654 research outputs found

    “Getting Turned On”: Using ICT Training To Promote Active Ageing In New York City

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    The purpose of this mixed-method study was to examine how participation in a senior’s technology training program influences the social environments and active ageing of older New Yorkers. Findings demonstrate increased and sustained use, improved ability and confidence with computer and Internet technology, and a substantial and positive effect on social connectedness, access to information, and social and civic participation among participants. Authors conclude with a discussion of how comprehensive, community-based ICT training programs (such as OATS) can support the ongoing engagement and re-engagement of older adults within society by building, maintaining and restoring their place within their various communities

    Modified differentials and basic cohomology for Riemannian foliations

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    We define a new version of the exterior derivative on the basic forms of a Riemannian foliation to obtain a new form of basic cohomology that satisfies Poincar\'e duality in the transversally orientable case. We use this twisted basic cohomology to show relationships between curvature, tautness, and vanishing of the basic Euler characteristic and basic signature.Comment: 20 pages, references added, minor corrections mad

    Tautness for riemannian foliations on non-compact manifolds

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    For a riemannian foliation F\mathcal{F} on a closed manifold MM, it is known that F\mathcal{F} is taut (i.e. the leaves are minimal submanifolds) if and only if the (tautness) class defined by the mean curvature form κμ\kappa_\mu (relatively to a suitable riemannian metric μ\mu) is zero. In the transversally orientable case, tautness is equivalent to the non-vanishing of the top basic cohomology group Hn(M/F)H^{^{n}}(M/\mathcal{F}), where n = \codim \mathcal{F}. By the Poincar\'e Duality, this last condition is equivalent to the non-vanishing of the basic twisted cohomology group Hκμ0(M/F)H^{^{0}}_{_{\kappa_\mu}}(M/\mathcal{F}), when MM is oriented. When MM is not compact, the tautness class is not even defined in general. In this work, we recover the previous study and results for a particular case of riemannian foliations on non compact manifolds: the regular part of a singular riemannian foliation on a compact manifold (CERF).Comment: 18 page

    Toda Fields on Riemann Surfaces: remarks on the Miura transformation

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    We point out that the Miura transformation is related to a holomorphic foliation in a relative flag manifold over a Riemann Surface. Certain differential operators corresponding to a free field description of WW--algebras are thus interpreted as partial connections associated to the foliation.Comment: AmsLatex 1.1, 10 page

    Cohomological tautness for Riemannian foliations

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    In this paper we present some new results on the tautness of Riemannian foliations in their historical context. The first part of the paper gives a short history of the problem. For a closed manifold, the tautness of a Riemannian foliation can be characterized cohomologically. We extend this cohomological characterization to a class of foliations which includes the foliated strata of any singular Riemannian foliation of a closed manifold

    CO Depletion in Protoplanetary Disks: A Unified Picture Combining Physical Sequestration and Chemical Processing

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    The gas-phase CO abundance (relative to hydrogen) in protoplanetary disks decreases by up to 2 orders of magnitude from its ISM value 104{\sim}10^{-4}, even after accounting for freeze-out and photo-dissociation. Previous studies have shown that while local chemical processing of CO and the sequestration of CO ice on solids in the midplane can both contribute, neither of these processes appears capable of consistently reaching the observed depletion factors on the relevant timescale of 13 Myr1{-}3\mathrm{~Myr}. In this study, we model these processes simultaneously by including a compact chemical network (centered on carbon and oxygen) to 2D (r+zr+z) simulations of the outer (r>20 aur>20\mathrm{~au}) disk regions that include turbulent diffusion, pebble formation, and pebble dynamics. In general, we find that the CO/H2_2 abundance is a complex function of time and location. Focusing on CO in the warm molecular layer, we find that only the most complete model (with chemistry and pebble evolution included) can reach depletion factors consistent with observations. In the absence of pressure traps, highly-efficient planetesimal formation, or high cosmic ray ionization rates, this model also predicts a resurgence of CO vapor interior to the CO snowline. We show the impact of physical and chemical processes on the elemental (C/O) and (C/H) ratios (in the gas and ice phases), discuss the use of CO as a disk mass tracer, and, finally, connect our predicted pebble ice compositions to those of pristine planetesimals as found in the Cold Classical Kuiper Belt and debris disks.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Loop Groups, Kaluza-Klein Reduction and M-Theory

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    We show that the data of a principal G-bundle over a principal circle bundle is equivalent to that of a \hat{LG} = U(1) |x LG bundle over the base of the circle bundle. We apply this to the Kaluza-Klein reduction of M-theory to IIA and show that certain generalized characteristic classes of the loop group bundle encode the Bianchi identities of the antisymmetric tensor fields of IIA supergravity. We further show that the low dimensional characteristic classes of the central extension of the loop group encode the Bianchi identities of massive IIA, thereby adding support to the conjectures of hep-th/0203218.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, utarticle.cls, v2:clarifications and refs adde

    An ALMA Survey of H₂CO in Protoplanetary Disks

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    H₂CO is one of the most abundant organic molecules in protoplanetary disks and can serve as a precursor to more complex organic chemistry. We present an Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array survey of H₂CO toward 15 disks covering a range of stellar spectral types, stellar ages, and dust continuum morphologies. H₂CO is detected toward 13 disks and tentatively detected toward a fourteenth. We find both centrally peaked and centrally depressed emission morphologies, and half of the disks show ring-like structures at or beyond expected CO snowline locations. Together these morphologies suggest that H₂CO in disks is commonly produced through both gas-phase and CO-ice-regulated grain-surface chemistry. We extract disk-averaged and azimuthally-averaged H₂CO excitation temperatures and column densities for four disks with multiple H₂CO line detections. The temperatures are between 20–50 K, with the exception of colder temperatures in the DM Tau disk. These temperatures suggest that H₂CO emission in disks generally emerges from the warm molecular layer, with some contributions from the colder midplane. Applying the same H₂CO excitation temperatures to all disks in the survey, we find that H₂CO column densities span almost three orders of magnitude (~5 × 10¹¹–5 × 10¹⁴ cm⁻²). The column densities appear uncorrelated with disk size and stellar age, but Herbig Ae disks may have less H₂CO compared to T Tauri disks, possibly because of less CO freeze-out. More H₂CO observations toward Herbig Ae disks are needed to confirm this tentative trend, and to better constrain under which disk conditions H₂CO and other oxygen-bearing organics efficiently form during planet formation