5 research outputs found

    Mass Dependence of M3Y-Type Interactions and the Effects of Tensor Correlations

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    The mass dependence of the M3Y-type effective interactions and the effects of tensor correlations are examined. Two-body nuclear matrix elements are obtained by the lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) technique with and without tensor correlations. We have found that the tensor correlations are important especially in the triplet-even (TE) and tensor-even (TNE) channels in order to reproduce the G-matrix elements obtained previously. Then M3Y-type potentials for inelastic scattering are obtained by fitting our two-body matrix elements to those of a sum of Yukawa functions for the mass numbers A=24, A=40 and A=90.Comment: 13 pages, 6 table

    Binding energy and single–particle Energies in the 160 region

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    In this paper we present the binding energy of 160 together with single-particle energies in the oxygen region by folding together a Hamiltonian in the rest-frame of the nucleus with two-body correlation functions based on the Njimegen potential. We have found that the binding energies are very sensitive to the core radius rc and that the effects of tensor correlations are non-negligible. Our calculated binding energy, EB= - 127.6MeV with rc = 0.241 fm compares well with the experimental binding energy, EB = - 127.6MeV. Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol. 9 2005: pp. 65-6

    On strongly correlated N-electron systems

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    An attempt is made in this work to extend the correlated variational approach of Chen and Mei [1], which was developed for two-electron systems, to N-electron systems (N>2). Preliminary results are reported here for four electrons interacting under a Hubbard-type potential in a one-dimensional lattice with only four sitesJournal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol. 8 2004: pp. 337-34

    A review of 20Ne structure in a full microscopic self-consistent shell–model calculation with tensor correlations

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    A set of single-particle energies together with a set of two-body matrix- elements derived in a self –consistent manner from the Reid soft–core potential are used to calculate the energy levels of 20Ne. We used a harmonic oscillator wave function folded with two-body correlation functions in our calculation. It is found that the calculated spectra agree very well with experiment and the best available shell-model calculations by other workers. As a result we have demonstrated that it is possible to calculate the spectroscopy of nuclei microscopically and self-consistently in such a way that both the single –particle energies and the effective two-body interactions are derived from the same procedure. Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics Vol. 8 2004: pp. 63-6

    Inorganic Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis

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