57 research outputs found

    Role of magnetic and orbital ordering at the metal-insulator transition in NdNiO3

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    Soft x-ray resonant scattering at the Ni L2,3 edges is used to test models of magnetic and orbital-ordering below the metal-insulator transition in NdNiO3. The large branching ratio of the L3 to L2 intensities of the (1/2,0,1/2) reflection and the observed azimuthal angle and polarization dependence originates from a non collinear magnetic structure. The absence of an orbital signal and the non collinear magnetic structure show that the nickelates are materials for which orbital ordering is absent at the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Physical Review B rapid communication, to be publishe

    Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt mixed clusters

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    In this present work, we report a structural and magnetic study of mixed Co58Pt42 clusters. MgO, Nb and Si matrix can be used to embed clusters, avoiding any magnetic interactions between particles. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations show that Co58Pt42 supported isolated clusters are about 2nm in diameter and crystallized in the A1 fcc chemically disordered phase. Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS) and Grazing Incidence Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (GIWAXS) reveal that buried clusters conserve these properties, interaction with matrix atoms being limited to their first atomic layers. Considering that 60% of particle atoms are located at surface, this interactions leads to a drastic change in magnetic properties which were investigated with conventional magnetometry and X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichro\"{i}sm (XMCD). Magnetization and blocking temperature are weaker for clusters embedded in Nb than in MgO, and totally vanish in silicon as silicides are formed. Magnetic volume of clusters embedded in MgO is close to the crystallized volume determined by GIWAXS experiments. Cluster can be seen as a pure ferromagnetic CoPt crystallized core surrounded by a cluster-matrix mixed shell. The outer shell plays a predominant role in magnetic properties, especially for clusters embedded in niobium which have a blocking temperature 3 times smaller than clusters embedded in MgO

    High-order Dy multipole motifs observed in DyB2C2 with resonant soft x-ray Bragg diffraction

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    Resonant soft x-ray Bragg diffraction at the Dy M4,5 edges has been exploited to study Dy multipole motifs in DyB2C2. Our results are explained introducing the intra-atomic quadrupolar interaction between the core 3d and valence 4f shell. This allows us to determine for the first time higher order multipole moments of dysprosium 4f4f electrons and to draw their precise charge density. The Dy hexadecapole and hexacontatetrapole moment have been estimated at -20% and +30% of the quadrupolar moment, respectively. No evidence for the lock-in of the orbitals at T_N has been observed, in contrast to earlier suggestions. The multipolar interaction and the structural transition cooperate along c but they compete in the basal plane explaining the canted structure along [110].Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Application of relativistic scattering theory of x rays to diffraction anomalous fine structure in Cu

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    We apply our recent first-principles formalism of magnetic scattering of circularly polarized x rays to a single Cu crystal. We demonstrate the ability of our formalism to interpret the crystalline environment related near-edge fine structure features in the resonant x-ray scattering spectra at the Cu K absorption edge. We find good agreement between the computed and measured diffraction anomalous fine structure features of the x-ray scattering spectra

    Propagation en contexte arrière-arc : premiers résultats de la campagne ProFeTi (Bassin Nord-Fidjien, Pacifique SW)

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    Au centre du bassin Nord-Fidjien, le segment d'accrétion NS, qui se propage vers le Nord aux dépens du segment N15 depuis au moins 1 Ma, a été échantillonné pendant la campagne ProFeTi du NO Alis. Malgré sa position arrière-arc, aucune contamination géochimique caractéristique d'une subduction n'est perceptible. L'échantillonnage étudié montre que les réservoirs magmatiques de ce segment en propagation évoluent dans une perpétuelle dynamique de recherche d'équilibre thermique et chimique, perturbée par les actions conjuguées suivantes : l'éloignement de la pointe du propagateur par rapport aux zones de réalimentations focalisées sous le centre du segment, des réalimentations successives par des liquides primitifs évoluant avec l'état de maturité du propagateur, et un effet de paroi froide provenant du segment N15, dans lequel la lithosphère de la pointe du segment NS se propage. (Résumé d'auteur

    Element-specific magnetization redistribution at YBa2Cu3O7/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3{\mathrm{YBa}}_{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}_{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}/{\mathrm{La}}_{2/3}{\mathrm{Ca}}_{1/3}{\mathrm{MnO}}_{3} interfaces

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    We study the element-specific magnetic depth profiles of a YBa2Cu3O7/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (YBCO/LCMO) superlattice using soft x-ray resonant magnetic reflectometry (XRMR). This allows us to study the magnetic proximity effect (MPE) that is observed at the YBCO/LCMO interface, characterized by the occurrence of a depleted layer on the manganite side and an induced magnetization in the YBCO. Using the element-specific depth profiling capability of XRMR, we show that the Cu moments (0.28ÎĽB per interfacial Cu ion) reside on the YBCO side of the interface and originate from the CuO2 plane that is located at the interface. We also rule out the possibility that the Cu moments originate from the migration of Cu atoms into the LCMO layer (interdiffusion). Finally, we show that the suppression of the Mn moment on the LCMO side is only partial for the interface of LCMO deposited on YBCO (0.62ÎĽB per Mn ion), compared to the complete suppression for the interface of YBCO deposited on LCMO. These differences in the LCMO depleted layers indicate the strong variations in the MPE between the case of YBCO on LCMO and the case of LCMO on YBCO

    Prediction of huge X-ray Faraday rotation at the Gd N_4,5 threshold

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    X-ray absorption spectra in a wide energy range around the 4d-4f excitation threshold of Gd were recorded by total electron yield from in-plane magnetized Gd metal films. Matching the experimental spectra to tabulated absorption data reveals unprecedented short light absorption lengths down to 3 nm. The associated real parts of the refractive index for circularly polarized light propagating parallel or antiparallel to the Gd magnetization, determined through the Kramers-Kronig transformation, correspond to a magneto-optical Faraday rotation of 0.7 degrees per atomic layer. This finding shall allow the study of magnetic structure and magnetization dynamics of lanthanide elements in nanosize systems and dilute alloys.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B, Brief Reports. Minor change

    Charge transport and magnetization profile at the interface between a correlated metal and an antiferromagnetic insulator

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    A combination of spectroscopic probes was used to develop a detailed experimental description of the transport and magnetic properties of superlattices composed of the paramagnetic metal CaRuO3_3 and the antiferromagnetic insulator CaMnO3_3. The charge carrier density and Ru valence state in the superlattices are not significantly different from those of bulk CaRuO3_3. The small charge transfer across the interface implied by these observations confirms predictions derived from density functional calculations. However, a ferromagnetic polarization due to canted Mn spins penetrates 3-4 unit cells into CaMnO3_3, far exceeding the corresponding predictions. The discrepancy may indicate the formation of magnetic polarons at the interface.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Structural study of an amorphous NiZr2 alloy by anomalous wide angle X-ray scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo simulations

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    The local atomic structure of an amorphous NiZr2 alloy was investigated using the anomalous wide-angle x-ray scattering (AWAXS), differential anomalous scattering (DAS) and reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) simulations techniques. The AWAXS measurements were performed at eight different incident photon energies, including some close to the Ni and Zr K edges. From the measurements eight total structure factor S(K,E) were derived. Using the AWAXS data four differential structure factors DSFi(K,Em,En) were derived, two about the Ni and Zr edges. The partial structure factors SNi-Ni(K), SNi-Zr(K) and SZr-Zr(K) were estimated by using two different methods. First, the S(K,E) and DSFi(K,Em,En) factors were combined and used in a matrix inversion process. Second, three S(K,E) factors were used as input data in the RMC technique. The coordination numbers and interatomic distances for the first neighbors extracted from the partial structure factors obtained by these two methods show a good agreement. By using the three-dimensional structure derived from the RMC simulations, the bond-angle distributions were calculated and they suggest the presence of distorted triangular-faced polyhedral units in the amorphous NiZr2 structure. We have used the Warren chemical short-range order parameter to evaluate the chemical short-range order for the amorphous NiZr2 alloy and for the NiZr2 compound. The calculated values show that the chemical short-range order found in these two materials is similar to that found in a solid solution.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, 8 figure
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