5,251 research outputs found

    Amino acid analysis

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    The process and apparatus for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the amino acid content of a biological sample are presented. The sample is deposited on a cation exchange resin and then is washed with suitable solvents. The amino acids and various cations and organic material with a basic function remain on the resin. The resin is eluted with an acid eluant, and the eluate containing the amino acids is transferred to a reaction vessel where the eluant is removed. Final analysis of the purified acylated amino acid esters is accomplished by gas-liquid chromatographic techniques

    Impact resistance of spar-shell composite fan blades

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    Composite spar-shell fan blades for a 1.83 meter (6 feet) diameter fan stage were fabricated and tested in a whirling arm facility to evaluate foreign object damage (FOD) resistance. The blades were made by adhesively bonding boron-epoxy shells on titanium spars and then adhesively bonding an Inconel 625 sheath on the leading edge. The rotating blades were individually tested at a tip speed of 800 feet per second. Impacting media used were gravel, rivets, bolt, nut, ice balls, simulated birds, and a real bird. Incidence angles were typical of those which might be experienced by STOL aircraft. The tests showed that blades of the design tested in this program have satisfactory impact resistance to small objects such as gravel, rivets, nuts, bolts, and two inch diameter ice balls. The blades suffered nominal damage when impacted with one-pound birds (9 to 10 ounce slice size). However, the shell was removed from the spar for a larger slice size

    Low frequency elastic wave propagation in 2D locally resonant phononic crystal with asymmetric resonator

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    The resonance modes and the related effects to the transmission of elastic waves in a two dimensional phononic crystal formed by periodic arrangements of a two blocks unit cell in one direction are studied. The unit cell consists of two asymmetric elliptic cylinders coated with silicon rubber and embedded in a rigid matrix. The modes are obtained by the semi-analytic method in the least square collocation scheme and confirmed by the finite element method simulations. Two resonance modes, corresponding to the vibration of the cylinder along the long and short axes, give rise to resonance reflections of elastic waves. One mode in between the two modes, related to the opposite vibration of the two cylinders in the unit cell in the direction along the layer, results in the total transmission of elastic waves due to zero effective mass density at the frequency. The resonance frequency of this new mode changes continuously with the orientation angle of the elliptic resonator.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Energy loss mechanism for suspended micro- and nanoresonators due to the Casimir force

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    A so far not considered energy loss mechanism in suspended micro- and nanoresonators due to noncontact acoustical energy loss is investigated theoretically. The mechanism consists on the conversion of the mechanical energy from the vibratory motion of the resonator into acoustic waves on large nearby structures, such as the substrate, due to the coupling between the resonator and those structures resulting from the Casimir force acting over the separation gaps. Analytical expressions for the resulting quality factor Q for cantilever and bridge micro- and nanoresonators in close proximity to an underlying substrate are derived and the relevance of the mechanism is investigated, demonstrating its importance when nanometric gaps are involved

    Review of Health Examination Surveys in Europe.

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    Recommendations for the Health Examination Surveys in Europe

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    NASA Desert RATS 2011 Education Pilot Project and Classroom Activities

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Desert Research and Technology Studies (Desert RATS) is a multi-year series of tests of hardware and operations carried out annually in the high desert of Arizona, as an analog to future exploration activities beyond low Earth orbit [1]. For the past several years, these tests have occurred in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, north of Flagstaff. For the 2011 Desert RATS season, the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) at NASA headquarters provided support to develop an education pilot project that would include student activities to parallel the Desert RATS mission planning and exploration activities in the classroom, and educator training sessions. The development of the pilot project was a joint effort between the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Directorate and the Aerospace Education Services Project (AESP), managed at Penn State University

    A Theoretical Model for the MbhσM_{\rm bh}-\sigma Relation for Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies

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    We construct a model for the formation of black holes within galactic bulges. The initial state is a slowly rotating isothermal sphere, characterized by effective transport speed \aeff and rotation rate Ω\Omega. The black hole mass is determined when the centrifugal radius of the collapse flow exceeds the capture radius of the central black hole. This model reproduces the observed correlation between black hole masses and galactic velocity dispersions, \mbh \approx 10^8 M_\odot (\sigma/200 \kms)^4, where \sigma = \sqrt{2} \aeff. This model also predicts the ratio \mrat of black hole mass to host mass: \mrat \approx 0.004 (\sigma/200 \kms).Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    GeoLab Concept: The Importance of Sample Selection During Long Duration Human Exploration Mission

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    In the future when humans explore planetary surfaces on the Moon, Mars, and asteroids or beyond, the return of geologic samples to Earth will be a high priority for human spaceflight operations. All future sample return missions will have strict down-mass and volume requirements; methods for in-situ sample assessment and prioritization will be critical for selecting the best samples for return-to-Earth