445 research outputs found

    Cold Disks: Spitzer Spectroscopy of Disks around Young Stars with Large Gaps

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    We have identified four circumstellar disks with a deficit of dust emission from their inner 15-50 AU. All four stars have F-G spectral type, and were uncovered as part of the Spitzer Space Telescope ``Cores to Disks'' Legacy Program Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) first look survey of ~100 pre-main sequence stars. Modeling of the spectral energy distributions indicates a reduction in dust density by factors of 100-1000 from disk radii between ~0.4 and 15-50 AU, but with massive gas-rich disks at larger radii. This large contrast between the inner and outer disk has led us to use the term `cold disks' to distinguish these unusual systems. However, hot dust [0.02-0.2 Mmoon] is still present close to the central star (R ~0.8 AU). We introduce the 30/13 micron, flux density ratio as a new diagnostic for identifying cold disks. The mechanisms for dust clearing over such large gaps are discussed. Though rare, cold disks are likely in transition from an optically thick to an optically thin state, and so offer excellent laboratories for the study of planet formation.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Level set based eXtended finite element modelling of the response of fibrous networks under hygroscopic swelling

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    Materials like paper, consisting of a network of natural fibres, exposed to variations in moisture, undergo changes in geometrical and mechanical properties. This behaviour is particularly important for understanding the hygro-mechanical response of sheets of paper in applications like digital printing. A two-dimensional microstructural model of a fibrous network is therefore developed to upscale the hygro-expansion of individual fibres, through their interaction, to the resulting overall expansion of the network. The fibres are modelled with rectangular shapes and are assumed to be perfectly bonded where they overlap. For realistic networks the number of bonds is large and the network is geometrically so complex that discretizing it by conventional, geometry-conforming, finite elements is cumbersome. The combination of a level-set and XFEM formalism enables the use of regular, structured grids in order to model the complex microstructural geometry. In this approach, the fibres are described implicitly by a level-set function. In order to represent the fibre boundaries in the fibrous network, an XFEM discretization is used together with a Heaviside enrichment function. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed approach successfully captures the hygro-expansive properties of the network with fewer degrees of freedom compared to classical FEM, preserving desired accuracy.Comment: 27 pages, 22 figures, 4 tables, J. Appl. Mech. June 19, 202

    A Newton Solver for Micromorphic Computational Homogenization Enabling Multiscale Buckling Analysis of Pattern-Transforming Metamaterials

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    Mechanical metamaterials feature engineered microstructures designed to exhibit exotic, and often counter-intuitive, effective behaviour. Such a behaviour is often achieved through instability-induced transformations of the underlying periodic microstructure into one or multiple patterning modes. Due to a strong kinematic coupling of individual repeating microstructural cells, non-local behaviour and size effects emerge, which cannot easily be captured by classical homogenization schemes. In addition, the individual patterning modes can mutually interact in space as well as in time, while at the engineering scale the entire structure can buckle globally. For efficient numerical macroscale predictions, a micromorphic computational homogenization scheme has recently been developed. Although this framework is in principle capable of accounting for spatial and temporal interactions between individual patterning modes, its implementation relied on a gradient-based quasi-Newton solution technique. This solver is suboptimal because (i) it has sub-quadratic convergence, and (ii) the absence of Hessians does not allow for proper bifurcation analyses. Given that mechanical metamaterials often rely on controlled instabilities, these limitations are serious. To address them, a full Newton method is provided in detail in this paper. The construction of the macroscopic tangent operator is not straightforward due to specific model assumptions on the decomposition of the underlying displacement field pertinent to the micromorphic framework, involving orthogonality constraints. Analytical expressions for the first and second variation of the total potential energy are given, and the complete algorithm is listed. The developed methodology is demonstrated with two examples in which a competition between local and global buckling exists and where multiple patterning modes emerge.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, 1 algorithm, abstract shortened to fulfill 1920 character limi

    C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars: IV. Crystalline silicates

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    Aims. Dust grains in the planet-forming regions around young stars are expected to be heavily processed due to coagulation, fragmentation, and crystallization. This paper focuses on the crystalline silicate dust grains in protoplanetary disks for a statistically significant number of TTauri stars (96). Methods. As part of the cores to disks (c2d) legacy program, we obtained more than a hundred Spitzer/IRS spectra of TTauri stars, over a spectral range of 5-35 ΞΌm where many silicate amorphous and crystalline solid-state features are present. At these wavelengths, observations probe the upper layers of accretion disks up to distances of a dozen AU from the central object. Results. More than 3/4 of our objects show at least one crystalline silicate emission feature that can be essentially attributed to Mg-rich silicates. The Fe-rich crystalline silicates are largely absent in the c2d IRS spectra. The strength and detection frequency of the crystalline features seen at Ξ» > 20 ΞΌm correlate with each other, while they are largely uncorrelated with the observational properties of the amorphous silicate 10 ΞΌm feature. This supports the idea that the IRS spectra essentially probe two independent disk regions: a warm zone (≀1 AU) emitting at ~ 10 ΞΌm and a much colder region emitting at Ξ» > 20 ΞΌm (≀10 AU). We identify a crystallinity paradox, as the long-wavelength (Ξ» > 20 m) crystalline silicate features are detected 3.5 times more frequently (~55% vs. ~15%) than the crystalline features arising from much warmer disk regions (Ξ» ~ 10 ΞΌm). This suggests that the disk has an inhomogeneous dust composition within ~10 AU. The analysis of the shape and strength of both the amorphous 10 ΞΌm feature and the crystalline feature around 23 ΞΌm provides evidence for the prevalence of ΞΌm-sized (amorphous and crystalline) grains in upper layers of disks. Conclusions. The abundant crystalline silicates found far from their presumed formation regions suggest efficient outward radial transport mechanisms in the disks around TTauri stars. The presence of ΞΌm-sized grains in disk atmospheres, despite the short timescales for settling to the midplane, suggests efficient (turbulent) vertical diffusion, probably accompanied by grain-grain fragmentation to balance the expected efficient growth. In this scenario, the depletion of submicron-sized grains in the upper layers of the disks points toward removal mechanisms such as stellar winds or radiation pressure

    Depairing currents in the superconductor/ferromagnet proximity system Nb/Fe

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    We have investigated the behaviour of the depairing current J_{dp} in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet (F/S/F) trilayers as function of the thickness d_s of the superconducting layers. Theoretically, J_{dp} depends on the superconducting order parameter or the pair density function, which is not homogeneous across the film due to the proximity effect. We use a proximity effect model with two parameters (proximity strength and interface transparency), which can also describe the dependence of the superconducting transition temperature T_c on d_s. We compare the computations with the experimentally determined zero-field critical current J_{c0} of small strips (typically 5~ \mu m wide) of Fe/Nb/Fe trilayers with varying thickness d_{Nb} of the Nb layer. Near T_c the temperature dependence J_{c0}(T) is in good agreement with the expected behaviour, which allows extrapolation to T = 0. Both the absolute values of J_{c0}(0) and the dependence on d_{Nb} agree with the expectations for the depairing current. We conclude that J_{dp} is correctly determined, notwithstanding the fact that the strip width is larger than both the superconducting penetration depth and the superconducting coherence length, and that J_{dp}(d_s) is correctly described by the model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Spatially extended PAHs in circumstellar disks around T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars

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    Our aim is to determine the presence and location of the emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) towards low and intermediate mass young stars with disks using large aperture telescopes. VLT-VISIR N-band spectra and VLT-ISAAC and VLT-NACO L-band spectra of 29 sources are presented, spectrally resolving the 3.3, 8.6, 11.2, and 12.6 micron PAH features. Spatial-extent profiles of the features and the continuum emission are derived and used to associate the PAH emission with the disks. The results are discussed in the context of recent PAH-emission disk models. The 3.3, 8.6, and 11.2 micron PAH features are detected toward a small fraction of the T Tauri stars, with typical upper limits between 1E-15 and 5E-17 W/m^2. All 11.2 micron detections from a previous Spitzer survey are confirmed with (tentative) 3.3 micron detections, and both the 8.6 and the 11.2 micron features are detected in all PAH sources. For 6 detections, the spatial extent of the PAH features is confined to scales typically smaller than 0.12-0.34'', consistent with the radii of 12-60 AU disks at their distances (typically 150 pc). For 3 additional sources, WL 16, HD 100546, and TY CrA, one or more of the PAH features are more extended than the hot dust continuum of the disk, whereas for Oph IRS 48, the size of the resolved PAH emission is confirmed as smaller than for the large grains. For HD 100546, the 3.3 micron emission is confined to a small radial extent of 12 +- 3 AU, most likely associated with the outer rim of the gap in this disk. Gaps with radii out to 10-30 AU may also affect the observed PAH extent for other sources. For both Herbig Ae and T Tauri stars, the small measured extents of the 8.6 and 11.2 micron features are consistent with larger (>= 100 carbon atoms) PAHs.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Vortex Motion Noise in Micrometre-Sized Thin Films of the Amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3 Weak-Pinning Superconductor

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    We report high-resolution measurements of voltage (V) noise in the mixed state of micrometre-sized thin films of amorphous Nb0.7Ge0.3, which is a good representative of weak-pinning superconductors. There is a remarkable difference between the noise below and above the irreversibility field Birr. Below Birr, in the presence of measurable pinning, the noise at small applied currents resembles shot noise, and in the regime of flux flow at larger currents decreases with increasing voltage due to a progressive ordering of the vortex motion. At magnetic fields B between Birr and the upper critical field Bc2 flux flow is present already at vanishingly small currents. In this regime the noise scales with (1-B/Bc2)^2 V^2 and has a frequency (f) spectrum of 1/f type. We interpret this noise in terms of the properties of strongly driven depinned vortex systems at high vortex density.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, version accepted for publication in PR
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