88 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model with Naturally Stable Proton

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    A new supersymmetric standard model based on N=1 supergravity is constructed, aiming at natural explanation for the proton stability without invoking an ad hoc discrete symmetry through R parity. The proton is protected from decay by an extra U(1) gauge symmetry. Particle contents are necessarily increased to be free from anomalies, making it possible to incorporate the superfields for right-handed neutrinos and an SU(2)-singlet Higgs boson. The vacuum expectation value of this Higgs boson, which induces spontaneous breakdown of the U(1) symmetry, yields large Majorana masses for the right-handed neutrinos, leading to small masses for the ordinary neutrinos. The linear coupling of SU(2)-doublet Higgs superfields, which is indispensable to the superpotential of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, is replaced by a trilinear coupling of the Higgs superfields, so that there is no mass parameter in the superpotential. The energy dependencies of the model parameters are studied, showing that gauge symmetry breaking is induced by radiative corrections. Certain ranges of the parameter values compatible with phenomena at the electroweak energy scale can be derived from universal values of masses-squared and trilinear coupling constants for scalar fields at a very high energy scale.Comment: 32 pages, Revtex, 7 figure

    A Supersymmetric Model with an Extra U(1) Gauge Symmetry

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    In the standard model the proton is protected from decay naturally by gauge symmetries, whereas in the ordinary minimal supersymmetric standard model an ad hoc discrete symmetry is imposed for the proton stability. We present a new supersymmetric model in which the proton decay is forbidden by an extra U(1) gauge symmetry. Particle contents are necessarily increased to be free from anomalies, incorporating right-handed neutrinos. Both Dirac and Majorana masses are generated for neutrinos, yielding non-vanishing but small masses. The superpotential consists only of trilinear couplings and the mass parameter μ\mu of the minimal model is induced by spontaneous breaking of the U(1) symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, Revte

    H/A Higgs Mixing in CP-Noninvariant Supersymmetric Theories

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    For large masses, the two heavy neutral Higgs bosons are nearly degenerate in many 2--Higgs doublet models, and particularly in supersymmetric models. In such a scenario the mixing between the states can be very large if the theory is CP-noninvariant. We analyze the formalism describing this configuration, and we point to some interesting experimental consequences.Comment: LaTeX, 1+20 pages, 6 figure

    Electron and Neutron Electric Dipole Moments in the Focus Point Scenario of SUGRA Model

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    We estimate the electron and neutron electric dipole moments in the focus point scenario of the minimal SUGRA model corresponding to large sfermion masses and moderate to large tanβ\tan\beta. There is a viable region of moderate fine-tuning in the parameter space, around tanβ5\tan\beta \simeq 5, where the experimental limits on these electric dipole moments can be satisfied without assuming unnaturally small phase angles. But the fine-tuning constraints become more severe for tanβ>10\tan\beta > 10.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 4 postscript figures. Very minor changes made in only a few sentences for clarification. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    μeγ\mu \to e \gamma and μ3e\mu \to 3e processes with polarized muons and supersymmetric grand unified theories

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    μ+e+γ\mu^{+} \to e^{+} \gamma and μ+e+e+e\mu^{+} \to e^{+}e^{+}e^{-} processes are analyzed in detail with polarized muons in supersymmetric grand unified theories. We first present Dalitz plot distribution for μ+e+e+e\mu^{+} \to e^{+}e^{+}e^{-} decay based on effective Lagrangian with general lepton-flavor-violating couplings and define various P- and T-odd asymmetries. We calculate branching ratios and asymmetries in supersymmetric SU(5) and SO(10) models taking into account complex soft supersymmetry breaking terms. Imposing constraints from experimental bounds on the electron, neutron and atomic electric dipole moments, we find that the T-odd asymmetry for μ+e+e+e\mu^{+} \to e^{+}e^{+}e^{-} can be 15% in the SU(5) case. P-odd asymmetry with respect to muon polarization for μ+e+γ\mu^{+} \to e^{+} \gamma varies from -20% to -100% for the SO(10) model while it is +100+100% in the SU(5) case. We also show that the P-odd asymmetries in μ+e+e+e\mu^{+} \to e^{+}e^{+}e^{-} and the ratio of μ+e+e+e\mu^{+} \to e^{+}e^{+}e^{-} and μ+e+γ\mu^{+} \to e^{+} \gamma branching fractions are useful to distinguish different models.Comment: 52 pages, 15 figure

    Discrete symmetries and isosinglet quarks in low-energy supersymmetry

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    Many extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model contain superfields for quarks which are singlets under weak isospin with electric charge -1/3. We explore the possibility that such isosinglet quarks have low or intermediate scale masses, but do not mediate rapid proton decay because of a discrete symmetry. By imposing the discrete gauge anomaly cancellation conditions, we show that the simplest way to achieve this is to extend the Z_3 "baryon parity" of Ibanez and Ross to the isosinglet quark superfields. This can be done in three distinct ways. This strategy is not consistent with grand unification with a simple gauge group, but may find a natural place in superstring-inspired models, for example. An interesting feature of this scenario is that proton decay is absolutely forbidden.Comment: 13 pages, MIT-CTP-2345, NUB-3097-94T

    CP violation in supersymmetric model with non-degenerate A-terms

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    We study the CP phases of the soft supersymmetry breaking terms in string-inspired models with non-universal trilinear couplings. We show that such non-universality plays an important role on all CP violating processes. In particular these new supersymmetric sources of CP violation may significantly contribute to the observed CP phenomena in kaon physics while respecting the severe bound on the electric dipole moment of the neutron.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    CP Violation In Single Top Production And Decay Via p p-bar -> t b-bar +X -> W^+ b b-bar +X Within The MSSM: A Possible Application For Measuring \arg(A_t) At Hadron Colliders

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    CP-nonconserving effects in the reaction p p-bar -> t b-bar +X -> W^+ b b-bar +X, driven by the supersymmetric CP-odd phase of the stop trilinear soft breaking term, \arg(A_t), are studied. We discuss the CP-nonconserving effects in both production and the associated decay amplitudes of the top. We find that, within a plausible low energy scenario of the MSSM and keeping the neutron electric dipole moment below its current limit, a CP-violating cross-section asymmetry as large as 2-3% can arise if some of the parameters lie in a favorable range. A partial rate asymmetry originating only in the top decay t -> W^+ b is found to be, in general, below the 0.1% level which is somewhat smaller than previous claims. For a low \tan\beta of order one the decay asymmetry can reach at the most ~0.3%. This (few) percent level overall CP-violating signal in p p-bar -> t b-bar +X -> W^+ b b-bar +X might be within the reach of the future 2(4) TeV pp-bar Tevatron collider that may be able to produce ~10000(~30000) such tb-bar events with an integrated luminosity of 30 fb^{-1}. In particular, it may be used to place an upper bound on \arg(A_t) if indeed \arg(\mu) -> 0, as implied from the present experimental limit on the neutron electric dipole moment. The partial rate asymmetry in the top decay (~few \times 10^{-3}) may also be within the reach of the LHC with ~10^7 pairs of tt-bar produced, provided detector systematics are sufficiently small. We also show that if the GUT-scale universality of the soft breaking trilinear AA terms is relaxed, then the phases associated with \arg A_u and \arg A_d can take values up to ~few \times 10^{-1} even with squarks and gluino masses of several hundred GeV's without contradicting the experimental limit on the neutron electric dipole moment.Comment: 39 pages, plain latex, 20 figures embadded in the text using epsfi

    Moderate Supersymmetric CP Violation

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    It is well known that supersymmetry (SUSY) gives neutron and electron electric dipole moments (dnd_n and ded_e) which are too large by about 10310^{3}. If we assume a SUSY model cannot contain fine-tunings or large mass scales, then one must require that the SUSY breaking mechanism give real soft breaking parameters, in which case the minimal SUSY model has no CPCP violation other than from the CKM matrix (besides possible strong CPCP violating effects). We show that in non-minimal SUSY models, a moderate amount of CPCP violation can be induced through one loop corrections to the scalar potential, giving an effective phase of order 10310^{-3}, and thus implying dnd_n and ded_e can be near their current experimental bounds naturallynaturally. This moderate amount of SUSY CPCP violation could also prove important for models of electroweak baryogenesis. We illustrate our results with a specific model.Comment: 19pp plain LATEX, 1 fig (by EMAIL request), TRI-PP-93-86. (Some clarifying comments about renormalizability added--version to appear in Phys. Rev. D

    Anomalous U(1) as a mediator of Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We point out that an anomalous gauge U(1) symmetry is a natural candidate for being the mediator and messenger of supersymmetry breaking. It facilitates dynamical supersymmetry breaking even in the flat limit. Soft masses are induced by both gravity and the U(1) gauge interactions giving an unusual mass hierarchy in the sparticle spectrum which suppresses flavor violations. This scenario does not suffer from the Polonyi problem.Comment: 8 pages, Latex. Some comments adde