257 research outputs found

    Real-time manned simulation of advanced terminal area guidance concepts for short-haul operations

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    A real-time simulation was conducted of three-dimensional area navigation and four-dimensional area navigation equipped (STOL) aircraft operating in a high-density terminal area traffic environment. The objectives were to examine the effects of 3D RNAV and 4D RNAV equipped aircraft on the terminal area traffic efficiency, and to examine the performance of an air traffic control system concept and associated controller display proposed for use with advanced RNAV systems. Three types of STOL aircraft were simulated each with different performance capabilities. System performance was measured in both the 4D mode and in a 3D mode; the 3D mode, used as a baseline, was simply the 4D mode less any time specification. The results show that communications workload in the 4D mode was reduced by about 35 percent compared to the 3D, while 35 percent more traffic was handled with the 4D. Aircraft holding time in the 4D mode was only 30 percent of that required in the 3D mode. In addition, the orderliness of traffic was improved significantly in the 4D mode

    Carboranylcyclotriphosphazenes and their polymers

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    Carboranyl-substituted polyphosphazenes are prepared by heat polymerizing a carboranyl halocyclophosphazene at 250 C for about 120 hours in the absence of oxygen and moisture. The cyclophosphazene is obtained by allowing a lithium carborane, e.g., the reaction product of methyl-o-carborane with n-butyllithium in ethyl ether, to react with e.g., hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene at ambient temperatures and in anhydrous conditions. For greater stability in the presence of moisture, the chlorine substituents of the polymer are then replaced by aryloxy or alkoxy groups, such as CF3CH2O. The new substantially inorganic polymers are thermally stable materials which produce a high char yield when exposed to extreme temperatures, and can thus serve to insulate less heat and fire resistant substances

    Mixing 4D-Equipped and Unequipped Aircraft in the Terminal Area

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    On-board 4D guidance systems, which predict and control the touchdown time of an aircraft to an accuracy of a few seconds throughout the descent, were developed and demonstrated in several flight test programs. However, in addition to refinements of the on board system, two important issues still need to be considered. First, in order to make effective use of these on-board systems, it is necessary to understand and develop the interactions of the airborne and air traffic control (ATC) system in the proposed advanced environment. Unless the total system is understood, the advanced on-board system may prove unusable from an ATC standpoint. Second, in planning for a future system in which all aircraft are 4D equipped, it is necessary to confront the transition situation in which some percentage of traffic must still be handled by conventional means. In terms of 4D, this means that some traffic must still be given radar vectors and speed clearances (that is, be spaced by conventional distance separation techniques), while the 4D-equipped aircraft need to be issued time assignments. These apparent differences are reconciled and efficient ATC operation is developed

    Simulation studies of time-control procedures for the advanced air traffic control system

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    The problem of mixing aircraft equipped with time-controlled guidance systems and unequipped aircraft in the terminal area has been investigated via a real-time air traffic control simulation. These four-dimensional (4D) guidance systems can predict and control the touchdown time of an aircraft to an accuracy of a few seconds throughout the descent. The objectives of this investigation were to (1) develop scheduling algorithms and operational procedures for various traffic mixes that ranged from 25% to 75% 4D-equipped aircraft; (2) examine the effect of time errors at 120 n. mi. from touchdown on touchdown time scheduling of the various mix conditions; and (3) develop efficient algorithms and procedures to null the initial time errors prior to reaching the final control sector, 30 n. mi. from touchdown. Results indicate substantial reduction in controller workload and an increase in orderliness when more than 25% of the aircraft are equipped with 4D guidance systems; initial random errors of up to + or - 2 min can be handled via a single speed advisory issued in the arrival control sector, thus avoiding disruption of the time schedule

    Electrons in the Earth's Outer Radiation Zone

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    Electrons in the earths outer radiation bel

    Advanced oxygen-hydrocarbon rocket engine study

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    This study identifies and evaluates promising LO2/HC rocket engine cycles, produces a consistent and reliable data base for vehicle optimization and design studies, demonstrates the significance of propulsion system improvements, and selects the critical technology areas necessary to realize an improved surface to orbit transportation system. Parametric LO2/HC engine data were generated over a range of thrust levels from 890 to 6672 kN (200K to 1.5M 1bF) and chamber pressures from 6890 to 34500 kN (1000 to 5000 psia). Engine coolants included RP-1, refined RP-1, LCH4, LC3H8, LO2, and LH2. LO2/RP-1 G.G. cycles were found to be not acceptable for advanced engines. The highest performing LO2/RP-1 staged combustion engine cycle utilizes LO2 as the coolant and incorporates an oxidizer rich preburner. The highest performing cycle for LO2/LCH4 and LO2/LC3H8 utilizes fuel cooling and incorporates both fuel and oxidizer rich preburners. LO2/HC engine cycles permitting the use of a third fluid LH2 coolant and an LH2 rich gas generator provide higher performance at significantly lower pump discharge pressures. The LO2/HC dual throat engine, because of its high altitude performance, delivers the highest payload for the vehicle configuration that was investigated

    Dual-throat thruster thermal model

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    The dual-throat engine is one of the dual nozzle engine concepts studied for advanced space transportation applications. It provides a thrust change and an in-flight area ratio change through the use of two concentric combustors with their throats arranged in series. Test results are presented for a dual throat thruster burning gaseous oxygen and hydrogen at primary (inner) chamber pressures from 380 to 680 psia. Heat flux profiles were obtained from calorimetric cooling channels in the inner nozzle, outer or secondary chamber and the tip of the inner nozzle. Data were obtained for two nozzle spacings over a chamber pressure ratio (secondary/primary) range of 0.45 to 0.83 with both chambers firing (Mode I). Fluxes near the end of the inner nozzle were significantly higher than in Mode II when only the inner chamber was fired, due to the flow separation and recirculation caused by the back pressure imposed by the secondary chamber. As the pressure ratio increased, these heat fluxes increased and the region of high heat flux relative to Mode II extended farther upstream. The use of the gaseous hydrogen bleed flow in the secondary chamber to control heat fluxes in the primary plume attachment region was investigated in Mode II testing. A thermal model of a dual throat thruster was developed and upgraded using the experimental data

    Advanced oxygen-hydrocarbon rocket engine study

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    Preliminary identification and evaluation of promising LO2/Hydrocarbon rocket engine cycles were used to produce a consistent and reliable data base for vehicle optimization and design studies. cycles G and C were chosen for design analysis. Preliminary design analysis of the heat transfer subsystem was performed to establish major technology requirements

    Advanced oxygen-hydrocarbon rocket engine study

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    The program consists of parametric analysis and design to provide a consistent engine system data base for defining advantages and disadvantages, system performance and operating limits, engine parametric data, and technology requirements for candidate high pressure LO2/Hydrocarbon engine systems. The parametric chamber and nozzle cooling analysis was completed for the four potential coolants: RP-1, LCH4, LO2, and LH2. A summary of the cooling capability of each propellant is presented

    Application of Experimental Design to Hydrogen Storage: Optimisation of Lignin-Derived Carbons

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    Lignin is a significant by-product of the paper pulping and biofuel industries. Upgrading lignin to a high-value product is essential for the economic viability of biorefineries for bioethanol production and environmentally benign pulping processes. In this work, the feasibility of lignin-derived activated carbons for hydrogen storage was studied using a Design of Experiments methodology, for a time and cost-efficient exploration of the synthesis process. Four factors (carbonisation temperature, activation temperature, carbonisation time, and activation time) were investigated simultaneously. Development of a mathematical model allowed the factors with the greatest impact to be identified using regression analysis for three responses: surface area, average pore size, and hydrogen uptake at 77 K and 1 bar. Maximising the surface area required activation conditions using the highest settings, however, a low carbonisation temperature was also revealed to be integral to prevent detrimental and excessive pore widening. A small pore size, vital for efficient hydrogen uptake, could be achieved by using low carbonisation temperature but also low activation temperatures. An optimum was achieved using the lowest carbonisation conditions (350 °C for 30 min) to retain a smaller pore size, followed by activation under the severest conditions (1000 °C for 60 min) to maximise surface area and hydrogen uptake. These conditions yielded a material with a high surface area of 1400 m2 g−1 and hydrogen uptake of 1.9 wt.% at 77 K and 1 bar
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