9 research outputs found

    Cortisol and inflammatory processes in ovarian cancer patients following primary treatment: Relationships with depression, fatigue, and disability

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    a b s t r a c t Elevations in the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) and alterations in the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol have been reported in a variety of cancers. IL-6 has prognostic significance in ovarian cancer and cortisol has been associated with fatigue, disability, and vegetative depression in ovarian cancer patients prior to surgery. Ovarian cancer patients undergoing primary treatment completed psychological self-report measures and collected salivary cortisol and plasma IL-6 prior to surgery, at 6 months, and at 1 year. Patients included in this study had completed chemotherapy and had no evidence of disease recurrence. At 6 months, patients showed significant reductions in nocturnal cortisol secretion, plasma IL-6, and a more normalized diurnal cortisol rhythm, changes that were maintained at 1 year. The reductions in IL-6 and nocturnal cortisol were associated with declines in self-reported fatigue, vegetative depression, and disability. These findings suggest that primary treatment for ovarian cancer reduces the inflammatory response. Moreover, patients who have not developed recurrent disease by 1 year appear to maintain more normalized levels of cortisol and IL-6. Improvement in fatigue and vegetative depression is associated with the normalization of IL-6 and cortisol, a pattern which may be relevant for improvements in overall quality of life for ovarian cancer patients

    Fornecimento de volumoso para bezerros pré-ruminantes Roughage for pre-ruminant calves

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    O presente trabalho avaliou a performance de bezerros mestiços HolandêsxZebu, do nascimento aos 90 dias de idade, desaleitados aos 56 dias, com acesso ou não a volumoso. O ensaio foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de Itaguaí da PESAGRO-RIO, em Seropédica, RJ, no período de janeiro a abril de 2000. Foram utilizados 27 bezerros, distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, de acordo com o peso ao nascer e com o sexo, nos seguintes tratamentos experimentais: (1) Concentrado; (2) Concentrado+pasto de capim-estrela (Cynodon nhenfluensis), e (3) Concentrado+feno de alfafa (Medicago sativa). Os animais foram separados das mães 24 horas após o nascimento e mantidos em baias individuais. Todos os animais receberam colostro até o 3º dia de vida e, a partir daí, quatro litros de leite integral/animal/dia, além de concentrado comercial (18%PB), até o máximo de 2,0kg/animal/dia, a partir da segunda semana de vida. Os animais do tratamento 2 tiveram acesso aos piquetes, manejados em rodízio, a partir do 15º dia de vida, no período das 8h às 14h, e aqueles do tratamento 3 receberam feno de alfafa (18%PB) picado, à vontade, a partir do 8º dia de vida. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos 1 e 3; entretanto, aqueles submetidos ao tratamento 2 consumiram menor (P<0,05) quantidade de concentrado. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para consumo total de matéria seca e eficiência alimentar entre os tratamentos 1 e 3 e para ganho de peso médio diário, perímetros abdominal e torácico, incidência de diarréias e corrimento nasal entre os três tratamentos. O fornecimento de volumoso para bezerros pode ser feito a partir da 8ª semana de idade, sem prejuízos para o seu desenvolvimento, desde que os animais tenham à sua disposição concentrado inicial desde a segunda semana de idade.<br>This experiment aimed to evaluate the growth of Holstein Zebu crossbred calves, from birth to 90 days of age, early weaned, with or without available roughage from the second week of age on. The trial was carried out at the Itaguaí Experimental Station, from PESAGRO-RJ, from January up to April, 2000. Twenty-seven calves were used, randomly assigned to blocks according to sex and birth weight, in the following experimental treatments: (1) only starter; (2) starter plus Cynodon nhenfluensis paddocks grazed from the 15th day of age on; and, (3) starter plus Medicago sativa hay. Calves were separated from their dams twenty-four hours after birth and kept to individual pens. All animals received colostrum up to the 3rd day of age and, from there on, four litters of whole milk/animal/day, up to the 56th day of age, and commercial starter (18%CP) up to a maximum of 2.0kg/animal/day from the second week of age on. Animals from treatments 1 and 3 were kept on their pens up to 70 days of age, those from treatment 3 received, in separated feeders, chopped alfalfa hay (18%CP, particle size of 5cm), ad libitum, from the 8th day on. Animals in treatment 2 had access to paddocks from 8:00 to 14: 00h. Milk, starter and hay intakes, as well as diarrhoea and nasal flow incidences were measured daily up to 70 days of age. Body weight and barrel and heart girth were taken weekly. There were no difference (P>0.05) between calves fed roughage (treatments 2 and 3) for starter intake; however, animals allowed to graze showed lower (P<0.05) starter intake. Average total dry matter intake and feed efficiency were similar (P>0.05) for treatments 1 and 3. There were no differences (P>0.05) among treatments for average daily weight gain, as well as diarrhea, nasal flow incidences and barrel and heart girth. It was concluded that roughage may be supplied to calves from day 56th of age on, without impairing their development, when starter is offered since the second week of age

    Interleukin-6, Cortisol, and Depressive Symptoms in Ovarian Cancer Patients

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    Purpose Inflammatory processes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of both depression and cancer. Links between depressive symptoms, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and cortisol dysregulation have been demonstrated in cancer patients, but vegetative versus affective components of depression have been minimally examined. The objective of the current study was to examine associations between IL-6, diurnal cortisol rhythms, and facets of depression in epithelial ovarian cancer patients. Patients and Methods Patients awaiting surgery for a pelvic mass suspected for ovarian cancer completed questionnaires, collected salivary samples for 3 days presurgery, and gave a presurgical blood sample. Ascites was obtained during surgery. IL-6 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and cortisol by a chemiluminescence immunoassay. The final sample included 112 invasive ovarian cancer patients (86 advanced stage, 26 early stage) and 25 patients with tumors of low malignant potential (LMP). Results Advanced-stage ovarian cancer patients demonstrated elevations in vegetative and affective depressive symptoms, plasma IL-6, and the cortisol area under the curve (AUC) compared with patients with LMP tumors (all P .05). Among invasive ovarian cancer patients, greater vegetative depression was related to elevated IL-6 in plasma (P .008) and ascites (P .024), but affective depression was unrelated to IL-6. Elevations in total depression (P .026) and vegetative depression (P .005) were also related to higher evening cortisol levels. Plasma IL-6 was related to greater afternoon and evening cortisol and cortisol AUC (all P values .005). Conclusion These results demonstrate significant relationships between IL-6, cortisol, and vegetative depression, and may have implications for treatment of depression in ovarian cancer patients

    Interleukin 2 production in vitro by peripheral lymphocytes in response to human papillomavirus-derived peptides: correlation with cervical pathology

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is believed to be the major cause of cervical cancer. To investigate whether a cellular immune response, especially a T helper type 1 response, is related to the natural defense against HPV- related cervical lesions, the interleukin 2 response of peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro to overlapping peptides from HPV-16 E6 and E7 oncoproteins was compared with the degree of cervical cytological abnormality among 140 women in a cross-sectional study. We compared 66 women diagnosed with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), 21 with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), and 28 with invasive cervical cancer with 25 women who were cytologically normal but previously HPV-16 DNA positive. The fraction showing strong interleukin 2 production against HPV- 16 peptides was greatest among cytologically normal women (35%) and declined with increasing disease severity [LSIL] (20%), HSIL (17%), and cancer patients (7%); \u3c72 test P for the trend = 0.02], whereas the responses against a recall influenza antigen were not significantly different among groups. Our finding suggests that a T helper lymphocyte type 1 response to HPV antigens is associated with disease status. This result may reflect a targeted effect of the disease on immune function or a protective effect of the immune response against disease progression