912 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis Plan: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London: Interrupted time series analysis of sensor count data

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    This document is a statistical analysis plan for the NIHR-funded study into Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London. It outlines the methodological approach (including data cleaning, anomaly detection, imputation and statistical analysis) associated with automated sensor data collected as part of the project. It gives particular detail to the interrupted time series method that, dependent on data availability and suitability, should form a significant part of the analysis of sensor data

    Accurate structure factors from pseudopotential methods

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    Highly accurate experimental structure factors of silicon are available in the literature, and these provide the ideal test for any \emph{ab initio} method for the construction of the all-electron charge density. In a recent paper [J. R. Trail and D. M. Bird, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 60}, 7863 (1999)] a method has been developed for obtaining an accurate all-electron charge density from a first principles pseudopotential calculation by reconstructing the core region of an atom of choice. Here this method is applied to bulk silicon, and structure factors are derived and compared with experimental and Full-potential Linear Augmented Plane Wave results (FLAPW). We also compare with the result of assuming the core region is spherically symmetric, and with the result of constructing a charge density from the pseudo-valence density + frozen core electrons. Neither of these approximations provide accurate charge densities. The aspherical reconstruction is found to be as accurate as FLAPW results, and reproduces the residual error between the FLAPW and experimental results.Comment: 6 Pages, 3 figure

    Ab initio study of the volume dependence of dynamical and thermodynamical properties of silicon

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    Motivated by the negative thermal expansion observed for silicon between 20 K and 120 K, we present first an ab initio study of the volume dependence of interatomic force constants, phonon frequencies of TA(X) and TA(L) modes, and of the associated mode Gruneisen parameters. The influence of successive nearest neighbors shells is analysed. Analytical formulas, taking into account interactions up to second nearest neighbors, are developped for phonon frequencies of TA(X) and TA(L) modes and the corresponding mode Gruneisen parameters. We also analyze the volume and pressure dependence of various thermodynamic properties (specific heat, bulk modulus, thermal expansion), and point out the effect of the negative mode Gruneisen parameters of the acoustic branches on these properties. Finally, we present the evolution of the mean square atomic displacement and of the atomic temperature factor with the temperature for different volumes, for which the anomalous effects are even greater.Comment: 24 pages, Revtex 3.0, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Amelogenesis imperfecta

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    Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a group of developmental conditions, genomic in origin, which affect the structure and clinical appearance of enamel of all or nearly all the teeth in a more or less equal manner, and which may be associated with morphologic or biochemical changes elsewhere in the body. The prevalence varies from 1:700 to 1:14,000, according to the populations studied. The enamel may be hypoplastic, hypomineralised or both and teeth affected may be discoloured, sensitive or prone to disintegration. AI exists in isolation or associated with other abnormalities in syndromes. It may show autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-linked and sporadic inheritance patterns. In families with an X-linked form it has been shown that the disorder may result from mutations in the amelogenin gene, AMELX. The enamelin gene, ENAM, is implicated in the pathogenesis of the dominant forms of AI. Autosomal recessive AI has been reported in families with known consanguinity. Diagnosis is based on the family history, pedigree plotting and meticulous clinical observation. Genetic diagnosis is presently only a research tool. The condition presents problems of socialisation, function and discomfort but may be managed by early vigorous intervention, both preventively and restoratively, with treatment continued throughout childhood and into adult life. In infancy, the primary dentition may be protected by the use of preformed metal crowns on posterior teeth. The longer-term care involves either crowns or, more frequently these days, adhesive, plastic restorations

    Monitoring changes in thioredoxin and over-oxidised peroxiredoxin in response to exercise in humans

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    This paper is closed access.Introduction. Peroxiredoxin (PRDX) and thioredoxin (TRX) are antioxidant proteins that control cellular signalling and redox balance, although their response to exercise is unknown. This study aimed to assess key aspects of the PRDX–TRX redox cycle in response to three different modes of exercise. Methods. Healthy males (n = 10, mean ± SD: 22 ± 3 yrs) undertook three exercise trials on separate days: two steady-state cycling trials at moderate (60% O2MAX; 27 min, MOD) and high (80% O2MAX; 20 min, HIGH) intensities, and a low-volume high-intensity interval training trial (10 × 1 min 90% O2MAX, LV-HIIT). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were assessed for TRX-1 and over-oxidised PRDX (isoforms I–IV) protein expression before, during, and 30 min following exercise (post + 30). The activities of TRX reductase (TRX-R) and the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) p65 subunit were also assessed. Results. TRX-1 increased during exercise in all trials (MOD, + 84.5%; HIGH, + 64.1%; LV-HIIT, + 205.7%; p < 05), whereas over-oxidised PRDX increased during HIGH only (MOD, − 28.7%; HIGH, + 202.9%; LV-HIIT, − 22.7%; p < .05). TRX-R and NF-κB p65 activity increased during exercise in all trials, with the greatest response in TRX-R activity seen in HIGH (p < 0.05). Discussion. All trials stimulated a transient increase in TRX-1 protein expression during exercise. Only HIGH induced a transient over-oxidation of PRDX, alongside the greatest change in TRX-R activity. Future studies are needed to clarify the significance of heightened peroxide exposure during continuous high-intensity exercise and the mechanisms of PRDX-regulatory control

    Biblical Theology of Life in the New Testament

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    This publication deals with A Biblical Theology of Life based on the New Testament. It forms the second of a two volume publication on A Biblical Theology of Life. These two volumes trace the concept of life throughout Protestant canon, working with the final form of the biblical books in Hebrew (vol. 5) and Greek (vol. 6) Scripture. This is done by providing the reader with a book-by-book overview of this concept. This book concludes with a final chapter synthesising the findings of the respective investigations of the Old and New Testament corpora in order to provide a summative theological perspective of the development of the concept through Scripture. It is clear that life forms a central and continuous theme throughout the Biblical text. The theme begins with the living God that creates life, but is shortly followed by death that threatens life. Despite this threat, God sustains life and awakens life from death. The text concludes with the consummation depicting eternal life in the new heaven and earth. The biblical theological approach that has been taken entails a thematic approach as it investigates the concept of life, with contextual foci on what individual books of Scripture teach about life, joined diachronically with an investigation of the progressive use of the concept of life in Scripture, while providing a theology of Scripture as a whole investigating the concept of life in all sixty-six books of the Protestant canon

    Community governance or corporate governance? Two models for primary care provision in England

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    This article discusses two models of primary care provision in England: a now-dominant corporate-led approach and a voluntary-led approach. Recent case study data are used to identify the differing implications of these contrasting ways of organizing care. The two approaches are examined with reference to claims that neoliberal welfare is characterized by a parallel shift from 'passive' to 'active' welfare, or from the citizen as recipient to the citizen as participant. In this analysis, the individualized, privatized self is encouraged by – and supports – a privatized welfare regime. By contrast, this paper finds that the increasingly hegemonic corporate-led model of welfare can actually inhibit the development of service users into active citizens. Instead, a voluntary-led model may be more flexible and more likely to promote welfare systems with citizen participation. However, the corporate-led model is increasingly favoured by the UK government, which is keen to include such firms in service planning as well as service provision. This creates a disjuncture between economics and governance that causes rhetorical and practical problems for neoliberal welfare regimes

    Ethical and political issues in contemporary research relationships

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    This article discusses how ethical and political issues affect contemporary research relationships. It focuses on the responsibilities of researchers studying organisations and elites, and the discussion draws upon the author’s experience of researching NHS primary health care services. The paper reviews the spread of “ethical guidelines” from medical to social research. Such guidelines primarily address ethical problems relating to individual researcher-researched relationships. Sociologists have criticised the application of medically-based guidelines to social research, while often accepting an ethical framework based on the researcher-researched dyad. But this limited conception of ethical responsibilities leaves complex organisational power hierarchies and their effects under-theorised. Researchers may then be vulnerable and lack guidance where organisational loyalties and market mechanisms have undermined the traditional supports of academic independence and professionalism. Sociologists could learn from critical medical scientists’ responses to some related ethical dilemmas, as some medical researchers have experienced these issues more acutely and for longer