12,371 research outputs found

    An Advanced LMI-Based-LQR Design for Load Frequency Control of an Autonomous Hybrid Generation System

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    Part 13: Energy GenerationInternational audienceThis paper proposes a load frequency control scheme for an autonomous hybrid generation system consisting of wind turbine generator (WTG), diesel engine generator (DEG), fuel cell (FC), aquaelectrolyzer (AE) and battery energy storage system (BESS). In wind power generation systems, operating conditions are changing continually due to wind speed and load changes, having an effect on system frequency. Therefore, a robust controller is required for load frequency control. The control scheme is based on Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI)-Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). The control optimization problem is obtained in terms of a system of LMI constraints and matrix equations that are simultaneously solved. The proposed load frequency control scheme with the advanced LMI-based-LQR (ALQR) design is applied for the autonomous hybrid generation system. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller is demonstrated for different load and wind power perturbations. The results suggest superior performance of the proposed ALQR controller against an optimal output state feedback controller. The integrated control could be realized though the web by applying Internet of Things technologies within the future smart grid

    Tomographic approach to resolving the distribution of LISA Galactic binaries

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    The space based gravitational wave detector LISA is expected to observe a large population of Galactic white dwarf binaries whose collective signal is likely to dominate instrumental noise at observational frequencies in the range 10^{-4} to 10^{-3} Hz. The motion of LISA modulates the signal of each binary in both frequency and amplitude, the exact modulation depending on the source direction and frequency. Starting with the observed response of one LISA interferometer and assuming only doppler modulation due to the orbital motion of LISA, we show how the distribution of the entire binary population in frequency and sky position can be reconstructed using a tomographic approach. The method is linear and the reconstruction of a delta function distribution, corresponding to an isolated binary, yields a point spread function (psf). An arbitrary distribution and its reconstruction are related via smoothing with this psf. Exploratory results are reported demonstrating the recovery of binary sources, in the presence of white Gaussian noise.Comment: 13 Pages and 9 figures high resolution figures can be obtains from http://www.phys.utb.edu/~rajesh/lisa_tomography.pd

    The Planetary Mass Companion 2MASS1207-3932 B: Temperature, Mass and Evidence for an Edge-On Disk

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    We present J-band imaging and H+K-band low-resolution spectroscopy of 2MASS1207-3932 AB, obtained with VLT NACO. For the putative planetary mass secondary, we find J = 20.0+/-0.2 mag. The HK spectra of both components imply low gravity, and a dusty atmosphere for the secondary. Comparisons to synthetic spectra yield Teff_A ~ 2550+/-150K, and Teff_B ~ 1600+/-100K, consistent with their late-M and mid-to-late L types. For these Teff, and an age of 5-10 Myrs, evolutionary models imply M_A ~ 24+/-6 M_Jup and M_B ~ 8+/-2 M_Jup. Independent comparisons of these models to the observed colors, spanning ~I to L', also yield the same masses and temperatures. Our primary mass agrees with other recent analyses; however, our secondary mass, while still in the planetary regime, is 2-3 times larger than claimed previously. This discrepancy can be traced to the luminosities: while the absolute photometry and Mbol of the primary agree with theoretical predictions, the secondary is ~ 2.5+/-0.5 mag fainter than expected in all bands from I to L' and in Mbol. This accounts for the much lower secondary mass (and temperature) derived earlier. We argue that this effect is highly unlikely to result from a variety of model-related problems, and is instead real. This conclusion is bolstered by the absence of any luminosity problems in either the primary, or in AB Pic B which we also analyse. We therefore suggest grey extinction in 2M1207B, due to occlusion by an edge-on circum-secondary disk. This is consistent with the observed properties of edge-on disks around T Tauri stars, and with the known presence of a high-inclination evolved disk around the primary. Finally, the system's implied mass ratio of ~0.3 suggests a binary-like formation scenario. (abridged)Comment: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal, 43 pages text + 16 figs + 1 tabl

    An all-sky search algorithm for continuous gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars in binary systems

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    Rapidly spinning neutron stars with non-axisymmetric mass distributions are expected to generate quasi-monochromatic continuous gravitational waves. While many searches for unknown, isolated spinning neutron stars have been carried out, there have been no previous searches for unknown sources in binary systems. Since current search methods for unknown, isolated neutron stars are already computationally limited, expanding the parameter space searched to include binary systems is a formidable challenge. We present a new hierarchical binary search method called TwoSpect, which exploits the periodic orbital modulations of the continuous waves by searching for patterns in doubly Fourier-transformed data. We will describe the TwoSpect search pipeline, including its mitigation of detector noise variations and corrections for Doppler frequency modulation caused by changing detector velocity. Tests on Gaussian noise and on a set of simulated signals will be presented.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Mesoscopic BCS pairing in the repulsive 1d-Hubbard model

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    We study mesoscopic pairing in the one dimensional repulsive Hubbard model and its interplay with the BCS model in the canonical ensemble. The key tool is comparing the Bethe ansatz equations of the two models in the limit of small Coulomb repulsion. For the ordinary Hubbard interaction the BCS Bethe equations with infinite pairing coupling are recovered; a finite pairing is obtained by considering a further density-dependent phase-correlation in the hopping amplitude of the Hubbard model. We find that spin degrees of freedom in the Hubbard ground state are arranged in a state of the BCS type, where the Cooper-pairs form an un-condensed liquid on a ``lattice'' of single particle energies provided by the Hubbard charge degrees of freedom; the condensation in the BCS ground state corresponds to Hubbard excitations constituted by a sea of spin singlets.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. To be published on Physical Review

    The pattern of distant metastasis and clinicopathological factors associated with de-novo metastatic cervical cancer: a retrospective analysis

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    Background: Metastatic cervical cancer carries poor prognosis. The factors associated with distant metastasis in newly diagnosed cervical cancer patients are not clear.Methods: A retrospective analytical study was performed to study the pattern of distant metastasis, and to evaluate the factors associated with de-novo metastatic cervical cancer. Univariate and multivariate analysis (by MANOVA) were used to evaluate the association. P≤0.05 was considered significant.Results: Out of 1321 newly diagnosed cervical cancer patients, 54 (4.1%) had de-novo metastatic disease and most of which (81%) were found at single site. Common sites of distant metastasis were non-regional nodes, followed by liver, lung, peritoneum and bone. Univariate analysis showed the factors associated with de-novo metastasis were non squamous subtype, high grade histology, bulky primary tumor (>4 cm), pelvic/para-aortic lymphadenopathy, and hydroureteronephrosis. Multivariate analysis revealed the factors associated with de-novo metastasis were bulky primary tumor (>4 cm), high grade histology, pelvic/para aortic lymphadenopathy, hydroureteronephrosis.Conclusions: Newly diagnosed cervical cancer patients with bulky primary tumor, high grade histology, pelvic or para aortic lymphadenopathy, hydroureteronephrosis are associated with higher risk of de-novo distant metastasis

    Saturation of dephasing time in mesoscopic devices produced by a ferromagnetic state

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    We consider an exchange model of itinerant electrons in a Heisenberg ferromagnet and we assume that the ferromagnet is in a fully polarized state. Using the Holstein-Primakoff transformation we are able to obtain a boson-fermion Hamiltonian that is well-known in the interaction between light and matter. This model describes the spontaneous emission in two-level atoms that is the proper decoherence mechanism when the number of modes of the radiation field is taken increasingly large, the vacuum acting as a reservoir. In the same way one can see that the interaction between the bosonic modes of spin waves and an itinerant electron produces decoherence by spin flipping with a rate proportional to the size of the system. In this way we are able to show that the experiments on quantum dots, described in D. K. Ferry et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 82}, 4687 (1999)], and nanowires, described in D. Natelson et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 86}, 1821 (2001)], can be understood as the interaction of itinerant electrons and an electron gas in a fully polarized state.Comment: 10 pages, no figure. Changed title. Revised version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Phase-coherence time saturation in mesoscopic systems: wave function collapse

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    A finite phase-coherence time τϕmeas\tau_{\phi}^{meas} emerges from iterative measurement onto a quantum system. For a rapid sequence, the phase-coherence time is found explicitly. For the stationary charge conduction problem, it is bounded. At all order, in the time-interval of measurements, we propose a general expression for τϕmeas\tau_{\phi}^{meas}.Comment: 8 pages, 0 figures, Late

    Chern-simon type photon mass from fermion electric dipole moments at finite temperature in 3+1 dimensions

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    We study the low energy effective field theory of fermions with electric and magnetic dipole moments at finite temperature. We find that at one loop there is an interaction term of the Chern-Simon form LI=mμAνF~μν{\cal L_I}=m_\mu\>A_\nu {\tilde F}^{\mu\nu}. The four vector mμdiμimi2 μ(lnT)m_\mu \simeq d_i \mu_i m_i^2 ~{\partial_\mu}\>(ln T) is interpreted as a Chern- Simon type mass of photons, which is determined by the electric (magnetic) dipole moments did_i (μi\mu_i) of the fermions in the vacuum polarisation loop diagram. The physical consequence of such a photon mass is that, photons of opposite circular polarisations, propagating through a hot medium, have different group velocities. We estimate that the time lag between the arrival times of the left and right circularly polarised light signals from pulsars. If the light propagates through a hot plasma (where the temperature in some regions is T100MeVT \sim 100 MeV) then the time lag between the two circularly polarised signals of frequency ω\omega will be Δt(ω)106/ω\Delta t(\omega) \simeq 10^{-6} /\omega. It may be possible to observe this effect in pulsar signals which propagate through nebula at high temperatures.Comment: plain TeX, 9 page

    Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Observations of Magnetic Activity in Ultracool Dwarfs. III. X-ray, Radio, and H-alpha Activity Trends in M and L Dwarfs

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    [Abridged] As part of our on-going investigation into the magnetic field properties of ultracool dwarfs, we present simultaneous radio, X-ray, and H-alpha observations of three M9.5-L2.5 dwarfs (BRI0021-0214, LSR060230.4+391059, and 2MASSJ052338.2-140302). We do not detect X-ray or radio emission from any of the three sources, despite previous detections of radio emission from BRI0021 and 2M0523-14. Steady and variable H-alpha emission are detected from 2M0523-14 and BRI0021, respectively, while no H-alpha emission is detected from LSR0602+39. Overall, our survey of nine M8-L5 dwarfs doubles the number of ultracool dwarfs observed in X-rays, and triples the number of L dwarfs, providing in addition the deepest limits to date, log(L_X/L_bol)<-5. With this larger sample we find the first clear evidence for a substantial reduction in X-ray activity, by about two orders of magnitude, from mid-M to mid-L dwarfs. We find that the decline in both X-rays and H-alpha roughly follows L_{X,Halpha}/L_bol ~ 10^[-0.4x(SP-M6)] for SP>M6. In the radio band, however, the luminosity remains relatively unchanged from M0 to L4, leading to a substantial increase in L_rad/L_bol. Our survey also provides the first comprehensive set of simultaneous radio/X-ray/H-alpha observations of ultracool dwarfs, and reveals a clear breakdown of the radio/X-ray correlation beyond spectral type M7, evolving smoothly from L_{\nu,rad}/L_X ~ 10^-15.5 to ~10^-11.5 Hz^-1 over the narrow spectral type range M7-M9. This breakdown reflects the substantial reduction in X-ray activity beyond M7, but its physical origin remains unclear since, as evidenced by the uniform radio emission, there is no drop in the field dissipation and particle acceleration efficiency.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 19 pages, 10 figures, 5 table