4 research outputs found

    Oxigenación con membrana extracorpórea en el paciente COVID-19: resultados del Registro Español ECMO-COVID de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Cardiovascular y Endovascular (SECCE)

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    Background and aim: COVID-19 patients with severe heart or respiratory failure are potential candidates for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Indications and management of these patients are unclear. Our aim is to describe the results of a prospective registry of COVID-19 patients treated with ECMO. Methods: An anonymous prospective registry of COVID-19 patients treated with veno-arterial (V-A) or veno-venous (V-V) ECMO was created on march 2020. Clinical, analytical and respiratory preimplantation variables, implantation data and post-implantation course data were recorded. The primary endpoint was all cause in-hospital mortality. Secondary events were functional recovery and the combined endpoint of mortality and functional recovery in patients followed at least 3 months after discharge. Results: Three hundred and sixty-six patients from 25 hospitals were analyzed, 347 V-V ECMO and 18 V-A ECMO patients (mean age 52.7 and 49.5 years respectively). Patients with V-V ECMO were more obese, had less frequently organ damage other than respiratory failure and needed less inotropic support; Thirty three percent of V-A ECMO and 34.9% of V-A ECMO were discharged (P = NS). Hospital mortality was non-significantly different, 56.2% versus 50.9% respectively, mainly during ECMO therapy and mostly due to multiorgan failure. Other 51 patients (14%) remained admitted. Mean follow-up was 196 +/- 101.7 days (95%CI: 170.8-221.6). After logistic regression, body weight (OR 0.967, 95%CI: 0.95-0.99, P = 0.004) and ECMO implantation in the own centre (OR 0.48, 95%CI: 0.27-0.88, P = 0.018) were protective for hospital mortality. Age (OR 1.063, 95%CI: 1.005-1.12, P = 0.032), arterial hypertension (3.593, 95%CI: 1.06-12.19, P = 0.04) and global (2.44, 95%CI: 0.27-0.88, P = 0.019), digestive (OR 4,23, 95%CI: 1.27-14.07, P = 0.019) and neurological (OR 4.66, 95%CI: 1.39-15.62, P = 0.013) complications during ECMO therapy were independent predictors of primary endpoint occurrence. Only the post-discharge day at follow-up was independent predictor of both secondary endpoints occurrence. Conclusions: Hospital survival of severely ill COVID-19 patients treated with ECMO is near 50%. Age, arterial hypertension and ECMO complications are predictors of hospital mortality, and body weight and implantation in the own centre are protective. Functional recovery is only predicted by the follow-up time after discharge. A more homogeneous management of these patients is warranted for clinical results and future research optimization. (C) 2022 Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Cardiovascular y Endovascular. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    Influencia de la especialización del cirujano en los resultados tras cirugía por cáncer de colon: Utilidad de los índices de propensión (propensity scores) Influence of surgeon specialization on outcomes following surgery for colon cancer: The usefulnes of propensity scores

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    Introducción: la influencia del factor cirujano en el cáncer colorrectal se ha estudiado de manera reiterada en literatura científica, pero los resultados han sido contradictorios. Se plantea en este estudio si la especialización del cirujano es un factor determinante del pronóstico en estos pacientes. Asimismo, se valora la importancia de los índices de propensión (PS) en el análisis de los resultados. Pacientes y métodos: se planteó un estudio retrospectivo con revisión de las historias clínicas de 236 pacientes sometidos a cirugía por cáncer de colon en el Hospital General de Castellón. Se establecieron dos grupos de cirujanos (especialista y no especialista), comparando los resultados en cuanto a supervivencia y en cuanto a intervalo libre de enfermedad a los 5 años. Inicialmente, se realizaron las comparaciones sin el ajuste de los resultados y, posteriormente, utilizando los PS. Resultados: el primer análisis de los resultados (sin ajuste) fue claramente favorable al grupo de cirujanos especialistas (supervivencia a los 5 años del 64,3 frente al 79,3%, p = 0,028). No obstante, cuando se ajustó mediante los PS, no se obtuvo dicha significación estadística. Conclusiones: no se ha podido demostrar que la especialización del cirujano sea un factor determinante del pronóstico en los pacientes sometidos a cirugía por cáncer de colon. Los índices de propensión pueden ser de gran utilidad para el ajuste de los resultados en estudios retrospectivos no aleatorizados, especialmente cuando el factor de estudio es poco frecuente.Introduction: surgeon influence on colorectal cancer surgery outcomes has been repeatedly studied in the scientific literature, but conclusions have been contradictory. Here we study whether surgeon specialization is a determinant factor for outcome in these patients. The importance of propensity scores (PS) in surgical research is also studied. Patients and methods: a retrospective study was performed and medical records were reviewed for 236 patients who were intervened for colon cancer in Castellon General Hospital (Spain). Cases were divided into two groups (specialist and non-specialist surgeons), and both 5-year surveillance and disease free survival were compared. Comparisons were first made with no adjustments, and then subsequently using PS analysis. Results: the initial (non-adjusted) analysis was clearly favourable for the specialist surgeon group (5-year surveillance, 64.3 vs. 79.3%, p = 0.028). After adjusting for PS no statistical significance was obtained. Conclusions: surgeon specialization had no significant impact on patient outcome after colon cancer surgery. Propensity score analysis is an important tool in the analysis of surgical non-randomized studies, particularly when events under scrutiny are rare

    Gallstone ileus: management options and results on a series of 40 patients Íleo biliar: opciones terapéuticas y resultados en una serie de 40 casos

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    Introduction: controversy remains about the management of gallstone ileus. While some authors propose enterotomy, others defend the one-stage procedure (simultaneously fistula repair). The objective of the present study was to analyze management options and comparative study their results. Material and methods: retrospective and descriptive study with revision of clinical stories of patients with the diagnosis of gallstone ileus between 1987 and 2008. All the following variables were recorded: dates of hospital admission, surgery and discharge, age, sex, pathological antecedents, preoperative or intraoperative diagnosis, treatment, location of the fistula and location of the obstruction. End-result variables were: postoperative complications, mortality, complications during the follow-up and biliary complications. Results: a total of 40 patients were included of 46,648 admissions. Age, comorbidity, and intraoperative diagnosis were related with poorer short- and long-outcomes. The percentage of postoperative complications was similar for groups with and without fistula repair. Mortality was higher in the group with fistula repair (15vs. 25%). Biliary complications were more frequent in the group without fistula repair (11 vs. 0%). Sex, location of the fistula and location of the obstruction did not be related with the prognosis. Conclusion: one-stage procedure is related with higher mortality rate than enterotomy alone. Nevertheless, fistula repair reduces the number of biliary complications during the follow-up.<br>Introducción: todavía existe gran controversia sobre el mejor tratamiento del íleo biliar. Algunos autores proponen la enterotomía aislada, mientras otros defienden la reparación de la fístula bilioentérica en el mismo acto quirúrgico. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las opciones terapéuticas en estos pacientes y estudiar sus resultados. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo, con revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes diagnosticados de íleo biliar desde 1987 hasta 2008. Se recogieron las fechas de ingreso, de intervención y del alta, edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos, diagnóstico preoperatorio o intraoperatorio, tratamiento, lugar de la fístula y lugar de la obstrucción. Como variables de resultado se utilizaron las complicaciones postoperatorias, mortalidad, complicaciones en el seguimiento y complicaciones biliares. Resultados: se incluyeron 40 pacientes sobre 46.648 ingresos. La edad, la comorbilidad y el diagnóstico intraoperatorio se relacionaron con peores resultados a corto y largo plazo. El porcentaje de complicaciones postoperatorias fue similar para el grupo con abordaje de la fístula y para el grupo con enterotomía aislada. La mortalidad fue superior en el grupo con abordaje de la fístula (15 frente a 25%). Las complicaciones biliares fueron más frecuentes en el grupo sin abordaje de la fístula biliar (11 frente a 0%). El sexo, lugar de la fístula o el lugar de la obstrucción no demostraron diferencias. Conclusión: la cirugía en un solo tiempo se relaciona con mayor mortalidad que la enterotomía aislada. No obstante, añadir la reparación de la fístula reduce el número de complicaciones biliares en el seguimiento

    Behandlung nichtlinearer Loesungspfade in der Statik mit Hybriden Krylov-Newton-Verfahren

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    This report is concerned with the application of inexact Newton methods to the computation of nonlinear solution paths. Using the Arnoldi method for solving the appearing sets of linear equations structures with various kinds of tangent stiffness matrices can be computed by one single pathfollowing concept. For a known finite element the described procedure accomplishes to compute axissymmetric shells in the postbuckling range for the first time. Furtheron three new variants of work controlled pathfollowing algorithms are derived, a generalized description of line search algorithms in structural mechanics is given and a new reliable method to control the load direction within a pathfollowing algorithm is presented. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 275(1993,5)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman