4,748 research outputs found

    Towards electron transport measurements in chemically modified graphene: The effect of a solvent

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    Chemical functionalization of graphene modifies the local electron density of the carbon atoms and hence electron transport. Measuring these changes allows for a closer understanding of the chemical interaction and the influence of functionalization on the graphene lattice. However, not only chemistry, in this case diazonium chemistry, has an effect on the electron transport. Latter is also influenced by defects and dopants resulting from different processing steps. Here, we show that solvents used in the chemical reaction process change the transport properties. In more detail, the investigated combination of isopropanol and heating treatment reduces the doping concentration and significantly increases the mobility of graphene. Furthermore, the isopropanol treatment alone increases the concentration of dopants and introduces an asymmetry between electron and hole transport which might be difficult to distinguish from the effect of functionalization. The results shown in this work demand a closer look on the influence of solvents used for chemical modification in order to understand their influence

    Governing the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Middle East and North Africa: Containment Measures as a Public Good

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    What determined how governments in the Middle East and North Africa reacted to the global covid-19 pandemic? We develop a theoretical argument based on the political costs of different policy options and assess its empirical relevance. Distinguishing between the immediate costs associated with decisive action and the potential costs of uncontrolled spread that are likely to accrue over the long term, we argue that leaders who have fewer incentives to provide public goods to stay in power will lock down later than their more constrained counterparts. We find empirical support for this argument in statistical analyses covering the 1 January - 30 November 2020 period using the Oxford covid-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) and our own original data on the timing of mosque closures and strict lockdowns across the region. We also illustrate our argument with a description of the response to the pandemic in Egypt

    Ultrafast spatio-temporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of spatio-temporal propagation effects in terahertz (THz) generation in gases using two-color ionizing laser pulses. The observed strong broadening of the THz spectra with increasing gas pressure reveals the prominent role of spatio-temporal reshaping and of a plasma-induced blue-shift of the pump pulses in the generation process. Results obtained from (3+1)-dimensional simulations are in good agreement with experimental findings and clarify the mechanisms responsible for THz emission

    Gray and white matter astrocytes differ in basal metabolism but respond similarly to neuronal activity

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    Astrocytes are a heterogeneous population of glial cells in the brain, which adapt their properties to the requirements of the local environment. Two major groups of astrocytes are protoplasmic astrocytes residing in gray matter as well as fibrous astrocytes of white matter. Here, we compared the energy metabolism of astrocytes in the cortex and corpus callosum as representative gray matter and white matter regions, in acute brain slices taking advantage of genetically encoded fluorescent nanosensors for the NADH/NAD+ redox ratio and for ATP. Astrocytes of the corpus callosum presented a more reduced basal NADH/NAD+ redox ratio, and a lower cytosolic concentration of ATP compared to cortical astrocytes. In cortical astrocytes, the neurotransmitter glutamate and increased extracellular concentrations of K+, typical correlates of neuronal activity, induced a more reduced NADH/NAD+ redox ratio. While application of glutamate decreased [ATP], K+ as well as the combination of glutamate and K+ resulted in an increase of ATP levels. Strikingly, a very similar regulation of metabolism by K+ and glutamate was observed in astrocytes in the corpus callosum. Finally, strong intrinsic neuronal activity provoked by application of bicuculline and withdrawal of Mg2+ caused a shift of the NADH/NAD+ redox ratio to a more reduced state as well as a slight reduction of [ATP] in gray and white matter astrocytes. In summary, the metabolism of astrocytes in cortex and corpus callosum shows distinct basal properties, but qualitatively similar responses to neuronal activity, probably reflecting the different environment and requirements of these brain regions

    Enraizamento de estacas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hill.) provenientes de brotações rejuvenescidas.

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    A erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hill.) é espécie nativa da América do Sul, de grande importância econômica devido a seu consumo na forma de chás e também vem sendo amplamente estudada nas áreas de farmacologia e biotecnologia. No entanto, tem baixo capacidade de propagação, seja ela sexuada ou assexuada. Um dos principais efeitos da maturação é a perda da capacidade de enraizamento, desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos observar a influência do rejuvenescimento e aplicação de ácido indol butírico (IBA) no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de erva-mate. Foram confeccionadas estacas a partir de brotações do ano de árvores de 13 anos, assim como de brotos rejuvenescidos, obtidos da decepa de árvores com 17 anos. As estacas foram tratadas com IBA em solução nas seguintes concentrações: 0, 1500, 3000, 4500 e 6000 mg L-1, resultando em 5 tratamentos para cada tipo de estaca. O plantio foi realizado em caixas plásticas preenchidas com vermiculita e casca-de-arroz carbonizada na proporção de 1:1 e após 90 dias em casa-de-vegetação, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, número de raízes/estaca, comprimento das 3 maiores raízes/estaca, porcentagem de estacas vivas, com calos e mortas. A análise estatística mostrou que o material rejuvenescido apresentou os melhores resultados quanto à porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, assim como de número e comprimento de raízes. Já a aplicação da auxina sintética não influenciou no enraizamento das estacas de nenhum dos dois tipos, de modo que os tratamentos com IBA não diferiram entre si estatisticamente

    The role of body rotation in bacterial flagellar bundling

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    In bacterial chemotaxis, E. coli cells drift up chemical gradients by a series of runs and tumbles. Runs are periods of directed swimming, and tumbles are abrupt changes in swimming direction. Near the beginning of each run, the rotating helical flagellar filaments which propel the cell form a bundle. Using resistive-force theory, we show that the counter-rotation of the cell body necessary for torque balance is sufficient to wrap the filaments into a bundle, even in the absence of the swirling flows produced by each individual filament