21 research outputs found

    La importancia de los trabajos de campo en la confección del modelo del terreno para aplicaciones en ecología

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    The main aim of this paper is to highlight the extraordinary importance of field surveying for carrying out certain ecological models in which habitats of vegetal communities are conditioned by land elevation. An illustrated case study in the wetlands of Doñana National Park shows the key role of Field Inspections, particularly since morphology (altitude attribute) is one of the first factors that condition the superficial expansion of the main vegetal perennial communities within the wetland system.Se pretende demostrar la extraordinaria incidencia que tienen los trabajos de campo en la confección de determinados modelos ecológicos, en los que el relieve del terreno condiciona el hábitat de sus principales comunidades vegetales. Se ilustra esta hipótesis con un ejemplo extraído de la marisma del Parque Nacional de Doñana, donde su morfología es uno de los factores principales que configura la fisonomía del paisaje vegetal, al condicionar la expansión de las principales agrupaciones vegetales perennes del sistema marismeño

    Dietary acid load and risk of cancer: new insights from a nationwide case-control study

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    Objective: Dietary acid load can contribute to metabolic acidosis, which is closely linked to cancer development through inflammation and cell transformation mechanisms. However, limited epidemiologic evidence is still linking diet-dependent acid load and cancer risk. Since we published nine studies specifically focusing on dietary acid load and the risk of cancer development, we decided to explore its potential role more deeply through the analysis of all databases combined. Materials and methods: A case-control study was performed on 13270 subjects (3736 cases and 9534 age-frequency and residence-matched controls) drawn from the major public hospitals in Uruguay. Participants were interviewed through a multi-topic questionnaire, including a food frequency questionnaire. Food-derived nutrients were calculated from available databases. The dietary acid load was calculated based on validated measures, including Potential Renal Acid Load and Net Endogenous Acid Production scores. Odds ratios (OR) were estimated by logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders. Results: We found significant and direct associations between dietary acid load and cancer risk (OR= 1.44 and OR= 1.64 for the highest scores). The estimated methionine intake was found also significantly and directly associated (OR= 1.97), while the plant fiber was significantly and inversely associated (OR= 0.49). Conclusions: Results confirm that an acidogenic dietary style may increase the risk of cancer. Our findings suggest that both Met and plant fiber intakes might be independent factors influencing the risk linked to acid-base disbalance which turn into a metabolic stress, but acting in opposite directions. Furthermore, Met intake displayed comparable odds ratios as the scores themselves