114 research outputs found

    Coherent population oscillations with nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond

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    We present results of our research on two-field (two-frequency) microwave spectroscopy in nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) color centers in a diamond. Both fields are tuned to transitions between the spin sublevels of the NV- ensemble in the 3A2 ground state (one field has a fixed frequency while the second one is scanned). Particular attention is focused on the case where two microwaves fields drive the same transition between two NV- ground state sublevels (ms=0 -> ms=+1). In this case, the observed spectra exhibit a complex narrow structure composed of three Lorentzian resonances positioned at the pump-field frequency. The resonance widths and amplitudes depend on the lifetimes of the levels involved in the transition. We attribute the spectra to coherent population oscillations induced by the two nearly degenerate microwave fields, which we have also observed in real time. The observations agree well with a theoretical model and can be useful for investigation of the NV relaxation mechanisms.Comment: 17 page

    High-Excitation Hole States in the 24-Mg(p,d) Reaction

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grants PHY 76-84033A01, PHY 78-22774, and Indiana Universit

    Gamma Rays from Clusters and Groups of Galaxies: Cosmic Rays versus Dark Matter

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    Clusters of galaxies have not yet been detected at gamma-ray frequencies; however, the recently launched Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, formerly known as GLAST, could provide the first detections in the near future. Clusters are expected to emit gamma rays as a result of (1) a population of high-energy primary and re-accelerated secondary cosmic rays (CR) fueled by structure formation and merger shocks, active galactic nuclei and supernovae, and (2) particle dark matter (DM) annihilation. In this paper, we ask the question of whether the Fermi telescope will be able to discriminate between the two emission processes. We present data-driven predictions for a large X-ray flux limited sample of galaxy clusters and groups. We point out that the gamma ray signals from CR and DM can be comparable. In particular, we find that poor clusters and groups are the systems predicted to have the highest DM to CR emission at gamma-ray energies. Based on detailed Fermi simulations, we study observational handles that might enable us to distinguish the two emission mechanisms, including the gamma-ray spectra, the spatial distribution of the signal and the associated multi-wavelength emissions. We also propose optimal hardness ratios, which will help to understand the nature of the gamma-ray emission. Our study indicates that gamma rays from DM annihilation with a high particle mass can be distinguished from a CR spectrum even for fairly faint sources. Discriminating a CR spectrum from a light DM particle will be instead much more difficult, and will require long observations and/or a bright source. While the gamma-ray emission from our simulated clusters is extended, determining the spatial distribution with Fermi will be a challenging task requiring an optimal control of the backgrounds.Comment: revised to match resubmitted version, 35 pages, 16 figures: results unchanged, some discussion added and unnecessary text and figures remove

    Measurements of (p,pi Ì„) Reactions Near Zero Degrees

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Ultralong Dephasing Times in Solid-State Spin Ensembles via Quantum Control

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    Quantum spin dephasing is caused by inhomogeneous coupling to the environment, with resulting limits to the measurement time and precision of spin-based sensors. The effects of spin dephasing can be especially pernicious for dense ensembles of electronic spins in the solid-state, such as for nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond. We report the use of two complementary techniques, spin bath control and double quantum coherence, to enhance the inhomogeneous spin dephasing time (T2∗T_2^*) for NV ensembles by more than an order of magnitude. In combination, these quantum control techniques (i) eliminate the effects of the dominant NV spin ensemble dephasing mechanisms, including crystal strain gradients and dipolar interactions with paramagnetic bath spins, and (ii) increase the effective NV gyromagnetic ratio by a factor of two. Applied independently, spin bath control and double quantum coherence elucidate the sources of spin dephasing over a wide range of NV and spin bath concentrations. These results demonstrate the longest reported T2∗T_2^* in a solid-state electronic spin ensemble at room temperature, and outline a path towards NV-diamond magnetometers with broadband femtotesla sensitivity.Comment: PRX versio
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