15,469 research outputs found

    Short research report : a comparison of emotional intelligence levels between students in experiential and didactic college programs

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    Short Research Report: A Comparison of Emotional Intelligence Levels between Students in Experiential and Didactic College Programspeer-reviewe

    Psychological types of bilingual and monolingual female undergraduate students in Wales

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    The aim of this study was to complete the psychological type profiles of bilingual (fluent Welsh speakers) and monolingual (nonWelsh-speakers) students in Wales. The Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorÂź instrument was completed by 425 female undergraduate students attending a university-sector college in Wales that exercises a bilingual policy (English and Welsh). From the total sample, 102 subjects identified themselves as fluent Welsh-speakers (bilinguals) and 101 as nonWelsh-speakers (monolinguals). The remaining 222 were Welsh learners and were excluded from the analyses of the present study. SRTT analyses revealed that in the study sample, the bilingual students demonstrated significantly more frequent preferences for Extraversion and for Sensing compared with the monolingual students

    Psychological type preferences of Christian groups : comparison with the UK population norms

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    A sample of 246 male and 380 female participants in courses about psychological type theory in a Christian context completed Form G (Anglicised) of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type IndicatorÂź (MBTIÂź) instrument. The male Christians demonstrated clear preferences for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. The female Christians demonstrated clear preferences for Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. The predominant type among the men was ISTJ (18%) and the predominant type among the women was ISFJ (21%). The type preferences of the current samples were statistically compared with the United Kingdom population norms. The male Christians preferred Intuition and Judging significantly more frequently than the male UK population norms, and the female Christians preferred Introversion, Intuition, and Judging significantly more frequently than the female UK population norms

    The psychological type profile of Anglican churchgoers in England : compatible or incompatible with their clergy?

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    In this study psychological type theory was employed to profile samples of 2,135 women and 1,169 men in the context of Anglican church services in England in order to establish how representative churchgoers are of the wider population and how compatible churchgoers are with their clergy. The women displayed preferences for sensing (82 %), feeling (70 %), and judging (85 %), with a balance between extraversion (51 %) and introversion (49 %). The men displayed preferences for introversion (62 %), sensing (78 %), thinking (58 %), and judging (86 %). These characteristics are compared with the United Kingdom population norms to establish the distinctiveness of Anglican churchgoers and compared with previously published data on Anglican clergy to establish the points of similarity, differences and potential tension between Anglican clergy and laity

    The relationship between the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire

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    The two models of personality proposed by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS) and by the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQR-S) both propose measures of extraversion-introversion, but in other respects the two models are quite different. While the KTS proposes measures of sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving, the EPQR-S proposes measures of neuroticism, psychoticism, and a lie scale. In order to test the comparability of the two indices of extraversion-introversion and the independence of the other constructs, a sample of 554 undergraduate students attending a university-sector college in South Wales, in the United Kingdom, completed the KTS and the EPQR-S. The data demonstrate that the Keirsey Temperament Sorter scales map in quite a complex way onto the model of personality proposed by the EPQR-S

    Psychological type and attitude towards Celtic Christianity among committed Churchgoers in the United Kingdom: an empirical study

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    This article takes the burgeoning interest in Celtic Christianity as a key example of the way in which churches may be responding to the changing spiritual and religious landscape in the United Kingdom today and examines the power of psychological type theory to account for variation in the attitude of committed churchgoers to this innovation. Data provided by a sample of 248 Anglican clergy and lay church officers (who completed the Francis Psychological Type Scales together with the Attitude toward Celtic Christianity Scale) demonstrated that intuitive types, feeling types, and perceiving types reported a more positive attitude towards Celtic Christianity than sensing types, thinking types, and judging types. These findings are interpreted to analyse the appeal of Celtic Christianity and to suggest why some committed churchgoers may find this innovation less attractive

    Psychological type preferences of male British Assemblies of God Theological College students: tough-minded or tender-hearted?

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    Psychological type theory proposes that people make decisions through using one of two dichotomous judging functions (thinking and feeling). People who prefer thinking make judgements based on impersonal logic and tend to be objective and tough-minded, while people who prefer feeling make judgements based on personal values and tend to be compassionate and tender-hearted. This study explores the notion that the judging functions are key predictors of individual differences in terms of religiosity. The psychological type preferences of a sample of 190 male Assemblies of God bible college students were assessed using Form G (Anglicised) of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The data revealed preferences for thinking over feeling, and the implications of this finding are explored

    Predictor Aided Tracking in a System with Time Delay - Performance Involving Flat Surface, Roll, and Pitch Conditions

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    Predictor aided human tracking performance with time delay control under flat surface, roll, pitch, and roll and pitch condition

    Changing patterns of religious affiliation, church attendance and marriage across five areas of Europe since the early 1980s: trends and associations

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    This study draws on three waves of the European Values Survey (conducted between 1981 and 1984, between 1989 and 1993, and between 1999 and 2004) across five countries for which full data are available (Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Spain, and Sweden) in order to address five research questions. Question one examined changes in religious affiliation. Across all five countries, the proportions of the non-affiliated increased. Question two examined changes in church attendance. Across all five countries, the proportions of the non-attenders increased. Question three examined changes in marital status. Across all five countries the proportions of the population checking the category 'married' declined, although in Spain the decline was marginal. Question four examined the association between religious affiliation and being married. The religious affiliated were more likely to be married than the non-affiliated. Question five examined the association between church attendance and being married. Weekly attenders were more likely to be married than the non-attenders. Overall these data support the close association between religion and marriage across five European countries (where there are very different religious climates) and support the hypothesis that changing religious values and changing family values go hand-in-hand
