16,861 research outputs found

    Evidence for Rotation in the Galaxy at z=3.15 Responsible for a Damped Lyman-alpha Absorption System in the Spectrum of Q2233+1310

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    Proof of the existence of a significant population of normal disk galaxies at redshift z>2 would have profound implications for theories of structure formation and evolution. We present evidence based on Keck HIRES observations that the damped Lyman-alpha absorber at z=3.15 toward the quasar Q2233+1310 may well be such an example. Djorgovski et al have recently detected the Lyman-alpha emission from the absorber, which we assume is at the systemic redshift of the absorbing galaxy. By examining the profiles of the metal absorption lines arising from the absorbing galaxy in relation to its systemic redshift, we find strong kinematical evidence for rotation. Therefore the absorber is likely to be a disk galaxy. The inferred circular velocity for the galaxy is >200 km/s. With a separation of ~17 kpc between the galaxy and the quasar sightline, the implied dynamic mass for the galaxy is >1.6x10(11) solar mass. The metallicity of the galaxy is found to be [Fe/H]=-1.4, typical of damped Lyman-alpha galaxies at such redshifts. However, in another damped galactic rotation is evident. In the latter case, the damped Lyman-alpha absorber occurs near the background quasar in redshift so its properties may be influenced by the background quasar. These represent the only two cases at present for which the technique used here may be applied. Future applications of the same technique to a large sample of damped Lyman-alpha galaxies may allow us to determine if a significant population of disk galaxies already existed only a few billion years after the Big Bang.Comment: AASTEX, 2 PS figures, accepted by ApJ, 6 pages total, replaced on 1-22-97, the only change is the enlarged figure

    New accurate measurement of 36ArH+ and 38ArH+ ro-vibrational transitions by high resolution IR absorption spectroscopy

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    The protonated Argon ion, 36^{36}ArH+^{+}, has been identified recently in the Crab Nebula (Barlow et al. 2013) from Herschel spectra. Given the atmospheric opacity at the frequency of its JJ=1-0 and JJ=2-1 rotational transitions (617.5 and 1234.6 GHz, respectively), and the current lack of appropriate space observatories after the recent end of the Herschel mission, future studies on this molecule will rely on mid-infrared observations. We report on accurate wavenumber measurements of 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+} rotation-vibration transitions in the vv=1-0 band in the range 4.1-3.7 ÎŒ\mum (2450-2715 cm−1^{-1}). The wavenumbers of the RR(0) transitions of the vv=1-0 band are 2612.50135±\pm0.00033 and 2610.70177±\pm0.00042 cm−1^{-1} (±3σ\pm3\sigma) for 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+}, respectively. The calculated opacity for a gas thermalized at a temperature of 100 K and a linewidth of 1 km.s−1^{-1} of the RR(0) line is 1.6×10−15×N1.6\times10^{-15}\times N(36^{36}ArH+^+). For column densities of 36^{36}ArH+^+ larger than 1×10131\times 10^{13} cm−2^{-2}, significant absorption by the RR(0) line can be expected against bright mid-IR sources

    Fertility control as a means of controlling bovine tuberculosis in badger (Meles meles) populations in south-west England: predictions from a spatial stochastic simulation model

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    A spatial stochastic simulation model was used to assess the potential of fertility control, based on a yet-to-be-developed oral bait-delivered contraceptive directed at females, for the control of bovine tuberculosis in badger populations in south-west England. The contraceptive had a lifelong effect so that females rendered sterile in any particular year remained so for the rest of their lives. The efficacy of fertility control alone repeated annually for varying periods of time was compared with a single culling operation and integrated control involving an initial single cull followed by annually repeated fertility control. With fertility control alone, in no instance was the disease eradicated completely while a viable badger population (mean group size of at least one individual) was still maintained. Near eradication of the disease (less than 1% prevalence) combined with the survival of a minimum viable badger population was only achieved under a very limited set of conditions, either with high efficiency of control (95%) over a short time period (1-3 years) or a low efficiency of control (20%) over an intermediate time period (10-20 years). Under these conditions, it took more than 20 years for the disease to decline to such low levels. A single cull of 80% efficiency succeeded in near eradication of the disease (below 1% prevalence) after a period of 6-8 years, while still maintaining a viable badger population. Integrated strategies reduced disease prevalence more rapidly and to lower levels than culling alone, although the mean badger group size following the onset of control was smaller. Under certain integrated strategies, principally where a high initial cull (80%) was followed by fertility control over a short (1-3 year) time period, the disease could be completely eradicated while a viable badger population was maintained. However, even under the most favourable conditions of integrated control, it took on average more than 12 years following the onset of control for the disease to disappear completely from the badger population. These results show that whilst fertility control would not be a successful strategy for the control of bovine tuberculosis in badgers if used alone, it could be effective if used with culling as part of an integrated strategy. This type of integrated strategy is likely to be more effective in terms of disease eradication than a strategy employing culling alone. However, the high cost of developing a suitable fertility control agent, combined with the welfare and conservation implications, are significant factors which should be taken into account when considering its possible use as a means of controlling bovine tuberculosis in badger populations in the UK

    Existence of a Meromorphic Extension of Spectral Zeta Functions on Fractals

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    We investigate the existence of the meromorphic extension of the spectral zeta function of the Laplacian on self-similar fractals using the classical results of Kigami and Lapidus (based on the renewal theory) and new results of Hambly and Kajino based on the heat kernel estimates and other probabilistic techniques. We also formulate conjectures which hold true in the examples that have been analyzed in the existing literature

    Hubble Space Telescope Images of Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae: Data and Correlations across Morphological Classes

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    The morphology of planetary nebulae (PNe) provides an essential tool for understanding their origin and evolution, as it reflects both the dynamics of the gas ejected during the TP-AGB phase, and the central star energetics. Here we study the morphology of 27 Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae (MCPNe) and present an analysis of their physical characteristics across morphological classes. Similar studies have been successfully carried out for galactic PNe, but were compromised by the uncertainty of individual PN distances. We present our own HST/FOC images of 15 Magellanic Cloud PNe (MCPNe) acquired through a narrow-band lambda 5007 [O III] filter. We use the Richardson-Lucy deconvolution technique on these pre-COSTAR images to achieve post-COSTAR quality. Three PNe imaged before and after COSTAR confirm the high reliability of our deconvolution procedure. We derive morphological classes, dimensions, and surface photometry for all these PNe. We have combined this sample with HST/PC1 images of 15 MCPNe, three of which are in common with the FOC set, acquired by Dopita et al. (1996), to obtain the largest MCPN sample ever examined from the morphological viewpoint. By using the whole database, supplemented with published data from the literature, we have analyzed the properties of the MCPNe and compared them to a typical, complete galactic sample. Morphology of the MCPNe is then correlated with PN density, chemistry, and evolution.Comment: text file lstanghe_mcpn.tex (LaTex); Figures 2 through 10, Figure 5 is in 3 parts (a,b,c); Figure 1 available by regular mail only; ApJ, in press, November 10, 199

    Atomic and molecular interstellar absorption lines toward the high galactic latitude stars HD~141569 and HD~157841 at ultra-high resolution

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    We present ultra-high resolution (0.32 km/s) spectra obtained with the 3.9m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and Ultra-High-Resolution Facility (UHRF), of interstellar NaI D1, D2, Ca II K, K I and CH absorption toward two high galactic latitude stars HD141569 and HD157841. We have compared our data with 21-cm observations obtained from the Leiden/Dwingeloo HI survey. We derive the velocity structure, column densities of the clouds represented by the various components and identify the clouds with ISM structures seen in the region at other wavelengths. We further derive abundances, linear depletions and H2 fractional abundances for these clouds, wherever possible. Toward HD141569, we detect two components in our UHRF spectra : a weak, broad component at - 15 km/s, seen only in CaII K absorption and another component at 0 km/s, seen in NaI D1, D2, Ca II K, KI and CH absorption. In the case of the HD157841 sightline, a total of 6 components are seen on our UHRF spectra in NaI D1, D2 Ca II K, K I and CH absorption. 2 of these 6 components are seen only in a single species.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, 4 figures, ps files Astrophysical Journal (in press

    A Measurement of the Temperature-Density Relation in the Intergalactic Medium Using a New Lyman-alpha Absorption Line Fitting Method

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    The evolution of the temperature in the intergalactic medium is related to the reionization of hydrogen and helium, and has important consequences for our understanding of the Lya forest and of galaxy formation in gravitational models of large-scale structure. We measure the temperature-density relation of intergalactic gas from Lya forest observations of eight quasar spectra with high resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, using a new line fitting technique to obtain a lower cutoff of the distribution of line widths from which the temperature is derived. We carefully test the accuracy of this technique to recover the gas temperature with a hydrodynamic simulation. The temperature at redshift z=(3.9, 3.0, 2.4) is best determined at densities slightly above the mean: T_star=(20200\pm2700, 20200\pm1300, 22600\pm1900)K (statistical error bars) for gas density (in units of the mean density) Delta_star=(1.42\pm0.08, 1.37\pm0.11, 1.66\pm0.11). The power-law index of the temperature-density relation, defined by T=T_star(Delta/Delta_star)^{gamma-1}, is gamma-1= (0.43\pm0.45, 0.29\pm0.30, 0.52\pm0.14) for the same three redshifts. The temperature at the fixed over-density Delta=1.4 is T_1.4=(20100\pm2800, 20300\pm1400, 20700\pm1900)K. These temperatures are higher than expected for photoionized gas in ionization equilibrium with a cosmic background, and can be explained by a gradual additional heating due to on-going HeII reionization. The measurement of the temperature reduces one source of uncertainty in the lower limit to the baryon density implied by the observed mean flux decrement. We find that the temperature cannot be reliably measured for under-dense gas, because the velocities due to expansion always dominate the widths of the corresponding weak lines.Comment: submitted to Ap
