6,375 research outputs found

    Differential expansion for link polynomials

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    The differential expansion is one of the key structures reflecting group theory properties of colored knot polynomials, which also becomes an important tool for evaluation of non-trivial Racah matrices. This makes highly desirable its extension from knots to links, which, however, requires knowledge of the 6j6j-symbols, at least, for the simplest triples of non-coincident representations. Based on the recent achievements in this direction, we conjecture a shape of the differential expansion for symmetrically-colored links and provide a set of examples. Within this study, we use a special framing that is an unusual extension of the topological framing from knots to links. In the particular cases of Whitehead and Borromean rings links, the differential expansions are different from the previously discovered.Comment: 11 page

    Free-Field Representation of Group Element for Simple Quantum Group

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    A representation of the group element (also known as ``universal T{\cal T}-matrix'') which satisfies Δ(g)=gg\Delta(g) = g\otimes g, is given in the form g=(s=1dB.> E1/qi(s)(χ(s)Ti(s)))q2ϕH(s=1dB.< Eqi(s)(ψ(s)T+i(s))) g = \left(\prod_{s=1}^{d_B}\phantom.^>\ {\cal E}_{1/q_{i(s)}}(\chi^{(s)}T_{-i(s)})\right) q^{2\vec\phi\vec H} \left(\prod_{s=1}^{d_B}\phantom.^<\ {\cal E}_{q_{i(s)}}(\psi^{(s)} T_{+i(s)})\right) where dB=12(dGrG)d_B = \frac{1}{2}(d_G - r_G), qi=qαi2/2q_i = q^{|| \vec\alpha_i||^2/2} and Hi=2Hαi/αi2H_i = 2\vec H\vec\alpha_i/||\vec\alpha_i||^2 and T±iT_{\pm i} are the generators of quantum group associated respectively with Cartan algebra and the {\it simple} roots. The ``free fields'' $\chi,\ \vec\phi,\ \psiformaHeisenberglikealgebra: form a Heisenberg-like algebra: \psi^{(s)}\psi^{(s')} = q^{-\vec\alpha_{i(s)} \vec\alpha_{i(s')}} \psi^{(s')}\psi^{(s)}, & \chi^{(s)}\chi^{(s')} = q^{-\vec\alpha_{i(s)}\vec\alpha_{i(s')}} \chi^{(s')}\chi^{(s)}& {\rm for} \ s<s', \\ q^{\vec h\vec\phi}\psi^{(s)} = q^{\vec h\vec\alpha_{i(s)}} \psi^{(s)}q^{\vec h\vec\phi}, & q^{\vec h\vec\phi}\chi^{(s)} = q^{\vec h \vec\alpha_{i(s)}}\chi^{(s)}q^{\vec h\vec\phi}, & \\ &\psi^{(s)} \chi^{(s')} = \chi^{(s')}\psi^{(s)} & {\rm for\ any}\ s,s'.Wearguethatthe We argue that the d_Gparametricmanifoldwhich-parametric ``manifold'' which gspansintheoperatorvalueduniversalenveloppingalgebra,canalsobeinvariantunderthegroupmultiplication spans in the operator-valued universal envelopping algebra, can also be invariant under the group multiplication g \rightarrow g'\cdot g''.Theuniversal. The universal {\cal R}matrixwiththepropertythat-matrix with the property that {\cal R} (g\otimes I)(I\otimes g) = (I\otimes g)(g\otimes I){\cal R}isgivenbytheusualformula is given by the usual formula R=qijrGαi2αj2(αα)ij1HiHjα>0dBEqα((qαqα1)TαTα).{\cal R} = q^{-\sum_{ij}^{r_G}||\vec\alpha_i||^2|| \vec\alpha_j||^2 (\vec\alpha\vec\alpha)^{-1}_{ij}H_i \otimes H_j}\prod_{ \vec\alpha > 0}^{d_B}{\cal E}_{q_{\vec\alpha}}\left(-(q_{\vec\alpha}- q_{\vec\alpha}^{-1})T_{\vec\alpha}\otimes T_{-\vec\alpha}\right).$Comment: 68 page

    Bayesian fan charts for U.K. inflation: forecasting and sources of uncertainty in an evolving monetary system

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    We estimate a Bayesian vector autoregression for the U.K. with drifting coefficients and stochastic volatilities. We use it to characterize posterior densities for several objects that are useful for designing and evaluating monetary policy, including local approximations to the mean, persistence, and volatility of inflation. We present diverse sources of uncertainty that impinge on the posterior predictive density for inflation, including model uncertainty, policy drift, structural shifts and other shocks. We use a recently developed minimum entropy method to bring outside information to bear on inflation forecasts. We compare our predictive densities with the Bank of England's fan charts

    Phase behaviour of block copolymer melts with arbitrary architecture

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    The Leibler theory [L. Leibler, Macromolecules, v.13, 1602 (1980)] for microphase separation in AB block copolymer melts is generalized for systems with arbitrary topology of molecules. A diagrammatic technique for calculation of the monomeric correlation functions is developed. The free energies of various mesophases are calculated within the second-harmonic approximation. Model highly-branched tree-like structures are considered as an example and their phase diagrams are obtained. The topology of molecules is found to influence the spinodal temperature and asymmetry of the phase diagrams, but not the types of phases and their order. We suggest that all model AB block-copolymer systems will exhibit the typical phase behaviour.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phys., see also http://rugmd4.chem.rug.nl/~morozov/research.htm

    Surface EM waves on 1D Photonic Crystals

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    We study surface states of 1D photonic crystals using a semiclassical coupled wave theory. Both TE and TM modes are treated. We derive analytic approximations that clarify the systematics of the dispersion relations, and the roles of the various parameters defining the crystal.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure