7 research outputs found

    Innovation Performance in Poland and Polish Companies

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    The goal of this paper is to analyse the current innovation situation of Poland's economy and Polish companies in comparison to EU countries. The article presents also results of survey on investing in innovations in large Polish companies.Wci膮偶 najbardziej innowacyjnymi przedsi臋biorstwami w Polsce s膮 du偶e przedsi臋biorstwa, co wynika膰 mo偶e przede wszystkim ze znacznej ilo艣ci 艣rodk贸w finansowych na tego typu dzia艂ania. Niemniej jednak, to w艂a艣nie sektor MSP jest sektorem dominuj膮cym w polskiej gospodarce i to w艂a艣nie jego aktywno艣膰 innowacyjn膮 powinno si臋 pobudza膰

    Modeling and simulations of MEMS gyroscope with MATLAB/SIMULINK package

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    This paper presents developed mathematical model of MEMS gyroscope created in Matlab/SIMULINK environment. The model can be very useful for calculating MEMS gyroscope geometrical parameters. These parameters play very significant role, because they have huge and direct impact on device response, performance and further possibilities of application. Results of simulations are presented in this article separately for drive and sense direction. In addition there are also results in frequency domain presented. With all these results we obtain quick overview of behavior this kind of MEMS device and response characteristics

    Extracting and updating data performance during bulk numerical calculations in databases

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    Nowadays, more complex engineering problems need to carry out increasingly complex numerical calculations. In order to obtain the results as soon as possible, engineers must simplify the physical model on the one hand, apply appropriately efficient infrastructure to carry out calculations on the other. This infrastructure includes both hardware and software. Problems in numerical calculations in scientific applications are often caused by non-optimal front-end application code implementation or by ineffective system of scientific data management at back-end. In this article author presents some aspects of performance problems when relational database is used as backend storage. Of course, the biggest problem in numerical computation processing is that the large amount of data stored on the storage area can slow down the entire computing system and in turn directly affects the computational efficiency. Presented examples come from simulated OLTP (Online Transactional Processing) environments with large load and many queries executed. These examples can reflect real problems with data processing in numerical calculations on data extracted from MSSQL Server database with large storage system connected

    A relational database performance considerations for numerical simulation backend storage

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    Problems of effective numerical calculations in scientific applications are caused by non-optimal front-end application code or ineffective system of scientific data management at back-end. In this article author presents some aspects of performance problems when relational database is used as backend storage based on real cases. Presented examples come from simulated environments with large load and many queries executed. These examples can reflect real problems with data processing in numerical calculations on data extracted from MSSQL Server database

    MEMS accelerometer simulations in Matlab/SIMULINK and COMSOL Multiphysics

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    In this paper modelling and simulation of MEMS accelerometers in Matlab/SIMULINK environment are presented. Results of simulations of three different approaches: mathematical, electrical equivalent and physical models are compared with FEM accelerometer model created in COMSOL software. Results of simulations are analyzed for displacement response for two of the most popular spring geometries - folded and straight. Author takes into consideration crucial aspects of damping coefficients influence on accelerometer performance

    Comparative study on various microbolometer structures

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    Meaningful progress in the fields of MEMS is associated with the continuous development of the micromachining technologies. One of the most promising devices in MEMS is thermal sensors. When the first microbolometer appeared on the market, a huge interest in thermal detectors was observed. This paper is a short overview study on microbolometer geometry, different solutions and possibilities to implement them as electrical models

    Follow-up ecological studies for cryptic species discoveries: Decrypting the leopard frogs of the eastern U.S.

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    Cryptic species are a challenge for systematics, but their elucidation also may leave critical information gaps about the distribution, conservation status, and behavior of affected species. We use the leopard frogs of the eastern U.S. as a case study of this issue. We refined the known range of the recently described Rana kauffeldi, the Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog, relative to the region's two other leopard frog species, conducted assessments of conservation status, and improved methods for separating the three species using morphological field characters. We conducted over 2,000 call and visual surveys and took photographs of and tissue samples from hundreds of frogs. Genetic analysis supported a three-species taxonomy and provided determinations for 220 individual photographed frogs. Rana kauffeldi was confirmed in eight U.S. states, from North Carolina to southern Connecticut, hewing closely to the Atlantic Coastal Plain. It can be reliably differentiated in life from R. pipiens, and from R. sphenocephala 90% of the time, based on such characters as the femoral reticulum patterning, dorsal spot size and number, and presence of a snout spot. However, the only diagnostic character separating R. kauffeldi from R. sphenocephala remains the breeding call described in 2014. Based on our field study, museum specimens, and prior survey data, we suggest that R. kauffeldi has declined substantially in the northern part of its range, but is more secure in the core of its range. We also report, for the first time, apparent extirpations of R. pipiens from the southeastern portion of its range, previously overlooked because of confusion with R. kauffeldi. We conclude with a generalized ecological research agenda for cryptic species. For R. kauffeldi, needs include descriptions of earlier life stages, studies of niche partitioning with sympatric congeners and the potential for hybridization, and identification of conservation actions to prevent further declines