8 research outputs found

    Hand-drawn objects recognition

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    This work deals with recognition of hand-drawn objects traced by children with mental disorders. The aim is to classify object’s geometrical primitives into classes and display them along with the idealized shape of the input object. Level of mental retardation is determined by the variance of the input (drawn) object from idealized shape of the object (artwork)

    Parametric study of torsion of concrete prismatic members

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    Kroucení železobetonových průřezů není v současnosti bohužel věnována taková míra pozornosti, jaká je věnovaná jiným režimům namáhání. Protože namáhání kroucením jako rozhodujícím zatížením není tak časté, jako u ostatních způsobů namáhání, došlo k opomíjení výstižnosti návrhových postupů. Článek uvádí numerickou studii provedenou programem ATENA, ze které plyne, jak obdélníkové železobetonové průřezy (které se vyskytují nejčastěji) při kroucení působí a zároveň ukazuje na nedostatky v návrhových postupech. Studie by se měla stát základem další výzkumné činnosti, která by jednak lépe objasnila působení železobetonových elementů při kroucení a dále, která by navrhla zlepšené návrhové postupy.According to the common design methods of calculation of the stress state induced by torsion of massive prismatic concrete structural elements, the structural system is reduced to a simple cage consisting of ties and struts. This model has, however, a number of principal shortcomings, the major of them is the fact that all of simultaneously acting effects like axial forces, bending moments and shear forces are not taken into account – the compressive axial forces increase very significantly the torque capacity of the structural member, while due to action of tensile forces, bending moments and shear forces the torque capacity is reduced. These phenomena, applying non-linear approaches, are analysed and assessed

    Definitions and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer according to multidisciplinary tumour boards in Europe

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    Background: Consensus about the definition and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer is lacking. Objective: To assess the definition and treatment of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer across multidisciplinary tumour boards (MDTs) in Europe. Material and methods: European expert centers (n Z 49) were requested to discuss 15 real-life cases in their MDT with at least a medical, surgical, and radiation oncologist present. The cases varied in terms of location and number of metastases, histology, timing of detection (i.e. synchronous versus metachronous), primary tumour treatment status, and response to systemic therapy. The primary outcome was the agreement in the definition of oligometastatic disease at diagnosis and after systemic therapy. The secondary outcome was the agreement in treatment strategies. Treatment strategies for oligometastatic disease were categorised into up -front local treatment (i.e. metastasectomy or stereotactic radiotherapy), systemic therapy followed by restaging to consider local treatment or systemic therapy alone. The agreement across MDTs was scored to be either absent/poor (= 75%). Results: A total of 47 MDTs across 16 countries fully discussed the cases (96%). Oligometastatic disease was considered in patients with 1-2 metastases in either the liver, lung, retroperitoneal lymph nodes, adrenal gland, soft tissue or bone (consensus). At follow-up, oligometastatic disease was considered after a median of 18 weeks of systemic therapy when no progression or progression in size only of the oligometastatic lesion(s) was seen (consensus). If at restaging after a median of 18 weeks of systemic therapy the number of lesions progressed, this was not considered as oligometastatic disease (fair agreement). There was no consensus on treatment strategies for oligometastatic disease. Conclusion: A broad consensus on definitions of oligometastatic oesophagogastric cancer was found among MDTs of oesophagogastric cancer expert centres in Europe. However, high practice variability in treatment strategies exists. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd