852 research outputs found

    Non-Gaussianity and Excursion Set Theory: Halo Bias

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    We study the impact of primordial non-Gaussianity generated during inflation on the bias of halos using excursion set theory. We recapture the familiar result that the bias scales as k2k^{-2} on large scales for local type non-Gaussianity but explicitly identify the approximations that go into this conclusion and the corrections to it. We solve the more complicated problem of non-spherical halos, for which the collapse threshold is scale dependent.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. v2 references added. Matches published versio

    The Luminosity Dependence of Quasar Clustering

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    We investigate the luminosity dependence of quasar clustering, inspired by numerical simulations of galaxy mergers that incorporate black hole growth. These simulations have motivated a new interpretation of the quasar luminosity function. In this picture, the bright end of the quasar luminosity function consists of quasars radiating nearly at their peak luminosities, while the faint end consists mainly of very similar sources, but at dimmer phases in their evolution. We combine this model with the statistics of dark matter halos that host quasar activity. We find that, since bright and faint quasars are mostly similar sources seen in different evolutionary stages, a broad range in quasar luminosities corresponds to only a narrow range in the masses of quasar host halos. On average, bright and faint quasars reside in similar host halos. Consequently, we argue that quasar clustering should depend only weakly on luminosity. This prediction is in qualitative agreement with recent measurements of the luminosity dependence of the quasar correlation function (Croom et al. 2005) and the galaxy-quasar cross-correlation function (Adelberger & Steidel 2005). Future precision clustering measurements from SDSS and 2dF, spanning a large range in luminosity, should provide a strong test of our model.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Detecting the Rise and Fall of 21 cm Fluctuations with the Murchison Widefield Array

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    We forecast the sensitivity with which the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) can measure the 21 cm power spectrum of cosmic hydrogen, using radiative transfer simulations to model reionization and the 21 cm signal. The MWA is sensitive to roughly a decade in scale (wavenumbers of k ~ 0.1 - 1 h Mpc^{-1}), with foreground contamination precluding measurements on larger scales, and thermal detector noise limiting the small scale sensitivity. This amounts primarily to constraints on two numbers: the amplitude and slope of the 21 cm power spectrum on the scales probed. We find, however, that the redshift evolution in these quantities can yield important information about reionization. Although the power spectrum differs substantially across plausible models, a generic prediction is that the amplitude of the 21 cm power spectrum on MWA scales peaks near the epoch when the intergalactic medium (IGM) is ~ 50% ionized. Moreover, the slope of the 21 cm power spectrum on MWA scales flattens as the ionization fraction increases and the sizes of the HII regions grow. Considering detection sensitivity, we show that the optimal MWA antenna configuration for power spectrum measurements would pack all 500 antenna tiles as close as possible in a compact core. The MWA is sensitive enough in its optimal configuration to measure redshift evolution in the slope and amplitude of the 21 cm power spectrum. Detecting the characteristic redshift evolution of our models will confirm that observed 21 cm fluctuations originate from the IGM, and not from foregrounds, and provide an indirect constraint on the volume-filling factor of HII regions during reionization. After two years of observations under favorable conditions, the MWA can constrain the filling factor at an epoch when ~ 0.5 to within roughly +/- 0.1 at 2-sigma.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    On the Detectability of the Hydrogen 3-cm Fine Structure Line from the EoR

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    A soft ultraviolet radiation field, 10.2 eV < E <13.6 eV, that permeates neutral intergalactic gas during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) excites the 2p (directly) and 2s (indirectly) states of atomic hydrogen. Because the 2s state is metastable, the lifetime of atoms in this level is relatively long, which may cause the 2s state to be overpopulated relative to the 2p state. It has recently been proposed that for this reason, neutral intergalactic atomic hydrogen gas may be detected in absorption in its 3-cm fine-structure line (2s_1/2 -> 2p_3/2) against the Cosmic Microwave Background out to very high redshifts. In particular, the optical depth in the fine-structure line through neutral intergalactic gas surrounding bright quasars during the EoR may reach tau~1e-5. The resulting surface brightness temperature of tens of micro K (in absorption) may be detectable with existing radio telescopes. Motivated by this exciting proposal, we perform a detailed analysis of the transfer of Lyman beta,gamma,delta,... radiation, and re-analyze the detectability of the fine-structure line in neutral intergalactic gas surrounding high-redshift quasars. We find that proper radiative transfer modeling causes the fine-structure absorption signature to be reduced tremendously to tau< 1e-10. We therefore conclude that neutral intergalactic gas during the EoR cannot reveal its presence in the 3-cm fine-structure line to existing radio telescopes.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS in press; v2. some typos fixe

    Estimating Frequencies from Multiple Source Data

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    The Impact of Temperature Fluctuations on the Lyman-alpha Forest Power Spectrum

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    We explore the impact of spatial fluctuations in the intergalactic medium temperature on the Lyman-alpha forest flux power spectrum near z ~ 3. We develop a semianalytic model to examine temperature fluctuations resulting from inhomogeneous HI and incomplete HeII reionizations. Detection of these fluctuations might provide insight into the reionization histories of hydrogen and helium. Furthermore, these fluctuations, neglected in previous analyses, could bias constraints on cosmological parameters from the Lyman-alpha forest. We find that the temperature fluctuations resulting from inhomogeneous HI reionization are likely to be very small, with an rms amplitude of < 5%, σT0/<0.05\sigma_{T_0}/ < 0.05. More important are the temperature fluctuations that arise from incomplete HeII reionization, which might plausibly be as large as 50%, σT0/ 0.5\sigma_{T_0}/ ~ 0.5. In practice, however, these temperature fluctuations have only a small effect on flux power spectrum predictions. The smallness of the effect is possibly due to density fluctuations dominating over temperature fluctuations on the scales probed by current measurements. On the largest scales currently probed, k ~ 0.001 s/km (~0.1 h/Mpc), the effect on the flux power spectrum may be as large as ~10% in extreme models. The effect is larger on small scales, up to ~20% at k = 0.1 s/km, due to thermal broadening. Our results suggest that the omission of temperature fluctuations effects from previous analyses does not significantly bias constraints on cosmological parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, ApJ accepte

    Gravitational Lensing as Signal and Noise in Lyman-alpha Forest Measurements

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    In Lyman-alpha forest measurements it is generally assumed that quasars are mere background light sources which are uncorrelated with the forest. Gravitational lensing of the quasars violates this assumption. This effect leads to a measurement bias, but more interestingly it provides a valuable signal. The lensing signal can be extracted by correlating quasar magnitudes with the flux power spectrum and with the flux decrement. These correlations will be challenging to measure but their detection provides a direct measure of how features in the Lyman-alpha forest trace the underlying mass density field. Observing them will test the fundamental hypothesis that fluctuations in the forest are predominantly driven by fluctuations in mass, rather than in the ionizing background, helium reionization or winds. We discuss ways to disentangle the lensing signal from other sources of such correlations, including dust, continuum and background residuals. The lensing-induced measurement bias arises from sample selection: one preferentially collects spectra of magnified quasars which are behind overdense regions. This measurement bias is ~0.1-1% for the flux power spectrum, optical depth and the flux probability distribution. Since the effect is systematic, quantities such as the amplitude of the flux power spectrum averaged across scales should be interpreted with care.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; v2: references added, discussion expanded, matches PRD accepted versio

    The Line-of-Sight Proximity Effect and the Mass of Quasar Host Halos

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    We show that the Lyman-alpha optical depth statistics in the proximity regions of quasar spectra depend on the mass of the dark matter halos hosting the quasars. This is owing to both the overdensity around the quasars and the associated infall of gas toward them. For a fiducial quasar host halo mass of (3.0+/-1.6) h^-1 x 10^12 Msun, as inferred by Croom et al. from clustering in the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey, we show that estimates of the ionizing background (Gamma^bkg) from proximity effect measurements could be biased high by a factor of ~2.5 at z=3 owing to neglecting these effects alone. The clustering of galaxies and other active galactic nuclei around the proximity effect quasars enhances the local background, but is not expected to skew measurements by more than a few percent. Assuming the measurements of Gamma^bkg based on the mean flux decrement in the Ly-alpha forest to be free of bias, we demonstrate how the proximity effect analysis can be inverted to measure the mass of the dark matter halos hosting quasars. In ideal conditions, such a measurement could be made with a precision comparable to the best clustering constraints to date from a modest sample of only about 100 spectra. We discuss observational difficulties, including continuum flux estimation, quasar systematic redshift determination, and quasar variability, which make accurate proximity effect measurements challenging in practice. These are also likely to contribute to the discrepancies between existing proximity effect and flux decrement measurements of Gamma^bkg.Comment: 25 pages, including 14 figures, accepted by Ap

    Measuring Galaxy Clustering and the Evolution of [C II] Mean Intensity with Far-IR Line Intensity Mapping during 0.5 < z < 1.5

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    Infrared fine-structure emission lines from trace metals are powerful diagnostics of the interstellar medium in galaxies. We explore the possibility of studying the redshifted far-IR fine-structure line emission using the three-dimensional (3-D) power spectra obtained with an imaging spectrometer. The intensity mapping approach measures the spatio-spectral fluctuations due to line emission from all galaxies, including those below the individual detection threshold. The technique provides 3-D measurements of galaxy clustering and moments of the galaxy luminosity function. Furthermore, the linear portion of the power spectrum can be used to measure the total line emission intensity including all sources through cosmic time with redshift information naturally encoded. Total line emission, when compared to the total star formation activity and/or other line intensities reveals evolution of the interstellar conditions of galaxies in aggregate. As a case study, we consider measurement of [CII] autocorrelation in the 0.5 < z < 1.5 epoch, where interloper lines are minimized, using far-IR/submm balloon-borne and future space-borne instruments with moderate and high sensitivity, respectively. In this context, we compare the intensity mapping approach to blind galaxy surveys based on individual detections. We find that intensity mapping is nearly always the best way to obtain the total line emission because blind, wide-field galaxy surveys lack sufficient depth and deep pencil beams do not observe enough galaxies in the requisite luminosity and redshift bins. Also, intensity mapping is often the most efficient way to measure the power spectrum shape, depending on the details of the luminosity function and the telescope aperture