1,547 research outputs found

    Unidimensional model of the ad-atom diffusion on a substrate submitted to a standing acoustic wave II. Solutions of the ad-atom motion equation

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    The ad-atom dynamic equation, a Langevin type equation is analyzed and solved using some non-linear analytical and numerical tools. We noticeably show that the effect of the surface acoustic wave is to induce an effective potential that governs the diffusion of the ad-atom: the minima of this effective potential correspond to the preferential sites in which the ad-atom spends more time. The strength of this effective potential is compared to the destructuring role of the thermal diffusion and to the crystalline potential induced by the substrate

    Los derechos de los nacionales de terceros países en la Unión Europea: situación jurídico-política tras la proclamación de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión

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    Con la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Amsterdam (1 de mayo de 1999) emerge jurídicamente la cuestión del asilo y de la inmigración como una política comunitaria (Título IV del TCE); con el Consejo Europeo de Tampere (15-16 de octubre de 1999) se inicia el pistoletazo de salida para la creación del llamado espacio de libertad, seguridad y justícia; y en el Consejo Europeo de Niza (diciembre del 2000) se proclama la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión que constituye una pieza esencial de naturaleza política que está empezando a influir en el sistema comunitario de derechos y obligaciones de los nacionales de terceros países en la Unión. Este artículo tiene como objetivo destacar la contribución de dicha Carta a la aplicación efectiva de una política de integración, junto con las medidas legislativas propuestas por la Comisión por lo que se refiere a los derechos de los nacionales de terceros países.With the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam (May 1, 1999) the question arises legally of asylum and immigration as a Community policy (Title IV TEC), with the Council Tampere European (15-16 October 1999) will kick-start the creation of the named area of freedom, security and justice, and in the Nice European Council (December 2000) proclaimed the Charter of Fundamental Rights which constitutes an essential part political nature is beginning to influence the Community system of rights and obligations nationals of third countries in the Union. This article aims to highlight the contribution of the Charter to the effective implementation of a integration policy, along with the legislative measures proposed by the Commission with regard to the rights of third-country national

    La Orden de Detención y Entrega Europea

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    The approval of the European arrest warrant is an important step towards the creation of the European judicial área. It is the first significant instrument adopted on the basis of the principie of mutual recognition. While every day new difficulties arise in the process of harmonisation of substantive criminal law in the Union (for example, the endless debates on fixing penalties), applying the principie of mutual recognition to the European arrest warrant has made it possible (undoubtedly under considerable political pressure) to achieve genuine progress in realising the área of freedom, security and justice. The European arrest warrant must replace the mechanisms for extradition between the Member States that are currently in forcé. The scope of the European arrest warrant covers all the situations that were previously provided for under the 1957 European Convention on Extradition. The Framework Decisión will replace the complex legal corpus consisting until now of the European Convention on Extradition and its two protocols, Chapter IV of Title III of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement, and the two European Union Conventions on Extradition of 1995 and 1996. In this respect it will be a valuable and, hopefully, effective tool for the experts. With a view tó the subsequent work of implementing and evaluating the Framework Decisión, this note aims to give an initial overview of the key provisions of the text, compare the text adopted with the Commission's initial proposals and, above all, highlight the questions which remain to be addressed and on which there will have to be more work as the process advances

    La comunitat dominicana a Catalunya

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