1,858 research outputs found

    Preliminary Canopy Removal Experiments in Algal Dominated Communities Low on the Shore and in the Shallow Subtidal on the Isle of Man

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    The algal dominated communities immediately above and below the low-water spring level on a moderately exposed Manx shore were investigated by canopy removal experiments. Fucus serratus, Laminaria digitata and L. hyperborea were removed. Competition was shown to be important in determining the zonation of L. digitata and the distribution along the wave exposure gradient of other species such as Alaria esculenta, Desmarestia aculeata and D. viridis, and L. saccharina. Many species of algal epiphytes were early colonizers of canopy removal areas suggesting that competition from canopy algae usually restricts them to an epiphytic habit. The results indicate that interactions between macrophytes are much more important than grazing in structuring these communities

    Beam Stability and Optics Studies of the CNGS Transfer Line

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    Optics and stability of the CNGS transfer lines TT40 and TT41 were studied with beam trajectories during its commissioning in July and August 2006. Steering magnet response measurements were used to analyze the optics and the quality of the steering magnets and of the beam position monitors. A strength error of the main quadrupoles was identified with this technique and corrected during the commissioning. The dispersion was measured and found to be close to the nominal value. Finally the short and the long term stability of the transfer lines were studied. The transfer line was found to be very stable and the dominant source of short term position jitter is due to the ripple of the extraction septum and energy fluctuations in the SPS

    An artificial intelligence approach to predicting personality types in dogs

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    Canine personality and behavioural characteristics have a significant influence on relationships between domestic dogs and humans as well as determining the suitability of dogs for specific working roles. As a result, many researchers have attempted to develop reliable personality assessment tools for dogs. Most previous work has analysed dogs’ behavioural patterns collected via questionnaires using traditional statistical analytic approaches. Artificial Intelligence has been widely and successfully used for predicting human personality types. However, similar approaches have not been applied to data on canine personality. In this research, machine learning techniques were applied to the classification of canine personality types using behavioural data derived from the C-BARQ project. As the dataset was not labelled, in the first step, an unsupervised learning approach was adopted and K-Means algorithm was used to perform clustering and labelling of the data. Five distinct categories of dogs emerged from the K-Means clustering analysis of behavioural data, corresponding to five different personality types. Feature importance analysis was then conducted to identify the relative importance of each behavioural variable’s contribution to each cluster and descriptive labels were generated for each of the personality traits based on these associations. The five personality types identified in this paper were labelled: “Excitable/Hyperattached”, “Anxious/Fearful”, “Aloof/Predatory”, “Reactive/Assertive”, and “Calm/Agreeable”. Four machine learning models including Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Naïve Bayes, and Decision Tree were implemented to predict the personality traits of dogs based on the labelled data. The performance of the models was evaluated using fivefold cross validation method and the results demonstrated that the Decision Tree model provided the best performance with a substantial accuracy of 99%. The novel AI-based methodology in this research may be useful in the future to enhance the selection and training of dogs for specific working and non-working roles

    Beam commissioning of injection into the LHC

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    The LHC injection tests and first turn beam commissioning took place in late summer 2008, after detailed and thorough preparation. The beam commissioning of the downstream sections of the SPS-to-LHC transfer lines and the LHC injection systems is described. The details of the aperture measurements in the injection regions are presented together with the performance of the injection related equipment. The measured injection stability is compared to the expectations. The operational issues encountered are discussed

    Experience with the LHC beam dump post-operational checks system

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    After each beam dump in the LHC automatic post-operational checks are made to guarantee that the last beam dump has been executed correctly and that the system can be declared to be ‘as good as new’ before the next injection is allowed. The analysis scope comprises the kicker waveforms, redundancy in kicker generator signal paths and different beam instrumentation measurements. This paper describes the implementation and the operational experience of the internal and external post-operational checks of the LHC beam dumping system during the commissioning of the LHC without beam and during the first days of beam operation

    The Virtues of Balm in Late Medieval Literature

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    This article argues that balm, or balsam, was, by the late medieval period, believed to be a panacea, capable of healing wounds and illnesses, and also preventing putrefaction. Natural history and pharmacological texts on balm from the ancient and late antique periods emphasized specific qualities of balm, especially its heat; these were condensed and repeated in medieval encyclopedias. The rarity and cost of balsam, from antiquity through the medieval period, and the high rate of counterfeiting also demonstrate its high demand and significance in medicine and religious ritual. Travel writing and itineraria from the early and central medieval periods added a new layer to ideas about the capabilities of balsam: that it originated from a Christian miracle and was a particularly Christian plant

    Commissioning of the CNGS Extraction in SPS LSS4

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    The CNGS project (CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso) aims at directly detecting ĂŽÂœĂŽÂŒ - ĂŽÂœĂ oscillations. For this purpose an intense ĂŽÂœĂŽÂŒ beam is generated at CERN and directed towards LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) in Italy, about 730 km from CERN. The neutrinos are generated from the decay of pions and kaons which are produced by 400 GeV protons hitting a graphite target. The protons are extracted from the SPS straight section 4 (LSS4) in two 10.5 ï­s batches, nominally 2.4 Ñ 1013 protons each, at an interval of 50 ms. The high intensity extracted beam can cause damage to equipment if lost in an uncontrolled way, with the extraction elements particularly at risk. In addition, the beam losses at extraction must be very well controlled to avoid unacceptably high levels of radiation. To guarantee safe operation and limit radiation, the LSS4 extraction system was thoroughly commissioned with beam during the CNGS commissioning in summer 2006. The obtained results in terms of aperture in the extraction channel, longitudinal loss patterns, extraction losses and radiation during nominal operation are summarised in this note

    Determination of the Chromaticity of the TI 8 Transfer Line Based on Kick Response Measurements

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    The 3 km long TI 8 transfer line is used to transfer 450 GeV proton and ion beams from the SPS to LHC collider. As part of a detailed optics investigation program the chromaticity of the transfer line was measured. Kick response data of the transfer line was recorded for various extraction energy offsets in the SPS. The quadrupolar and sextupolar field errors (b2 and b3, respectively) over the whole transfer line dipoles, a systematic error of the main quadrupole strengths and the initial momentum error were estimated by a fit. Using the updated model, the chromaticity of the line was then calculated

    Sub-tropical exotic pine taxa, growth, form and wood properties comparisons across multiple sites in coastal Queensland in: thinning and clearfall age trials; in family and clonal hybrid pine trials and in a genetics x fertiliser x weed control trial.

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    This project supports improved management and deployment of sub-tropical pines for solid wood products. It had three major objectives, in respect of both growth rate and standing tree wood properties: 1) to compare major and potential pine species and hybrids for south-east Queensland; 2) to investigate selection strategies for identifying improved families and clones, and make selections; and, 3) to evaluate both the separate and combined effects of fertiliser application, weed control and genetic improvement in a young hybrid pine trial
