841 research outputs found

    Nonlinear response of superparamagnets with finite damping: an analytical approach

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    The strongly damping-dependent nonlinear dynamical response of classical superparamagnets is investigated by means of an analytical approach. Using rigorous balance equations for the spin occupation numbers a simple approximate expression is derived for the nonlinear susceptibility. The results are in good agreement with those obtained from the exact (continued-fraction) solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. The formula obtained could be of assistance in the modelling of the experimental data and the determination of the damping coefficient in superparamagnets.Comment: 7 PR pages, 2 figure

    Solving quantum master equations in phase space by continued-fraction methods

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    Inspired on the continued-fraction technique to solve the classical Fokker--Planck equation, we develop continued-fraction methods to solve quantum master equations in phase space (Wigner representation of the density matrix). The approach allows to study several classes of nonlinear quantum systems subjected to environmental effects (fluctuations and dissipation), with the only limitations that the starting master equations may have. We illustrate the method with the canonical problem of quantum Brownian motion in periodic potentials.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Controlling fragmentation of the acetylene cation in the vacuum ultraviolet via transient molecular alignment

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, los autores pertenecientes a la UAM y el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si lo hubiereAn open-loop control scheme of molecular fragmentation based on transient molecular alignment combined with single-photon ionization induced by a shortwavelength free electron laser (FEL) is demonstrated for the acetylene cation. Photoelectron spectra are recorded, complementing the ion yield measurements, to demonstrate that such control is the consequence of changes in the electronic response with molecular orientation relative to the ionizing field. We show that stable C2H2 + cations are mainly produced when the molecules are parallel or nearly parallel to the FEL polarization, while the hydrogen fragmentation channel (C2H2 + → C2H+ + H) predominates when the molecule is perpendicular to that direction, thus allowing one to distinguish between the two photochemical processes. The experimental findings are supported by state-of-the art theoretical calculationsAn open-loop control scheme of molecular fragmentation based on transient molecular alignment combined with single-photon ionization induced by a shortwavelength free electron laser (FEL) is demonstrated for the acetylene cation. Photoelectron spectra are recorded, complementing the ion yield measurements, to demonstrate that such control is the consequence of changes in the electronic response with molecular orientation relative to the ionizing field. We show that stable C2H2 + cations are mainly produced when the molecules are parallel or nearly parallel to the FEL polarization, while the hydrogen fragmentation channel (C2H2 + → C2H+ + H) predominates when the molecule is perpendicular to that direction, thus allowing one to distinguish between the two photochemical processes. The experimental findings are supported by state-of-the art theoretical calculation

    Thermodynamic perturbation theory for dipolar superparamagnets

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    Thermodynamic perturbation theory is employed to derive analytical expressions for the equilibrium linear susceptibility and specific heat of lattices of anisotropic classical spins weakly coupled by the dipole-dipole interaction. The calculation is carried out to the second order in the coupling constant over the temperature, while the single-spin anisotropy is treated exactly. The temperature range of applicability of the results is, for weak anisotropy (A/kT << 1), similar to that of ordinary high-temperature expansions, but for moderately and strongly anisotropic spins (A/kT > 1) it can extend down to the temperatures where the superparamagnetic blocking takes place (A/kT \sim 25), provided only the interaction strength is weak enough. Besides, taking exactly the anisotropy into account, the results describe as particular cases the effects of the interactions on isotropic (A = 0) as well as strongly anisotropic (A \to \infty) systems (discrete orientation model and plane rotators).Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Anatomía de la madera de Abies spp. del área mediterránea: aproximación filética

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    An analysis was made of the wood anatomy of seven species, one subspecies and two varieties of the genus Abies from the Mediterranean area (A. alba, A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana, A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani, A. numidica, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana and A. pinsapo var. tazaotana) in order to find phyletically relevant features to help clarify and complement the evolutionary patterns based on molecular studies. The wood structure within the genus was qualitatively similar, except for specific features characteristic of certain provenances. However, the wood biometry allowed the different taxa to be grouped in accordance with their anatomical similarity. A. alba, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana and A. pinsapo var. tazaotana possess biometric features which distinguish them from the other Mediterranean firs. Furthermore, A. numidica showed biometric features which distinguish it from the eastern firs (A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana and A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani) and place it closer to certain Iberian populations of A. pinsapo. The maximum ray height in number of cells, frequency of rays with more than 30 cells and tracheid length can be regarded as specific patterns of the Mediterranean fir phylum.En este trabajo se ha analizado la anatom&iacute;a de la madera de siete especies, una subespecie y dos variedades del g&eacute;nero Abies procedentes del &aacute;rea mediterr&aacute;nea (A. alba, A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana, A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani, A. numidica, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana y A. pinsapo var. tazaotana) con el fin de buscar caracteres fil&eacute;ticamente relevantes que ayuden a clarificar y complementar los patrones evolutivos basados en estudios moleculares. Las maderas estudiadas fueron cualitativamente similares, exceptuando ciertos caracteres propios de algunas procedencias. No obstante, la biometr&iacute;a de la madera permiti&oacute; agrupar los diferentes taxones seg&uacute;n su afinidad anat&oacute;mica. A. alba, A. pinsapo, A. pinsapo var. marocana y A. pinsapo var. tazaotana mostraron caracteres biom&eacute;tricos afines que los distinguen del resto de abetos mediterr&aacute;neos. Por otro lado, A. numidica mostr&oacute; caracteres biom&eacute;tricos que lo distinguen de los abetos orientales (A. borisii-regis, A. cephalonica, A. cilicica, A. nordmanniana y A. nordmanniana subsp. equi-trojani) y lo asemejan a determinadas poblaciones ib&eacute;ricas de A. pinsapo. La altura m&aacute;xima de radios en n&uacute;mero de c&eacute;lulas, la frecuencia de radios de m&aacute;s de 30 c&eacute;lulas y la longitud de traqueidas, pueden ser considerados como patrones espec&iacute;ficos del phylum de los abetos mediterr&aacute;neos

    Solving spin quantum-master equations with matrix continued-fraction methods: application to superparamagnets

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    We implement continued-fraction techniques to solve exactly quantum master equations for a spin with arbitrary S coupled to a (bosonic) thermal bath. The full spin density matrix is obtained, so that along with relaxation and thermoactivation, coherent dynamics is included (precession, tunnel, etc.). The method is applied to study isotropic spins and spins in a bistable anisotropy potential (superparamagnets). We present examples of static response, the dynamical susceptibility including the contribution of the different relaxation modes, and of spin resonance in transverse fields.Comment: Resubmitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. Some rewriting here and there. Discussion on positivity in App.D3 at request of one refere

    Spin dynamics in a dissipative environment: from quantal to classical

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    We address the problem of spin dynamics in the presence of a thermal bath, by solving exactly the appropriate quantum master equations with continued-fraction methods. The crossover region between the quantum and classical domains is studied by increasing the spin value S, and the asymptote for the classical absorption spectra is eventually recovered. Along with the recognized relevance of the coupling strength, we show the critical role played by the structure of the system-environment interaction in the emergence of classical phenomenology.Comment: 4 pp., 3 figs., resubmitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. with minor change

    Ballistic resistivity in aluminum nanocontacts

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    One of the major industrial challenges is to profit from some fascinating physical features present at the nanoscale. The production of dissipationless nanoswitches (or nanocontacts) is one of such attractive applications. Nevertheless, the lack of knowledge of the real efficiency of electronic ballistic/non dissipative transport limits future innovations. For multi-valent metallic nanosystems -where several transport channels per atom are involved- the only experimental technique available for statistical transport characterization is the conductance histogram. Unfortunately its interpretation is difficult because transport and mechanical properties are intrinsically interlaced. We perform a representative series of semiclassical molecular dynamics simulations of aluminum nanocontact breakages, coupled to full quantum conductance calculations, and put in evidence a linear relationship between the conductance and the contact minimum cross-section for the geometrically favored aluminum nanocontact configurations. Valid in a broad range of conductance values, such relation allows the definition of a transport parameter for nanomaterials, that represents the novel concept of ballistic resistivity

    Nonlinear response of single-molecule nanomagnets: equilibrium and dynamical

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    We present an experimental study of the {\em nonlinear} susceptibility of Mn12_{12} single-molecule magnets. We investigate both their thermal-equilibrium and dynamical nonlinear responses. The equilibrium results show the sensitivity of the nonlinear susceptibility to the magnetic anisotropy, which is nearly absent in the linear response for axes distributed at random. The nonlinear dynamic response of Mn12_{12} was recently found to be very large and displaying peaks reversed with respect to classical superparamagnets [F. Luis {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 107201 (2004)]. Here we corroborate the proposed explanation -- strong field dependence of the relaxation rate due to the detuning of tunnel energy levels. This is done by studying the orientational dependence of the nonlinear susceptibility, which permits to isolate the quantum detuning contribution. Besides, from the analysis of the longitudinal and transverse contributions we estimate a bound for the decoherence time due to the coupling to the phonon bath.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, resubmitted to Phys. Rev. B with minor change

    Large quantum nonlinear dynamic susceptibility of single-molecule magnets

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    The nonlinear dynamical response of Mn12_{12} single-molecule magnets is experimentally found to be very large, quite insensitive to the spin-lattice coupling constant, and displaying peaks reversed with respect to classical superparamagnets. It is shown that these features are caused by the strong field dependence of the relaxation rate due to the detuning of energy levels between which tunneling takes place. The nonlinear susceptibility technique, previously overlooked, is thus proposed as a privileged probe to ascertain the occurrence of quantum effects in mesoscopic magnetic systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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