2,822 research outputs found

    L1-determined ideals in group algebras of exponential Lie groups

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    A locally compact group GG is said to be ∗\ast-regular if the natural map \Psi:\Prim C^\ast(G)\to\Prim_{\ast} L^1(G) is a homeomorphism with respect to the Jacobson topologies on the primitive ideal spaces \Prim C^\ast(G) and \Prim_{\ast} L^1(G). In 1980 J. Boidol characterized the ∗\ast-regular ones among all exponential Lie groups by a purely algebraic condition. In this article we introduce the notion of L1L^1-determined ideals in order to discuss the weaker property of primitive ∗\ast-regularity. We give two sufficient criteria for closed ideals II of C∗(G)C^\ast(G) to be L1L^1-determined. Herefrom we deduce a strategy to prove that a given exponential Lie group is primitive ∗\ast-regular. The author proved in his thesis that all exponential Lie groups of dimension ≀7\le 7 have this property. So far no counter-example is known. Here we discuss the example G=B5G=B_5, the only critical one in dimension ≀5\le 5

    Localizations at infinity and essential spectrum of quantum Hamiltonians: I. General theory

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    We isolate a large class of self-adjoint operators H whose essential spectrum is determined by their behavior at large x and we give a canonical representation of their essential spectrum in terms of spectra of limits at infinity of translations of H. The configuration space is an arbitrary abelian locally compact not compact group.Comment: 63 pages. This is the published version with several correction

    Locally Trivial W*-Bundles

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    We prove that a tracially continuous W∗^*-bundle M\mathcal{M} over a compact Hausdorff space XX with all fibres isomorphic to the hyperfinite II1_1-factor R\mathcal{R} that is locally trivial already has to be globally trivial. The proof uses the contractibility of the automorphism group Aut(R)\mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{R}}) shown by Popa and Takesaki. There is no restriction on the covering dimension of XX.Comment: 20 pages, this version will be published in the International Journal of Mathematic

    Robustness and Enhancement of Neural Synchronization by Activity-Dependent Coupling

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    We study the synchronization of two model neurons coupled through a synapse having an activity-dependent strength. Our synapse follows the rules of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). We show that this plasticity of the coupling between neurons produces enlarged frequency locking zones and results in synchronization that is more rapid and much more robust against noise than classical synchronization arising from connections with constant strength. We also present a simple discrete map model that demonstrates the generality of the phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Aspects of noncommutative Lorentzian geometry for globally hyperbolic spacetimes

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    Connes' functional formula of the Riemannian distance is generalized to the Lorentzian case using the so-called Lorentzian distance, the d'Alembert operator and the causal functions of a globally hyperbolic spacetime. As a step of the presented machinery, a proof of the almost-everywhere smoothness of the Lorentzian distance considered as a function of one of the two arguments is given. Afterwards, using a C∗C^*-algebra approach, the spacetime causal structure and the Lorentzian distance are generalized into noncommutative structures giving rise to a Lorentzian version of part of Connes' noncommutative geometry. The generalized noncommutative spacetime consists of a direct set of Hilbert spaces and a related class of C∗C^*-algebras of operators. In each algebra a convex cone made of self-adjoint elements is selected which generalizes the class of causal functions. The generalized events, called {\em loci}, are realized as the elements of the inductive limit of the spaces of the algebraic states on the C∗C^*-algebras. A partial-ordering relation between pairs of loci generalizes the causal order relation in spacetime. A generalized Lorentz distance of loci is defined by means of a class of densely-defined operators which play the r\^ole of a Lorentzian metric. Specializing back the formalism to the usual globally hyperbolic spacetime, it is found that compactly-supported probability measures give rise to a non-pointwise extension of the concept of events.Comment: 43 pages, structure of the paper changed and presentation strongly improved, references added, minor typos corrected, title changed, accepted for publication in Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Boosting Biomass Quantity and Quality by Improved Mixotrophic Culture of the Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    Diatoms are photoautotrophic unicellular algae and are among the most abundant, adaptable, and diverse marine phytoplankton. They are extremely interesting not only for their ecological role but also as potential feedstocks for sustainable biofuels and high-value commodities such as omega fatty acids, because of their capacity to accumulate lipids. However, the cultivation of microalgae on an industrial scale requires higher cell densities and lipid accumulation than those found in nature to make the process economically viable. One of the known ways to induce lipid accumulation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum is nitrogen deprivation, which comes at the expense of growth inhibition and lower cell density. Thus, alternative ways need to be explored to enhance the lipid production as well as biomass density to make them sustainable at industrial scale. In this study, we have used experimental and metabolic modeling approaches to optimize the media composition, in terms of elemental composition, organic and inorganic carbon sources, and light intensity, that boost both biomass quality and quantity of P. tricornutum. Eventually, the optimized conditions were scaled-up to 2 L photobioreactors, where a better system control (temperature, pH, light, aeration/mixing) allowed a further improvement of the biomass capacity of P. tricornutum to 12 g/L

    Polymer and Fock representations for a Scalar field

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    In loop quantum gravity, matter fields can have support only on the `polymer-like' excitations of quantum geometry, and their algebras of observables and Hilbert spaces of states can not refer to a classical, background geometry. Therefore, to adequately handle the matter sector, one has to address two issues already at the kinematic level. First, one has to construct the appropriate background independent operator algebras and Hilbert spaces. Second, to make contact with low energy physics, one has to relate this `polymer description' of matter fields to the standard Fock description in Minkowski space. While this task has been completed for gauge fields, important gaps remained in the treatment of scalar fields. The purpose of this letter is to fill these gaps.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Fermion mixing in quasi-free states

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    Quantum field theoretic treatments of fermion oscillations are typically restricted to calculations in Fock space. In this letter we extend the oscillation formulae to include more general quasi-free states, and also consider the case when the mixing is not unitary.Comment: 10 pages, Plain Te

    Positronium S state spectrum: analytic results at O(m alpha^6)

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    We present an analytic calculation of the O(m alpha^6) recoil and radiative recoil corrections to energy levels of positronium nS states and their hyperfine splitting. A complete analytic formula valid to O(m alpha^6) is given for the spectrum of S states. Technical aspects of the calculation are discussed in detail. Theoretical predictions are given for various energy intervals and compared with experimental results.Comment: 29 pages, revte

    Random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and their applications

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    Recent work on the structure of social networks and the internet has focussed attention on graphs with distributions of vertex degree that are significantly different from the Poisson degree distributions that have been widely studied in the past. In this paper we develop in detail the theory of random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions. In addition to simple undirected, unipartite graphs, we examine the properties of directed and bipartite graphs. Among other results, we derive exact expressions for the position of the phase transition at which a giant component first forms, the mean component size, the size of the giant component if there is one, the mean number of vertices a certain distance away from a randomly chosen vertex, and the average vertex-vertex distance within a graph. We apply our theory to some real-world graphs, including the world-wide web and collaboration graphs of scientists and Fortune 1000 company directors. We demonstrate that in some cases random graphs with appropriate distributions of vertex degree predict with surprising accuracy the behavior of the real world, while in others there is a measurable discrepancy between theory and reality, perhaps indicating the presence of additional social structure in the network that is not captured by the random graph.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, some new material added in this version along with minor updates and correction
