161 research outputs found

    The orthogonal-oblique bi-level model of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) : the case of the Polish factorial normalization

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    Aim. The aim of this project was to conduct the cross-cultural factorial validation of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) using the Polish population. Material and method. Data were obtained from day-patients (n = 211), inpatients (n = 234), outpatients (n = 137) and non-patients (n = 426). Statistical analyses included: parallel analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, criterion equivalence, clinical significance and reliable change index, and test-retest. Results. Statistical analyses provided the strongest support for the bi-level model of the total score, five orthogonal (subscales specific for the Polish OQ, i.e. Social Conflicts and Addictive Behaviors; and original yet modified subscales, i.e. Symptom Distress, Interpersonal Relations, and Social Role), and two oblique factors (Somatization and Anxiety, Social Role 2). The psychometric properties of the Polish OQ were found to be adequate and similar to the original American OQ and its international adaptations. Specific for the Polish OQ cutoff scores for clinical significance were established. The role of cultural differences and the passage of time in the process of the cross-cultural validation were elaborated upon. Conclusions. The Polish version of the OQ 45-2 has been recognized as an instrument adequately measuring general functioning as well as specific areas of functioning of the individual (i.e. interpersonal relations; social role performance; social conflicts; symptom distress; somatization and anxiety; addictive behaviors). Results of this factorial analysis seem to be valuable for both clinicians using the OQ-45.2 and for creators of any psychotherapy outcome measure

    Family Business Restructuring:A Review and Research Agenda

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    Although business restructuring occurs frequently and it is important for the prosperity of family firms across generations, research on family firms has largely evolved separately from research on business restructuring. This is a missed opportunity, since the two domains are complementary, and understanding the context, process, content, and outcome dimensions is relevant to both research streams. We address this by examining the intersection between research on business restructuring and family firms to improve our knowledge of each area and inform future research. To achieve this goal, we review and organize research across different dimensions to create an integrative framework. Building on current research, we focus on 88 studies at the intersection of family firm and business restructuring research to develop a model that identifies research needs and suggests directions for future research

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    Weryfikacja tożsamości oparta o bezcertyfikatową kryptografię klucza publicznego

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    Verification of claimed identity becomes a problem of growing significance nowadays, as the number of e-commerce transactions grows rapidly and new information distribution channels are created by companies and institutions of all kinds. As most of them rely or make a use of a public network, such as the Internet, security of transferred data and information in most cases requires authorization of the user. Unfortunately, most existing authentication solutions create rather weak binding with real identity of the user, while some, like ID documents, are worthless in case of electronic transactions as they are nothing more than just a piece of paper or plastic, with no real connection with the electronic system. A secure digital signature based on traditional PKI, at the same time, relies on trust migrated through commercial companies, with the help of certificates. The proposed protocol of identity verification combines national e-ID document functionality with certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) to provide a safe and trustful way of identity verification, joining most advantages of current systems and limiting downsides to a minimum.Weryfikacja tożsamości stała się problemem rosnącej wagi, gdy liczba transakcji w handlu elektronicznym rośnie gwałtownie a nowe kanały dystrybucji informacji są tworzone przez różne firmy i instytucje. Ze względu na fakt, że większość z nich wykorzystuje sieć publiczną, jak na przykład Internet, bezpieczeństwo przesyłanych danych i informacji w większości przypadków wymaga autoryzacji użytkownika. Niestety, większość istniejących technik uwierzytelniania tworzy dość słabe powiązanie z rzeczywistą tożsamością użytkownika, a inne, takie jak dokumenty tożsamości, są bezużyteczne w przypadku transakcji elektronicznych gdyż są niczym więcej niż kawałkiem papieru lub plastiku, bez faktycznego połączenia z systemem elektronicznym. Jednocześnie, bezpieczny podpis elektroniczny oparty o tradycyjne PKI polega na zaufaniu przekazywanemu poprzez komercyjne podmioty, za pomocą certyfikatów. Proponowany protokół weryfikacji tożsamości łączy funkcjonalność narodowego elektronicznego dokumentu tożsamości z bezcertyfikatową kryptografią klucza publicznego (CL-PKC) aby zapewnić bezpieczny i godny zaufania sposób weryfikacji tożsamości, łączący większość zalet aktualnych rozwiązań i ograniczający wady do minimum

    Opisanie pervogo sluchaja invazii Isospora hominis v Pol'she

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