867 research outputs found

    Cold-air performance of free-power turbine designed for 112-kilowatt automotive gas-turbine engine. 1: Design Stator-vane-chord setting angle of 35 deg

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    A cold air experimental investigation of a free power turbine designed for a 112-kW automotive gas-turbine was made over a range of speeds from 0 to 130 percent of design equivalent speeds and over a range of pressure ratio from 1.11 to 2.45. Results are presented in terms of equivalent power, torque, mass flow, and efficiency for the design power point setting of the variable stator

    Experimental performance evaluation of a 4.59- inch radial-inflow turbine over a range of Reynolds number

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    Effect of Reynolds number on performance of 4.59-inch tip diameter radial inflow turbin

    Design and cold-air investigation of a turbine for a small low-cost turbofan engine

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    An 8.00-in mean diameter two-stage turbine was investigated over a range of speeds from 0 to 110 percent of equivalent design speed and over a range of pressure ratios from 1.79 to 5.14. Presented are design information and turbine performance for first-stage and two-stage operation. Results are presented in terms of equivalent specific work, torque, mass flow, rotor exit flow angle, and efficiency

    The Craziest Reform of Them All: A Critical Analysis of the Constitutional Implications of Abolishing the Insanity Defense

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    Turbine for ordnance turbojet engine. 2: Cold-air performance with opened stator

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    A single-stage axial-flow turbine was investigated to determine the effect of increased stator throat area on the performance level of a turbojet engine turbine. The stator blades were bent to increase the throat area in order to move the compressor operating point in the engine farther away from surge. Results are compared with those obtained with the as-cast stator setting

    An Anticipatory Geriatric Strategy: To Better Care for Those Americans Not Yet Old

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    Current US public policy decisions will have impact on national plans to care for the aging American baby boomer population over the next several decades. The recent health care legislative debate has been largely about the structure of health care for those still too young to be covered by Medicare, but the legislation may have important implications for the average rates of accumulating chronic illness and disability in midlife and influence the care needs for that cohort of individuals even after they become elderly

    Functional Consequences of Compartmentalization of Synaptic Input

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    Intra-axonal recordings of stomatogastric nerve axon 1 (SNAX1) indicate that there are synaptic inputs onto the SNAX1 terminals in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of the crab Cancer borealis (Nusbaum et al., 1992b). To determine whether this synaptic input only influenced SNAX1 activity within the STG, we identified the SNAX1 soma in the commissural ganglion (CoG). We found that this neuron has a neuropilar arborization in the CoG and also receives synaptic inputs in this ganglion. Based on its soma location, we have renamed this neuron modulatory commissural neuron 1 (MCN1). While intracellular stimulation of MCN1soma and MCN1SNAX has the same excitatory effects on the STG motor patterns, MCN1 receives distinct synaptic inputs in the STG and CoG. Moreover, the synaptic input that MCN1 receives within the STG compartmentalizes its activity. Specifically, the lateral gastric (LG) neuron synaptically inhibits MCN1SNAX-initiated activity within the STG (Nusbaum et al., 1992b), and while LG did not inhibit MCN1soma- initiated activity in the CoG, it did inhibit these MCN1 impulses when they arrived in the STG. As a result, during MCN1soma-elicited gastric mill rhythms, MCN1soma is continually active in the CoG but its effects are rhythmically inhibited in the STG by LG neuron impulse bursts. One functional consequence of this local control of MCN1 within the STG is that the LG neuron thereby controls the timing of the impulse bursts in other gastric mill neurons. Thus, local synaptic input can functionally compartmentalize the activity of a neuron with arbors in distinct regions of the nervous system