21 research outputs found

    Test Fungsi Hati Pada Petani Pemakai Pestisida Di Daerah Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Jawa Timur

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    Peningkatan produksi pertanian atau kehutanan sangat penting dalam swasembada pangan dan sebagai barang eksport. Peningkatan produksi tidak bisa terlepas dari peningkatan pemakai pestisida , sehingga perlu penglolaan pestisida ar mengurangi negayif dan meningkatkan dampak positifnya

    Relationship Between Student Characteristics and Handwashing Habit with Worm Disease Incidence in Islamic Boarding School Blitar District

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    Worm disease incidence in islamic boarding school can be influenced by student characteristics and handwashing habit. Student characteristics were cocidered into age and lived period in islamic boarding school. Hand washing were seen from handwashing habit before ate and after defecation. Purpose of this study was to analyze relationship between student characteristics and handwashing habit with worm disease incidence in islamic boarding school. This study was observational analytic study with cross sectional design. Student characteristics and handwashing habit data were obtained questionnaires by 71 students. Worm disease incidence was known from laboratory testing of student feces. Worm disease incidence in islamic boarding school were 2.8% with worm species were Enterobius vermicularis and Hookworm. Results of data collection were analyzed using Chi Square test with value of α = 0.05. Student characteristics showed most student was 16 years old and live in boarding school for 1 year. Hand washing habit student islamoc boarding school before eating was bad and after defecation was good. There was a relationship between live period in islamic boarding school (p = 0.016), handwashing habit before eating (p = 0.008) and after defecation (p = 0.018) with worm disease incidence. There was no relationship between age and worm disease incidence (p = 0.205). Student islamic boarding school should improve handwashing habit before eating and after defecation used soap and running water

    Pengaruh Kualitas Udara dalam Ruangan Ber-ac terhadap Gangguan Kesehatan

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    The use of air conditioning as an alternative to replace natural ventilation may improve comfort and work productivity. However air conditioning that is not well maintained may become a good media for microbial growth. This condition may result in decreased indoor air quality and induce health impairment known as Sick Building Syndrome. The objectives of this study were to analyze the effects of physical and microbiological qualities on health impairment. This study was carried out in an air conditioned, two-story building of PT.Infomedia Nusantara in Surabaya.This was an observational study with cross-sectional approach. This study was carried out by means of interview, observation and measurements including air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and the number of colony forming units in a cubic meter of air (germs, fungi, and bacteria). The number of population was 94 employees and the number of samples taken was 89 employees using purposive sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed either descriptively (tabulation) and analytically using logistic regression test (α = 0.05). The results of this study showed that air temperatures measured were still within the recommended temperature range, while relative humidity, air velocity and total germs colonies measured in two locations had exceeded the recommended standards. The total colonies of fungi were 0,87 (first floor) and 1,94 (second floor), and total colonies of bacterial were 6,87 (first floor) and 3,21 (second floor) respectively. Complaints experienced by employees were skin irritation (75,28 %), eye irritation (74,16 %), nasal irritation (73,03 %), neurological dissorder (66,29 %), sore throat (46,07 %), and nausea (21,35 %) respectively. Fungus had significant influence (p = 0.048) on nasal irritation, nausea were significantly affected (p = 0.020) by germs whereas the other variables did not influence (p > 0.05) on health problems. It is suggested that the company provide training on indoor air quality (SBS/BRI) to all employees and conduct environmental monitoring as well as performing either preplacement or periodic medical examination. The air conditioning available should be checked and maintained at regular intervals, manager and employees should always participate in keeping the work place clean. Keywords: physical and microbiological qualities, air conditioned room, health disturbance

    Description Between Cats Exposure with Toxoplasmosis Disease on Cats Owner and Not- Cats Owner in Mulyorejo Subdistrict, Surabaya City

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    Abstract: Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by  Toxoplasma gondii that transmitted from  animals  to humans. Actually, the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are asymptomatic with non-spesific and  similar to other diseases. Cats  are definite  host  of Toxoplasma gondii.  The  feces from  infected cat  contains million oocysts and  infective  to humans. Detection of toxoplasmosis in human  can be done with a serological test to see the levels of immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) anti-toxoplasmosis. The purpose of this study  was to identification  toxoplasmosis and  describe between exposure from  cats  with toxoplasmosis disease to people who  own and  don’t  own  cats  in Mulyorejo Subdistrict, Surabaya  City. This study  was an descriptive observational research with cross sectional design in two populations. The  subject was  choosen randomly.  This study  was  done to 25 respondents as  cat  owner  and 25 respondents who  weren’t.  Data was collected from questionnaire and  respondent’s blood  sample. Prevalence of toxoplasmosis in cat owner  52% and 48% in not-cat  owner.  Crosstabulation showed that there  were  similar tendency between variables  of feral cats, number of feral cats,  and  presence of cat’s feces to toxoplasmosis disease on cats owner and not-cats  owner in Mulyorejo Subdistrict, Surabaya  City.It is expected that the community is able to notice  the presence of feral cats and cat’s feces around  it to avoid the risk of infection  from Toxoplama  gondii. Keywords: Cats owner,  Not-cats  owner,  Cat, Toxoplasmosi

    Toksikologi Logam Berat B3 dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan

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    Heavy metals are the hazardous substances that produced by industrial waste, included lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), kadnium (Cd), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), and chromium (Cr). Characteristics of lead (Pb) are soft consistency and black color. That heavy metal could cause acute and chronic body intoxication. Health effects of lead intoxication, such as neurology, kidney, reproductive system, hemopoitic system disorders. Characteristics of mercury are white liquid and boiling point is 356,90oC. The famous health effect of mercury intoxication is minamata disease. Other effects of mercury intoxication included cereblal palsy, mental retardation, and libido disorders. Characteristics of kadnium (Cd) are soft and white. The health effects of kadnium intoxication such as kidney, cardiovascular and bone disorders. The health effects of arsenic intoxication included eyes, skin, blood, kidney, liver, respiratory tract, reproduction, gastrointestinal tract, and immunological disorders. The health effects of copper intoxication included Wilsons disease and Menkes disease. The health effects of copper intoxication included respiratory system, skin, kidney, and vascular disorders Keywords: heavy metals, intoxication, hazardous substances, health effect

    Characteristics, 3M Behavior, and Climate Factors with Cases of Dengue Heart Fever (DHF) in Indonesia (Literature Review 2015-2021)

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), has become the fastest growing Vector Borne disease (VBD) in the world over the last few decades, with an increase of 30 times. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the characteristics, behavior of 3M, and climate factors with cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Indonesia. This research was conducted using a literature review method. The research was conducted online by taking research objects in English and Indonesian journals that discussed cases of DHF in Indonesia. The sample used was appropriate and determined in this study totaling 45 research articles. The results showed that men were more likely to be infected with DHF because they were more active outside the home. The age prone to DHF is the age under 16 years old, or the toddler, child, and early teens. The education of the head of the family is also an important factor in efforts to control the dengue outbreak. The results of the literature review show that the characteristics have a significant relationship with dengue cases. Not all people are aware of the importance of 3M behavior, seen from the proportion of people who apply 3M less than people who apply 3M. 3M's behavior is a factor that can reduce the occurrence of dengue cases. Stakeholders or policy makers in the health sector, especially those in charge of controlling the dengue outbreak, should take the results of this study into consideration in determining regulations or policies related to dengue outbreak control.Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD), telah menjadi Vector Borne diseases (VBD) dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di dunia selama beberapa dekade terakhir, dengan peningkatan 30 kali lipat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan karaktersitik, perilaku 3M, dan faktor iklim dengan Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode literatur review. Penelitian dilakukan secara online dengan mengambil objek penelitian jurnal-jurnal berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia yang membahas tentang kasus kasus DBD di Indonesia. Sampel yang digunakan sudah sesuai dan ditetapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 45 artikel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan laki-laki lebih banyak terjangkit DBD karena mereka lebih banyak beraktivitas di luar rumah. Usia yang rawan DBD adalah usia di bawah 16 tahun, atau masa balita, anak, dan remaja awal. Pendidikan kepala keluarga juga menjadi faktor penting dalam upaya penanggulangan wabah DBD. Hasil kajian literature review menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan kasus DBD. Belum semua masyarakat menyadari akan pentingnya perilaku 3M, dilihat dari proporsi masyarakat yang menerapkan 3M lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan masyarakat yang menerapkan 3M. Perilaku 3M menjadi faktor yang dapat mengurangi terjadinya kasus DBD. Para stakeholder ataupun pengambil kebijakan dalam bidang kesehatan, khususnya dalam yang bertugas dalam bidang pengendalian wabah DBD agar menjadikan hasil penelitian ini sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam penentuan regulasi ataupun kebijakan terkait penanggulaan wabah DBD

    The Relationship Between Severity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with Maternal Anxiety

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common childhood neurobiologic disorder with main symptom of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity and minimal occurrence in two different place settings, for example at home and at school. ADHD disorders will last sustainably from adolescence to adulthood. Mothers of ADHD children tend to be anxious, tired and desperate because they are often blamed by the environment for failing to educate children due to opposing children's behavior, disobeying orders that result in ADHD children being rejected and experiencing low learning achievement. Mothers are also often must lose his job due to having to take care of his own ADHD child.Methods: Observational analytic study with cross sectional design of 30 mothers of ADHD children aged 6 to 12 years of Bina Karya primary school Surabaya by random sampling method. Assessment of ADHD by mothers using SPAHI (Skala Penilaiana Anak Hiperaktif Indonesia) and maternal anxiety assessment using Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale questionnaire Results: there was significant correlation between maternal anxiety level and severity of ADHD with score p = 0.003 and r = 0.530 Conclusion: The degree of maternal anxiety is related to the severity of ADHD


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    Pada saat sekarang ini pembangunan industri sangat pesat dan tingkat produktivitas industri baik kualitas maupun kuantitas meningkat dengan pesat pula. Hal ini akan meningkatkan terjadinya pencemaran udara, baik pencemaran udara ambien (outdoor air pollution) maupun pencemaran udara di dalam ruangan (indoor air pollution) sehingga risiko yang dapat terjadi pada masyarakat juga akan meningkat. Walaupun ternyata pencemaran udara di dalam ruangan tidak kalah pentingnya dengan pencemaran udara di luar ruangan, tetapi negara kita tercinta, pencemaran udara di dalam ruangan sampai saat ini belum banyak di perhatikan baik oleh masyarakat maupun oleh pemerintah