1,043 research outputs found

    Characterization and Functions of Protease-Activated Receptor 2 in Obesity, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review

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    Proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) is a cell surface receptor activated by serine proteinases or specific synthetic compounds. Interest in PAR2 as a pharmaceutical target for various diseases is increasing. Here we asked two questions relevant to endothelial dysfunction and diabetes: How is PAR2 function affected in blood vessels? What role does PAR2 have in promoting obesity, diabetes, and/or metabolic syndrome, specifically via the endothelium and adipose tissues? We conducted a systematic review of the published literature in PubMed and Scopus (July 2015; search terms: par2, par-2, f2lr1, adipose, obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome). Seven studies focused on PAR2 and vascular function. The obesity, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome animal models differed amongst studies, but each reported that PAR2-mediated vasodilator actions were preserved in the face of endothelial dysfunction. The remaining studies focused on nonvascular functions and provided evidence supporting the concept that PAR2 activation promoted obesity. Key studies showed that PAR2 activation regulated cellular metabolism, and PAR2 antagonists inhibited adipose gain and metabolic dysfunction in rats.We conclude that PAR2 antagonists for treatment of obesity indeed show early promise as a therapeutic strategy; however, endothelial-specific PAR2 functions, which may offset mechanisms that produce vascular dysfunction in diabetes, warrant additional study

    Herders and Wetland Degradation in Northern Cameroon

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    Livestock rearing in Northern Cameroon is carried out under two majors systems: the nomadic and the transhumance production systems (Pamo & Pamo, 1991). Nomadism is the practice of wandering from place to place, while transhumance involves seasonal displacement of flocks from one area to another by herders. These production systems involved large grazing areas, which may encompass different ecosystems. The Yaére, the only wetland of the northern Cameroon, is the major dry season grazing lands for livestock and wildlife. The main characteristic of this wetland is that the whole area is excluded from grazing during the growing season as a result of large scale flooding. Thus the major forage species (i.e. Echinochloa pyramidalis, Oryza longistaminata, Hyparrhenia rufa, Echinochloa stagnina) can set seed thereby ensuring their continued dispersal, establishment, and survival during the subsequent rainy season. In 1979, an upstream dam of 28 km with an additional 20 km embankment along the Logone river was build to store water for a rice irrigation project. This suppressed flooding over some 60 000 ha, and seriously affected the hydrological regime over another 200 000 ha. Major perennial forage species were gradually replaced by less palatable annual species such as Sorghum arundinaceum. This paper investigates how herders coped with the induced degradation of this dry season grazing land

    Herders and Wetland Degradation in Northern Cameroon

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    Livestock rearing in Northern Cameroon is carried out under two majors systems: the nomadic and the transhumance production systems (Pamo & Pamo, 1991). Nomadism is the practice of wandering from place to place, while transhumance involves seasonal displacement of flocks from one area to another by herders. These production systems involved large grazing areas, which may encompass different ecosystems. The Yaére, the only wetland of the northern Cameroon, is the major dry season grazing lands for livestock and wildlife. The main characteristic of this wetland is that the whole area is excluded from grazing during the growing season as a result of large scale flooding. Thus the major forage species (i.e. Echinochloa pyramidalis, Oryza longistaminata, Hyparrhenia rufa, Echinochloa stagnina) can set seed thereby ensuring their continued dispersal, establishment, and survival during the subsequent rainy season. In 1979, an upstream dam of 28 km with an additional 20 km embankment along the Logone river was build to store water for a rice irrigation project. This suppressed flooding over some 60 000 ha, and seriously affected the hydrological regime over another 200 000 ha. Major perennial forage species were gradually replaced by less palatable annual species such as Sorghum arundinaceum. This paper investigates how herders coped with the induced degradation of this dry season grazing land

    Earth-Like: An education & outreach tool for exploring the diversity of planets like our own

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    Earth-Like is an interactive website and twitter bot that allows users to explore changes in the average global surface temperature of an Earth-like planet due to variations in the surface oceans and emerged land coverage, rate of volcanism (degassing), and the level of the received solar radiation. The temperature is calculated using a simple carbon-silicate cycle model to change the level of CO2\rm CO_2 in the atmosphere based on the chosen parameters. The model can achieve a temperature range exceeding −100∘-100^\circC to 100∘100^\circC by varying all three parameters, including freeze-thaw cycles for a planet with our present-day volcanism rate and emerged land fraction situated at the outer edge of the habitable zone. To increase engagement, the planet is visualised by using a neural network to render an animated globe, based on the calculated average surface temperature and chosen values for land fraction and volcanism. The website and bot can be found at earthlike.world and on twitter as @earthlikeworld. Initial feedback via a user survey suggested that Earth-Like is effective at demonstrating that minor changes in planetary properties can strongly impact the surface environment. The goal of the project is to increase understanding of the challenges we face in finding another habitable planet due to the likely diversity of conditions on rocky worlds within our Galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Astrobiology (IJA

    West African Dwarf Goat Response to Supplementary Feeding in Cameroon

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    The production of the West African Dwarf goat (WADG) in Cameroon is very low, because of lack of proper nutrition. Nitrogen content is generally very low and fibre content is high, both in the grass and the crop residues which form the basis of their diet particularly during the dry season. Supplementation of these roughages is a promising way of alleviating nutrient deficiencies. Different types of supplementary feeding have been advocated to boost goat production (Leng, 2003), of which supplementary feeding with leguminous tree leaves is of high merit. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of supplementary feeding of Calliandra calothyrsus and Leucaena leucocephala leaves on growth and reproduction of WADG

    Sexuality throughout all the stages of pregnancy: experiences of expectant mothers

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    Objective: To explore and understand the sexual experiences of expectant mothers during their pregnancy. Methods: The study was carried out in two healthcare centers in the Almería Health District, in southern Spain. The participants included pregnant women who received prenatal care and/or maternity education. The inclusion criteria were being pregnant, maintaining sexual activity and agreeing to participate in the study. The exclusion criteria were having limitations on sexual activity by medical prescription. The sample consisted of 15 expectant women selected using a convenience sample, of which 5 took part in a focus group (FG) and 10 in in-depth interviews (IDI). Data was collected between the months of June and December 2016. Participants were contacted by the main researcher and an appointment was made to carry out the FGs or the IDIs. Results: Three main categories emerged: False beliefs and a holistic approach to sexuality during pregnancy, which is related to the concept of sexuality, false beliefs, and limited sexual counseling during pregnancy. Limitations: From fear at the beginning to physical diffi culty at the end, referring to the fluctuations in sexual desire as well as the physical changes that limit sexual activity. Adapting to changes: safe practices and satisfaction with one’s body image, which encompasses concerns about the risks and the relationship between body image and self-esteem. Conclusion: A lack of sexual counseling during pregnancy leads to the creation of false beliefs, which, together with physical changes, concerns about the risk, and fl uctuations in sexual desire and interest, bring about a decrease in sexual activity. But sexuality remains an important aspect of pregnancy, toward which the participants must adopt a broader approach, not limited to intercourse, and adopt sexual practices that are adapted to the physical and emotional changes that happen during this time

    Herbaceous Tropical Legume Integration into Small-Holder Crop-Livestock Systems in Eastern Indonesia: Results of 10-Years of Multi-Disciplinary Systems Research

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    Integration a forage legume into crop-livestock systems of Eastern Indonesia was tested to establish the capacity to improve nitrogen supply and yields of staple cereal crops (maize and rice) and allow for intensification of beef production to ultimately increase farm income and alleviate rural poverty in the region. Species evaluation sites across a diversity of environments showed Clitoria ternatea (butterfly pea) to be the most resilient and adaptable forage legume for use in association with cropping systems. Crop rotation experiments demonstrated that legumes grown in rotation with maize or rice can increase grain yields by 50% where legume was cut and removed, and by 90% where legume biomass was retained – the legume providing the equivalent of 100-150 kg of urea fertiliser. Forage establishment and cutting management were shown to be critical to maximising legume productivity but labour inputs required are important constraints. Lower-labour options can be used effectively without dramatically compromising productivity. Providing legumes as supplements to cattle have been shown to have significant benefits for livestock productivity in various production systems; preventing liveweight losses of reproductive cows during the dry season, doubling calf growth rates and halving calf mortality, and increasing growth rates of growing cattle by 0.3-0.5 kg LW/d. Whole-farm bioeconomic modelling and participatory on-farm evaluation has found that livestock-oriented farmers with available land resources will benefit most from forage legumes with potential increases of farm income of up to 30%. Local seed production is critical for ongoing use of herbaceous forage legumes, and our research has refined locally relevant recommendations for agronomy for seed production methods and processing. Our research has confirmed that herbaceous forage legumes can be integrated into cropping systems to improve crop yields, livestock production and livelihoods of small-holder farmers in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

    System-level investigation of multi-MW direct-drive wind power PM vernier generators

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    Surface mounted permanent magnet Vernier (SPM-V) machines are known for their high torque density but relatively poor power factor compared to conventional SPM machines. The high torque density feature of the SPM-V machines is desirable for direct-drive offshore wind power applications as it leads to reduced generator size, mass and cost. However, their poor power factor can negatively affect the converter cost and efficiency. This paper compares the system-level performance, including generator active and structural components and converter, between the SPM-V and the conventional SPM generator systems. Four different power ratings, i.e. 0.5MW, 3MW, 5MW and 10MW, have been considered to study the trend of system-level performance with increasing power rating. The study shows that the SPM-V generators can be lighter and cheaper than their conventional SPM counterparts. However, after the consideration of converter cost and efficiency, the conventional SPM generator exhibited slightly better overall performance. Nonetheless, with the development of novel Vernier topologies and reduction in converter costs in the future due to emerging technologies, the Vernier generators can still be competitive for direct-drive offshore wind power applications

    Kajian Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Pakan Leguminosa Mendukung Peningkatan Produksi Ternak Sapi di Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Leguminosa mempunyai berbagai macam manfaat, diantaranya untuk menyuburkan tanah dan sumber pakan ternak. Sebagai pakan ternak leguminosa mempunyai kualitas tinggi dan tersedia sepanjang tahun. Oleh karena itu, pengembangannya sebagai tanaman pakan sangat diperlukan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat perkembangan pemanfaatan TPT sebagai sumber pakan sapi. Kajian pengembangan dan pemanfaatan tanaman pakan leguminosa di Nusa Tenggara Timur telah dilakukan di tingkat petani dari tahun 2006-2017 bagi leguminosa herba dan dari tahun 2012-2016 bagi leguminosa pohon Leucaena leucocephala cv Tarramba, dengan melibatkan berbagai stakeholder. Tulisan ini me-review berbagai capaian penting yang telah dipublikasikan dan yang masih dicatat saat ini dengan cara on farm record keeping, dijelaskan dan dibahas secara deskriptif
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