566 research outputs found

    Dodecatheon cylindrocarpum Rydb.

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    Bedrijfsnetwerk op weg naar minder antibiotica

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    Steeds meer (biologische) melkveehouders ontdekken dat hun bedrijfsvoering toe kan met minder antibiotica. Geïnteresseerde veehouders hebben de afgelopen jaren veel van elkaar geleerd binnen het ‘Bedrijfsnetwerk Antibioticavrije Bedrijfsvoering’. Als alternatief voor antibiotica zijn meestal meerdere strategieën en oplossingen mogelijk. Het is de kunst om een strategie te kiezen die past bij de veehouder, het bedrijf, de veestapel en de individuele koe. In dit bioKennisbericht meer informatie uit het bedrijfsnetwerk

    Predictors of the Use of Respite Services by Caregivers of Alzheimer\u27s Patients: Racial and Generational Differences

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    This research applies one prominent model of service utilization (the Andersen- Newman Model) to better understand the way in which family care givers utilize respite services when caring for older relatives. Specifically, this research examines racial (black and white) and generational (spouse and adult-child) differences between caregivers of Alzheimer\u27s patients and the volume and type of respite services used. The sample (N= 359) is drawn from six Northeast Ohio programs in a consortium that uses a personal computer-based information system to collect intake, assessment, service use, and program satisfaction data from respite clients. Racial differences are found in client attrition and turnover. Results also show adult-child caregivers are the greatest users of day care. These generational differences persist despite the similarities in patient and caregiver need. Fee subsidy and relationship strain between the caregiver and elder predict the amount of service used. Findings suggest that practitioners need to take into account racial and generational factors in addition to traditional patient and caregiver needs when formulating care plans

    Factors that determine the effectiveness of screening for congenital heart malformations at child health centres

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    BACKGROUND: The actual yield from current screening for clinically significant congenital heart malformations in Dutch child health care is far from optimal. In this study factors that determine the effectiveness of this screening are identified and recommendations for the optimization of the screening programme are formulated. METHODS: Eighty-two patients with a clinically significant congenital heart malformation were consecutively included in this study. Parents and child health centre physicians were interviewed in order to establish the screening, detection and referral history. Paediatric cardiologists established whether these patients were diagnosed 'in time' or 'too late'. RESULTS: Incomplete performance of the screening examination has more influence on the occurrence of delayed diagnoses than failure by parents to adhere to the complete visit schedule. Adequate screening advances detection of congenital heart malformations. Severity, however, is the most predominant determinant of the age at referral and diagnosis, as well as of the risk of complications. In only 7 out of 39 patients diagnosed 'too late', could no avoidable cause for an adverse outcome be found. In 10 cases (25%) there was a prolonged interval between first referral and diagnosis. CONCLUSION: To optimize the yield of the screening programme, improvement in the performance of the child health centre physicians and the co-operation of other physicians involved in reducing the interval between referral and diagnosis are required. Thus a considerable improvement in the prevention of complications of congenital heart malformations can be obtained

    Data-driven analytics to identify school absenteeism associated risk and protective factors for secondary school students

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    Chronic absenteeism (CA), defined as missing at least 15 school days/year, is recognized as a national problem in the U.S. with devastating long-term impacts for students. Previous studies have been guided by a mixture of diverse CA definitions and measurements which could potentially harm the applicability of findings. Despite the number of CA-associated factors identified, studies utilizing a unified theoretical system to a wide range of risk and protective factors has been scarce

    Naar een klimaatneutrale bedrijfsvoering: hoe doe je dat?

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    De huidige landbouw draagt bij aan het broeikaseffect en daarmee aan de klimaatverandering. Tegelijk heeft de landbouw goede mogelijkheden om tot vermindering van broeikasgasemissies te komen. Zestien agrariërs nemen daarvoor het voortouw in het project BoerenKlimaat.nl. Samen met Wageningen UR en het Louis Bolk Instituut werken zij aan een klimaatneutrale bedrijfsvoering door mogelijkheden in de praktijk te benutten en te optimaliseren. Dit BioKennisbericht belicht deze kansen en reikt de varkenshouder, akkerbouwer en pluimveehouder suggesties aan om het eigen bedrijf verder te verduurzamen
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