96 research outputs found
The Global Groundwater Crisis
Groundwater depletion the world over poses a far greater threat to global water security than is currently acknowledged
From Global to Local and Vice Versa: On the Importance of the 'Globalization' Agenda in Continental Groundwater Research and Policy-Making.
Groundwater is one of the most important environmental resources and its use continuously rises globally for industrial, agricultural, and drinking water supply purposes. Because of its importance, more knowledge about the volume of usable groundwater is necessary to satisfy the global demand. Due to the challenges in quantifying the volume of available global groundwater, studies which aim to assess its magnitude are limited in number. They are further restricted in scope and depth of analysis as, in most cases, they do not explain how the estimates of global groundwater resources have been obtained, what methods have been used to generate the figures and what levels of uncertainty exist. This article reviews the estimates of global groundwater resources. It finds that the level of uncertainty attached to existing numbers often exceeds 100 % and strives to establish the reasons for discrepancy. The outcome of this study outlines the need for a new agenda in water research with a more pronounced focus on groundwater. This new research agenda should aim at enhancing the quality and quantity of data provision on local and regional groundwater stocks and flows. This knowledge enhancement can serve as a basis to improve policy-making on groundwater resources globally. Research-informed policies will facilitate more effective groundwater management practices to ensure a more rapid progress of the global water sector towards the goal of sustainability
Allons-nous manquer d'eau ?
Allons-nous manquer d'eau? Pourquoi s'inquiéter? Loin d'être une ressource renouvelable, l'eau serait-elle une matière première comme les autres? Comment utilisons-nous cette ressource? Sommes-nous égaux devant elle ? Que penser des prévisions catastrophistes? Les "crises de l'eau" sont-elles évitables
Allons-nous manquer d'eau ?
L'eau est-elle réellement une ressource renouvelable ? Combien d'eau utilisons-nous au total ? Comment réduire les impacts des activités humaines sur les ressources ? Pourra-t-on un jour irriguer les plantes avec de l'eau de mer ? Reste-t-il des ressources d’eau inexploitées
Ressources et utilisations de l'eau du bassin de la Loire - Essai de comptabilité régionale de l'eau
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