3,311 research outputs found

    Accurate determination of the scattering length of metastable Helium atoms using dark resonances between atoms and exotic molecules

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    We present a new measurement of the s-wave scattering length a of spin-polarized helium atoms in the 2^3S_1 metastable state. Using two-photon photoassociation spectroscopy and dark resonances we measure the energy E_{v=14}= -91.35 +/- 0.06 MHz of the least bound state v=14 in the interaction potential of the two atoms. We deduce a value of a = 7.512 +/- 0.005 nm, which is at least one hundred times more precise than the best previous determinations and is in disagreement with some of them. This experiment also demonstrates the possibility to create exotic molecules binding two metastable atoms with a lifetime of the order of 1 microsecond.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Entry dynamics and the decline in exchange-rate pass-through

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    The degree of exchange-rate pass-through to import prices is low. An average passthrough estimate for the 1980s would be roughly 50 percent for the United States implying that, following a 10 percent depreciation of the dollar, a foreign exporter selling to the U.S. market would raise its price in the United States by 5 percent. Moreover, substantial evidence indicates that the degree of pass-through has since declined to about 30 percent. ; Gust, Leduc, and Vigfusson (2010) demonstrate that, in the presence of pricing complementarity, trade integration spurred by lower costs for importers can account for a significant portion of the decline in pass-through. In our framework, pass-through declines solely because of markup adjustments along the intensive margin. ; In this paper, we model how the entry and exit decisions of exporting firms affect passthrough. This is particularly important since the decline in pass-through has occurred as a greater concentration of foreign firms are exporting to the United States. ; We find that the effect of entry on pass-through is quantitatively small and is more than offset by the adjustment of markups that arise only along the intensive margin. Even though entry has a relatively small impact on pass-through, it nevertheless plays an important role in accounting for the secular rise in imports relative to GDP. In particular, our model suggests that over 3/4 of the rise in the U.S. import share since the early 1980s is due to trade in new goods. ; Thus, a key insight of this paper is that adjustment of markups that occur along the intensive margin are quantitatively more important in accounting for secular changes in pass-through than adjustments that occur along the extensive margin.

    Incremental verification of co-observability in discrete-event systems

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    Existing strategies for verifying co-observability, one of the properties that must be satisfied for synthesizing solutions to decentralized supervisory control problems, require the construction of the complete system model. When the system is composed of many subsystems, these monolithic approaches may be impractical due to the state-space explosion problem. To address this issue, we introduce an incremental verification of co-observability approach. Selected subgroups of the system are evaluated individually, until verification of co-observability is complete. The new method is potentially much more efficient than the monolithic approaches, in particular for systems composed of many subsystems, allowing for some intractable state-space explosion problems to be manageable. Properties of this new strategy are presented, along with a corresponding algorithm and an example

    Modeling and Energy Optimization of LDPC Decoder Circuits with Timing Violations

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    This paper proposes a "quasi-synchronous" design approach for signal processing circuits, in which timing violations are permitted, but without the need for a hardware compensation mechanism. The case of a low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoder is studied, and a method for accurately modeling the effect of timing violations at a high level of abstraction is presented. The error-correction performance of code ensembles is then evaluated using density evolution while taking into account the effect of timing faults. Following this, several quasi-synchronous LDPC decoder circuits based on the offset min-sum algorithm are optimized, providing a 23%-40% reduction in energy consumption or energy-delay product, while achieving the same performance and occupying the same area as conventional synchronous circuits.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Fabrication and characterization of high current-density, submicron, NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions

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    At near-millimeter wavelengths, heterodyne receivers based on SIS tunnel junctions are the most sensitive available. However, in order to scale these results to submillimeter wavelengths, certain device properties should be scaled. The tunnel-junction's current density should be increased to reduce the RC product. The device's area should be reduced to efficiently couple power from the antenna to the mixer. Finally, the superconductor used should have a large energy gap to minimize RF losses. Most SIS mixers use Nb or Pb-alloy tunnel junctions; the gap frequency for these materials is approximately 725 GHz. Above the gap frequency, these materials exhibit losses similar to those in a normal metal. The gap frequency in NbN films is as-large-as 1440 GHz. Therefore, we have developed a process to fabricate small area (down to 0.13 sq microns), high current density, NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions

    Theory of evaporative cooling with energy-dependent elastic scattering cross section and application to metastable helium

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    The kinetic theory of evaporative cooling developed by Luiten et al. [Phys. Rev. A 53, 381 (1996)] is extended to include the dependence of the elastic scattering cross section on collision energy. We introduce a simple approximation by which the transition range between the low-temperature limit and the unitarity limit is described as well. Applying the modified theory to our measurements on evaporative cooling of metastable helium we find a scattering length |a| = 10(5) nm

    The millimeter-wave properties of superconducting microstrip lines

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    We have developed a novel technique for making high quality measurements of the millimeter-wave properties of superconducting thin-film microstrip transmission lines. Our experimental technique currently covers the 75-100 GHz band. The method is based on standing wave resonances in an open ended transmission line. We obtain information on the phase velocity and loss of the microstrip. Our data for Nb/SiO/Nb lines, taken at 4.2 K and 1.6 K, can be explained by a single set of physical parameters. Our preliminary conclusion is that the loss is dominated by the SiO dielectric, with a temperature-independent loss tangent of 5.3 ± 0.5 x 10^(-3) for our samples

    Development of Low Noise THz SIS Mixer Using an Array of Nb/Al-AlN/NbTiN Junctions

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    We report the development of a low noise and broadband SIS mixer aimed for 1 THz channel of the Caltech Airborne Submillimeter Interstellar Medium Investigations Receiver (CASIMIR), designed for the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, (SOFIA). The mixer uses an array of two 0.24 mum^2 Nb/Al-AlN/NbTiN SIS junctions with the critical current density of 30-50 kA/cm^2 . An on-chip double slot planar antenna couples the mixer circuit with the telescope beam. The mixer matching circuit is made with Nb and gold films. The mixer IF circuit is designed to cover 4-8 GHz band. A test receiver with the new mixer has a low noise operation in 0.87-1.12 THz band. The minimum receiver noise measured in our experiment is 353 K (Y = 1.50). The receiver noise corrected for the loss in the LO injection beam splitter is 250 K. The combination of a broad operation band of about 250 GHz with a low receiver noise makes the new mixer a useful element for application at SOFIA
