3,395 research outputs found

    Lotus japonicus Nodulates and Fixes Nitrogen with the Broad Host Range Rhizobium sp. NGR234

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    Lotus japonicus possesses major advantages as a model legume for the study of plant-microbe interactions. The relative absence of genetic information on its normal microbial partner (i.e., Mesorhizobium loti) could limit its utility in research. Here we show for the first time that the broad host range Rhizobium strain NGR234 nodulates and fixes nitrogen in symbiosis with Lotus japonicus ecotypes "Gifu” and "Funakura”. We demonstrate that bacterial mutants deficient in nodulation or nitrogen fixation possess the expected phenotype with L.japonicus. Nodulation of L.japonicus was sensitive to nitrate. Vermiculite was an efficient synthetic growth substrate, allowing axenic growth in Magenta jars. The genetic analysis of the Lotus japonicus-Mesorhizobium interaction should be accelerated through the use of this well-defined microsymbion

    Profiling Phospholipids within Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar with Regards to a Novel Terrestrial Omega-3 Oil Source

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    The development and inclusion of novel oils derived from genetically modified (GM) oilseeds into aquafeeds, to supplement and supplant current terrestrial oilseeds, as well as fish oils, warrants a more thorough investigation into lipid biochemical alterations within finfish species, such as Atlantic salmon. Five tissues were examined across two harvesting timepoints to establish whether lipid isomeric alterations could be detected between a standard commercial diet versus a diet that incorporated the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), derived from the GM oilseed Camelina sativa. Tissue-dependent trends were detected, indicating that certain organs, such as the brain, have a basal limit to LC-PUFA incorporation, though enrichment of these fatty acids is possible. Lipid acyl alterations, as well as putative stereospecific numbering (sn) isomer alterations, were also detected, providing evidence that GM oils may modify lipid structure, with lipids of interest providing a set of targeted markers by which lipid alterations can be monitored across various novel diets

    Recognition of Membrane Sterols by Polyene Antifungals Amphotericin B and Natamycin, A 13C MAS NMR Study

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    The molecular action of polyene macrolides with antifungal activity, amphotericin B and natamycin, involves recognition of sterols in membranes. Physicochemical and functional studies have contributed details to understanding the interactions between amphotericin B and ergosterol and, to a lesser extent, with cholesterol. Fewer molecular details are available on interactions between natamycin with sterols. We use solid state 13C MAS NMR to characterize the impact of amphotericin B and natamycin on mixed lipid membranes of DOPC/cholesterol or DOPC/ergosterol. In cholesterol-containing membranes, amphotericin B addition resulted in marked increase in both DOPC and cholesterol 13C MAS NMR linewidth, reflecting membrane insertion and cooperative perturbation of the bilayer. By contrast, natamycin affects little either DOPC or cholesterol linewidth but attenuates cholesterol resonance intensity preferentially for sterol core with lesser impact on the chain. Ergosterol resonances, attenuated by amphotericin B, reveal specific interactions in the sterol core and chain base. Natamycin addition selectively augmented ergosterol resonances from sterol core ring one and, at the same time, from the end of the chain. This puts forward an interaction model similar to the head-to-tail model for amphotericin B/ergosterol pairing but with docking on opposite sterol faces. Low toxicity of natamycin is attributed to selective, non-cooperative sterol engagement compared to cooperative membrane perturbation by amphotericin B

    Beans ( Phaseolus spp.) - model food legumes

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    Globally, 800 million people are malnourished. Heavily subsidised farmers in rich countries produce sufficient surplus food to feed the hungry, but not at a price the poor can afford. Even donating the rich world's surplus to the poor would not solve the problem. Most poor people earn their living from agriculture, so a deluge of free food would destroy their livelihoods. Thus, the only answer to world hunger is to safeguard and improve the productivity of farmers in poor countries. Diets of subsistence level farmers in Africa and Latin America often contain sufficient carbohydrates (through cassava, corn/maize, rice, wheat, etc.), but are poor in proteins. Dietary proteins can take the form of scarce animal products (eggs, milk, meat, etc.), but are usually derived from legumes (plants of the bean and pea family). Legumes are vital in agriculture as they form associations with bacteria that 'sfix-nitrogen' from the air. Effectively this amounts to internal fertilisation and is the main reason that legumes are richer in proteins than all other plants. Thousands of legume species exist but more common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are eaten than any other. In some countries such as Mexico and Brazil, beans are the primary source of protein in human diets. As half the grain legumes consumed worldwide are common beans, they represent the species of choice for the study of grain legume nutrition. Unfortunately, the yields of common beans are low even by the standards of legumes, and the quality of their seed proteins is sub-optimal. Most probably this results from millennia of selection for stable rather than high yield, and as such, is a problem that can be redressed by modern genetic techniques. We have formed an international consortium called Phaseomics' to establish the necessary framework of knowledge and materials that will result in disease-resistant, stress-tolerant, high-quality protein and high-yielding beans. Phaseomics will be instrumental in improving living conditions in deprived regions of Africa and the Americas. It will contribute to social equity and sustainable development and enhance inter- and intra-cultural understanding, knowledge and relationships. A major goal of Phaseomics is to generate new common bean varieties that are not only suitable for but also desired by the local farmer and consumer communities. Therefore, the socio-economic dimension of improved bean production and the analysis of factors influencing the acceptance of novel varieties will be an integral part of the proposed research (see Figure 1). Here, we give an overview of the economic and nutritional importance of common beans as a food crop. Priorities and targets of current breeding programmes are outlined, along with ongoing efforts in genomics. Recommendations for an international coordinated effort to join knowledge, facilities and expertise in a variety of scientific undertakings that will contribute to the overall goal of better beans are given. To be rapid and effective, plant breeding programmes (i.e., those that involve crossing two different 'sparents') rely heavily on molecular 'smarkers'. These genetic landmarks are used to positio

    Million-atom molecular dynamics simulation by order-N electronic structure theory and parallel computation

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    Parallelism of tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations is presented by means of the order-N electronic structure theory with the Wannier states, recently developed (J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 69,3773 (2000)). An application is tested for silicon nanocrystals of more than millions atoms with the transferable tight-binding Hamiltonian. The efficiency of parallelism is perfect, 98.8 %, and the method is the most suitable to parallel computation. The elapse time for a system of 2Ă—1062\times 10^6 atoms is 3.0 minutes by a computer system of 64 processors of SGI Origin 3800. The calculated results are in good agreement with the results of the exact diagonalization, with an error of 2 % for the lattice constant and errors less than 10 % for elastic constants.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Absence of a Finite-Temperature Melting Transition in the Classical Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma

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    Vortices in thin-film superconductors are often modelled as a system of particles interacting via a repulsive logarithmic potential. Arguments are presented to show that the hypothetical (Abrikosov) crystalline state for such particles is unstable at any finite temperature against proliferation of screened disclinations. The correlation length of crystalline order is predicted to grow as 1/T\sqrt{1/T} as the temperature TT is reduced to zero, in excellent agreement with our simulations of this two-dimensional system.Comment: 3 figure

    Evolutionary ecology, resource depression, and niche construction theory: applications to central California hunter–gatherers and Mimbres-Mogollon Agriculturalists

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    Abstract Evolutionary ecology is a theoretical framework that has been widely applied to problems in human evolution and prehistory. Because the approach often focuses on how behavioral adjustments to changing socio-ecological conditions create novel selective pressures that in turn drive other changes in morphology and behavior, it draws on the same evolutionary logic that underlies niche construction theory. We illustrate here the important role that niche construction has played in archaeological applications of evolutionary ecology with two detailed case studies: one from Late Holocene hunter-gatherer populations in Central California and one from Mimbres-Mogollon agriculturalists in New Mexico. These examples illustrate that evolutionary ecology-based approaches, with an emphasis on formal predictive modeling, allow for the incorporation of niche construction as it affects model parameters with reference to specific problems involving past behavior. Further modeling and empirical applications will expand the synergies between these complementary approaches and advance our understanding of the human past

    Application of robotics In the clinical laboratory

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    The basic types of robot are explained, and the performances and costs of some commercial examples are given. The potential advantages and problems of introducing robots into clinical laboratories are identified and the specifcation of a suitable robot is developed. None of the commercially available robots meets all aspects of the specificalion, and currently the purchase of a robot is considered premature for most clinical laboratories
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