradiction by elucidating unanticipated implications of the two-body interactions. Our study shows that the three-body parameter universality emerges because a universal effective barrier in the three-body potentials prevents the three particles from simultaneously getting close to each other. Our results also show limitations on this universality, as it is more likely to occur for neutral atoms and less likely to extend to light nuclei.Comment: 11 pages; 9 figures. Includes Supplementary Materia

    EïŹmov States Embedded in the Three-Body Continuum

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    We present analytical solutions for the three-body problem with multichannel interactions and identify a class of quasibound Efimov states that can be viewed as three-body Fano-Feshbach resonances. Our method employs a multichannel generalization of the Fermi pseudopotential to model low-energy atom-atom interactions near a magnetically tunable Fano-Feshbach resonance. We discuss the conditions under which quasibound Efimov states may be supported and identify the interaction parameters that limit the lifetimes of these states. We speculate that it may be possible to observe these states using spectroscopic methods, perhaps allowing for the measurement of multiple Efimov resonances

    Mass Dependence of Ultracold Three-Body Collision Rates

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    We show that many aspects of ultracold three-body collisions can be controlled by choosing the mass ratio between the collision partners. In the ultracold regime, the scattering length dependence of the three-body rates can be substantially modified from the equal mass results. We demonstrate that the only non-trivial mass dependence is due solely to Efimov physics. We have determined the mass dependence of the three-body collision rates for all heteronuclear systems relevant for two-component atomic gases with resonant s-wave interspecies interactions, which includes only three-body systems with two identical bosons or two identical fermions

    Cold three-body collisions in hydrogen-hydrogen-alkali atomic system

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    We have studied hydrogen-hydrogen-alkali three-body systems in the adiabatic hyperspherical representation. For the spin-stretched case, there exists a single XXH molecular state when XX is one of the bosonic alkali atoms: 7^7Li, 23^{23}Na, 39^{39}K, 87^{87}Rb and 133^{133}Cs. As a result, the {\em only} recombination process is the one that leads to formation of XXH molecules, H+H+XX→\rightarrowXXH+H, and such molecules will be stable against vibrational relaxation. We have calculated the collision rates for recombination and collision induced dissociation as well as the elastic cross-sections for H+XXH collisions up to a temperature of 0.5 K, including the partial wave contributions from JΠJ^\Pi=0+0^+ to 5−5^-. We have also found that there is just one three-body bound state for such systems for JΠJ^\Pi=0+0^+ and no bound states for higher angular momenta.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    General Theoretical Description of \u3cem\u3eN\u3c/em\u3e-Body Recombination

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    Formulas for the cross section and event rate constant describing recombination of N particles are derived in terms of general S-matrix elements. Our result immediately yields the generalized Wigner threshold scaling for the recombination of N bosons. A semianalytical formula encapsulates the overall scaling with energy and scattering length, as well as resonant modifications by the presence of N-body states near the threshold collision energy in the entrance channel. We then apply our model to the case of four-boson recombination into an Efimov trimer and a free atom

    Universal three-body physics for fermionic dipoles

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    A study of the universal physics for three oriented fermionic dipoles in the hyperspherical adiabatic representation predicts a single long-lived three-dipole state, which exists in only one three-body symmetry, should form near a two-dipole resonance. Our analysis reveals the spatial configuration of the universal state, and the scaling of its binding energy and lifetime with the strength of the dipolar interaction. In addition, three-body recombination of fermionic dipoles is found to be important even at ultracold energies. An additional finding is that an effective long-range repulsion arises between a dipole and a dipolar dimer that is tunable via dipolar interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
