18 research outputs found

    Mitigating the effect of non-stationarity in spectral analysis-An application to neonate heart rate analysis

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    In order to mitigate the effect of non-stationarity in frequency domain analysis of data, we propose a modification to the power spectral estimation, a widely used technique to characterize physiological signals. Spectral analysis requires partitioning data into smaller epochs determined by the desired frequency resolution. The modified approach proposed here involves dividing the data within each epoch by the standard deviation of the data for that epoch. We applied this modified approach to cardiac beat-to-beat interval data recorded from a newborn infant undergoing hypothermia treatment for birth asphyxia. The critically ill infant had episodes of tachyarrhythmia, distributed sporadically throughout the study, which affected the stationarity of the heart rate. Over the period of continuous heart rate recording, the infant’s clinical course deteriorated progressively culminating in death. Coinciding with this clinical deterioration, the heart rate signal showed striking changes in both low-frequency and high-frequency power indicating significant impairment of the autonomic nervous system. The standard spectral approach failed to capture these phenomena because of the non-stationarity of the signal. Conversely, the modified approach proposed here captured the deteriorating physiology of the infant clearly

    Detrended fluctuation analysis of non-stationary cardiac beat-to-beat interval of sick infants

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    We performed detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) of cardiac beat-to-beat intervals (RRis) collected from sick newborn infants over 1–4 day periods. We calculated four different metrics from the DFA fluctuation function: the DFA exponents αL\alpha_{L} (>40 beats up to one-fourth of the record length), αs\alpha_{s} (15–30 beats), root-mean-square (RMS) fluctuation on a short-time scale (20–50 beats), and RMS fluctuation on a long-time scale (110–150 beats). Except αL\alpha_{L} , all metrics clearly distinguished two groups of newborn infants (favourable vs. adverse) with well-characterized outcomes. However, the RMS fluctuations distinguished the two groups more consistently over time compared to αS\alpha_{S} . Furthermore, RMS distinguished the RRi of the two groups earlier compared to the DFA exponent. In all the three measures, the favourable outcome group displayed higher values, indicating a higher magnitude of (auto-)correlation and variability, thus normal physiology, compared to the adverse outcome group