192 research outputs found
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GDCT user`s manual
This manual provides the user on how to use the Graphical Database Configuration Tool (GDCT) to build EPICS databases and visualize links between records and process variables
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APS logDaemon and client library
This document serves as a User`s Manual and Reference for the logDaemon and client library. This package provides a general distributed message logging system. A logDaemon may be started anywhere on a subnet. A client which has linked in the client library is provided functions to open a connection to the logDaemon, log messages, and close the connection. The logDaemon maintains one or more log files (in simple ASCII or SDDS format) and an e-mail list based on specifications in a configuration file. Incoming messages are logged to the appropriate file and/or result in e-mail being sent
Veränderung der Nutzungseignung der Jungmoränenlandschaft Nordpommernsam Beispiel des Einzugsgebietes der Struga Lesna (Waldbach)
On the example of the catchment area of Struga Lesna (Waldbach) the changes inland use suitability over more than one century are shown. Basically, the negative influences
on agricultural site quality are caused by human impacts over a long time period since Neolithic Age. The anthropogenic shift of the soil and landscape factors has to be classified currently as persistent in the northern young moraine area of Pomerania
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Monitoring commercial conventional facilities control with the APS control system: The Metasys-to-EPICS interface
As controls needs at the Advanced Photon Source matured from an installation phase to an operational phase, the need to monitor the existing conventional facilities control system with the EPICS-based accelerator control system was realized. This existing conventional facilities control network is based on a proprietary system from Johnson Controls called Metasys. Initially read-only monitoring of the Metasys parameters will be provided; however, the ability for possible future expansion to full control is available. This paper describes a method of using commercially available hardware and existing EPICS software as a bridge between the Metasys and EPICS control systems
Adapting SAM for CDF
The CDF and D0 experiments probe the high-energy frontier and as they do so
have accumulated hundreds of Terabytes of data on the way to petabytes of data
over the next two years. The experiments have made a commitment to use the
developing Grid based on the SAM system to handle these data. The D0 SAM has
been extended for use in CDF as common patterns of design emerged to meet the
similar requirements of these experiments. The process by which the merger was
achieved is explained with particular emphasis on lessons learned concerning
the database design patterns plus realization of the use cases.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
(CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 4 pages, pdf format, TUAT00
Do practicing clinicians agree with expert ratings of neonatal intensive care unit quality measures?
To assess the level of agreement when selecting quality measures for inclusion in a composite index of neonatal intensive care quality (Baby-MONITOR) between two panels: one comprised of academic researchers (Delphi) and another comprised of academic and clinical neonatologists (Clinician)
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Research on China’s Fiscal Policy in the Promotion of Technological Innovation
创新日益成为一个国家、民族兴旺发达的决定性因素,科技进步和技术创新不仅成为时代的主旋律,而且也变成了学术界、产业界、科技界以及中央和地方各级政府讨论经济发展问题的主流话语。企业是技术创新的主体和技术创新体系的中心,因此,促进企业技术创新不仅有利于企业提高其经济效益和增强其市场竞争力,而且有利于促进一国的经济增长。 财税政策作为一种重要的政府政策工具,应在促进企业技术创新过程中发挥重要作用。虽然我国政府制定了多项财政支持政策和一系列的税收优惠政策,从多个方位和不同层面来提高企业技术创新能力、促进和引导技术创新,并取得了一定的成效。然而,目前我国促进企业技术创新的财税政策仍然存在一定的问题,其根...Innovation is increasingly becoming a decisive factor in national prosperity, technological progress and technical innovation has not only become the main theme of the times, but also become the mainstream discourse of the academia, industry, technology and the central or local governments discussing economic development issues. Enterprises is the technological innovation main force and the center...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:X200633000
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Lattice QCD workflows
This paper discusses the application of existing workflow management systems to a real world science application (LQCD). Typical workflows and execution environment used in production are described. Requirements for the LQCD production system are discussed. The workflow management systems Askalon and Swift were tested by implementing the LQCD workflows and evaluated against the requirements. We report our findings and future work
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