30 research outputs found
Refashioning the Ethiopian monarchy in the twentieth century: An intellectual history
This article traces the shift in the Ethiopian monarchical ideology from lineage as symbolic Christian filiation to dynasty as a political genealogy of sovereign power. From the end of the nineteenth century, and more prominently under HaylĂ€ SÉllase, Ethiopian state sources started qualifying the Ethiopian ruling dynasty as âunbrokenâ in history. A record of âuninterruptedâ power allowed the Ethiopian government to politically appropriate past glories and claim them as âoursâ, thus compensating for the political weakness of the present with the political greatness of the past. The ideological rebranding of the Ethiopian monarchy in the 1930s brought Ethiopia closer to Japan, and the âeternalist clauseâ of the Meiji constitution offered a powerful model of how to recodify dynasty in modern legal terms. An intellectual history of dynasty in the Ethiopian context sees the concept simultaneously associated with both hegemonic and counter-hegemonic political projects. The narratives of continuity enabled by the dynastisation of history were successful in invigorating the pro-Ethiopian front during the Italian occupation of Ethiopia (1936-1941), but served at the same time to reinforce domestic mechanisms of class, political and cultural domination
Doing Gender Im Technisch-Naturwissen-Schaftlichen Bereich
FĂŒr die Lösung des Nachwuchsproblems in den Technikwissenschaften spielt die Gewinnung von Frauen eine zentrale Rolle. Die in der Expertise dargestellten Befunde verdeutlichen dreierlei: (1) In den Natur- und Technikwissenschaften "verliert" man Frauen sehr frĂŒh im Lebensverlauf. (2) Wie beim Durchlauf eines Trichters (leaking pipeline) verringert sich mit jeder Bildungs- und Karrierestufe die Anzahl von Frauen in diesen FĂ€chern und Berufen. (3) Die Erhöhung des Interesses fĂŒr Technikwissenschaften von MĂ€dchen und Frauen ist nicht nur "ein Problem" fĂŒr das Bildungssystem, sondern ganz wesentlich auch des Arbeitsmarktes. Die Befunde der Expertise zeigen, dass es unbedingt notwendig ist, jungen Frauen, die in technischen Berufen gut ausgebildet sind, eine höhere Chance als bisher zu geben, (a) ihren Beruf aus dem Bereich Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik (im Folgenden kurz: MINT) auszuĂŒben und (b) dies auch mit den gleichen Gratifikationen wie MĂ€nner. Diese Herausforderung muss - und zwar unabhĂ€ngig von der Nachfrage nach neuem Personal in technischen Berufen - schnell gemeistert werden, wenn Wirtschaft und Politik ein ernst gemeintes Interesse an "Frauen in MINT-Berufen" besitzen
Psychotic patients' attributions for mental illness
The study examined the attributions concerning mental illness of young psychotic outâpatients participating in a rehabilitation programme. The sample consisted of 50 men and 33 women (mean age 26 yrs) diagnosed by their treating psychiatrist as psychotic, with main symptoms: hallucinations (59 per cent), depression (12 per cent), nonâspecific (29 per cent). Subjects replied to a personally administered questionnaire, designed to obtain ratings of importance for several causes of mental illness, and a measure of how optimistic they felt about their future psychological health. Factor analysis of the subjects' ratings revealed three factors: âFamily â Relationshipsâ, âPersonal Inadequacyâ and âChanceâ, accounting for 48 per cent of the variance. Except for gender, demographic variables (age, educational level, social class) and variables specific to the sample in question (type of symptoms, length of participation in the programme) did not differentiate significantly subjects' beliefs about their illness. However, the findings suggest that lower ratings of personal inadequacy may be associated with increased optimism about subjects' future mental health. 1992 The British Psychological Societ