7,841 research outputs found

    Damage Potential of Rose Chafer and Japanese Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Michigan Vineyards

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    Responses of young non-fruiting grapevines, Vitis labrusca (L.) var. ‘Niagara’, to defoliation were examined at two stages of vine growth when beetles typically infest vineyards. In the first experiment, vines were caged and subjected to two weeks of feeding by 0, 10, 20, or 40 adult Macrodactylus subspinosus Fabricius (Scarabaeidae: Macrodactylini) during bloom, or to the same range of adult Popillia japonica Newman (Scarabaeidae: Anomalini) during veráison, when berries begin changing color. Leaf area removed increased with beetle density, but less than 1% of the leaf area was removed at the highest density of M. subspinosus, and less than 7% at the highest density of P. japonica. Vine growth measurements taken during the year of injury and prior to bloom during the following season indicated no significant impacts of this leaf injury on vegetative growth. In the second experiment, mechanical injury was induced by removing 0, 10, 20, or 30% of the total leaf area of every fully expanded leaf at bloom or veráison. A significant effect of mechanical injury at bloom was found on cane diameters when measured at veráison, indicating that a carbon source limitation was induced in these vines. By the time of leaf loss, cane diameters were not significantly different across treatments, indicating that vines may have been able to compensate for the earlier defoliation. Injury at veráison had no significant effect on vine growth parameters. These results suggest that young ‘Niagara’ vines are able to tolerate foliar injury far exceeding that caused by two weeks of exposure to 40 beetles of either species. Surveys of Michigan vineyards containing different grape varieties indicated that although both beetle species could be found in high abundance, leaf injury levels were low. The implications for management of beetle foliar herbivory in vineyards are discussed

    Effect of cell density on thrombin binding to a specific site on bovine vascular endothelial cells.

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    We studied thrombin binding to proliferating and confluent endothelial cells derived from bovine vascular endothelium. [125]thrombin was incubated with nonconfluent or confluent endothelial cells and both the total amount bound and the amount linked in a 77,000-dalton thrombin-cell complex were determined. Approximately 230,000 molecules of thrombin bound per cell in nonconfluent cultures compared to 12,800 molecules per cell in confluent cultures. Approximately 67,7000 thrombin molecules were bound in an apparently covalent complex, Mr = 77,000, with each cell in sparse cultures, whereas only 4,600 thrombin molecules per cell were bound in this complex with confluent cultures. Similar studies with [125I]thrombin and endothelial cells derived from bovine cornea revealed no difference either in the total amount of thrombin bound or in the amount bound in the 77,000-dalton complex using sparse or confluent cultures. When confluent vascular endothelial cultures were wounded, additional cellular binding sites for the 77,000-dalton complex with thrombin appeared within 24 h. A 237% increase in the amount of thrombin bound to these sites was induced by a wound which resulted in a 20% decrease in cell number in the monolayer. There was no significant increase in thrombin binding to other cellular sites at 24 h. These experiments provide evidence that the first change in thrombin binding after injury is an increase in the cellular sites involved in the 77,000-dalton complex, and suggest that thrombin binding to endothelial cells may be important in the vascular response to injury

    Immersive and non immersive 3D virtual city: decision support tool for urban sustainability

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    Sustainable urban planning decisions must not only consider the physical structure of the urban development but the economic, social and environmental factors. Due to the prolonged times scales of major urban development projects the current and future impacts of any decision made must be fully understood. Many key project decisions are made early in the decision making process with decision makers later seeking agreement for proposals once the key decisions have already been made, leaving many stakeholders, especially the general public, feeling marginalised by the process. Many decision support tools have been developed to aid in the decision making process, however many of these are expert orientated, fail to fully address spatial and temporal issues and do not reflect the interconnectivity of the separate domains and their indicators. This paper outlines a platform that combines computer game techniques, modelling of economic, social and environmental indicators to provide an interface that presents a 3D interactive virtual city with sustainability information overlain. Creating a virtual 3D urban area using the latest video game techniques ensures: real-time rendering of the 3D graphics; exploitation of novel techniques of how complex multivariate data is presented to the user; immersion in the 3D urban development, via first person navigation, exploration and manipulation of the environment with consequences updated in real-time. The use of visualisation techniques begins to remove sustainability assessment’s reliance on the existing expert systems which are largely inaccessible to many of the stakeholder groups, especially the general public

    Enhancing urban sustainability using 3D visualisation

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    This paper presents the results of an initial application of a prototype simulation and visualisation tool (S-City VT) thatwas developed to enable all stakeholders, regardless of background or experience, to understand, interact with and influence decisions made on the sustainability of urban design. The tool takes the unique approach of combining three-dimensional (3D) interactive and immersive technologies with computer modelling to present stakeholders with an interactive virtual development. Use of outputs from the model and a 3D visualisation of the development can help decision-makers judge the relative sustainability of different aspects of a development. The tool employs a number of different methods to present sustainability results to stakeholders. Initial tests on the effectiveness of the different visualisation methods are described and discussed. The paper then presents some conclusions on further development and application of the tool to model and visualise possible results of decisions made at different stages of the project

    Modelling and visualizing sustainability assessment in urban environments

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    Major urban development projects extend over prolonged timescales (up to 25 years in the case of major regeneration projects), involve a large number of stakeholders, and necessitate complex decision making. Comprehensive assessment of critical information will involve a number of domains, such as social, economic and environmental, and input from a wide a range of stakeholders. This makes rigorous and holistic decision making, with respect to sustainability, exceptionally difficult without access to appropriate decision support tools. Assessing and communicating the key aspects of sustainability and often conflicting information remains a major hurdle to be overcome if sustainable development is to be achieved. We investigate the use of an integrated simulation and visualization engine and will test if it is effective in: 1) presenting a physical representation of the urban environment, 2) modelling sustainability of the urban development using a subset of indicators, here the modelling and the visualization need to be integrated seamlessly in order to achieve real time updates of the sustainability models in the 3D urban representation, 3) conveying the sustainability information to a range of stakeholders making the assessment of sustainability more accessible. In this paper we explore the first two objectives. The prototype interactive simulation and visualization platform (S-City VT) integrates and communicates complex multivariate information to diverse stakeholder groups. This platform uses the latest 3D graphical rendering techniques to generate a realistic urban development and novel visualization techniques to present sustainability data that emerge from the underlying computational model. The underlying computational model consists of two parts: traditional multicriteria evaluation methods and indicator models that represent the temporal changes of indicators. These models are informed from collected data and/or existing literature. The platform is interactive and allows real time movements of buildings and/or material properties and the sustainability assessment is updated immediately. This allows relative comparisons of contrasting planning and urban layouts. Preliminary usability results show that the tool provides a realistic representation of a real development and is effective at conveying the sustainability assessment information to a range of stakeholders. S-City VT is a novel tool for calculating and communicating sustainability assessment. It therefore begins to open up the decision making process to more stakeholders, reducing the reliance on expert decision makers

    Enhancing urban sustainability through novel visualisation

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    Sustainable decision making in Urban Design is a complex and non-linear process that requires the interaction of a wide variety of stakeholders. The engagement of a range of stakeholders throughout the decision making process presents challenges including the need to communicate the complex and interdependent facets of sustainability and the need to demonstrate the short and long term implications of alternative courses of action.This paper presents the results of an initial application of a prototype simulation and visualisation tool (S-City VT) that was developed to enable all stakeholders, regardless of background or experience, to understand, interact with and influence decisions made on the sustainability of urban design. S-City VT takes the unique approach of combining computer game technology with computer modelling to present stakeholders with an interactive virtual development. The paper uses the Dundee Central Waterfront Development Project as a case study to evaluate the potential for the application of the tool and explains how parallel research work on the implementation of a sustainability enhancement framework for the Central Waterfront Development has informed the choice of sustainability indictors and identified the key stakeholders in the decision making processes.The paper shows how stakeholders can be presented with the outputs from the model using a 3D visualisation of the development and thus enables judgements to be made on the relative sustainability of aspects of the development. The visualisation tool employs a number of different methods of displaying the sustainability results to the stakeholders. These methods can show data in varying levels of complexity, depending on the expertise of the stakeholder, empowering all stakeholders by illustrating possible interactions between indicator values and sustainability and by showing how different stakeholder perceptions of the importance of the indicators can influence the sustainability assessment.Initial tests on the effectiveness of the different visualisation methods in displaying the model output to communicate the sustainability of the Development are described. The results of the tests and presented and discussed and conclusions are drawn on the further development and application of the tool to model and visualise through time the possible results of decisions made at different stages of the project

    Characterizing Deformation, Damage Parameters, and Clay Composition in Fault Zones: Insights from the Chelungpu Thrust, Taiwan, and Mozumi Right Lateral Fault, Japan

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    The Chelungpu thrust fault, Taiwan, and the Mozumi right-lateral fault, Japan, provide an opportunity to characterize active faults in clastic sedimentary rocks and provide constraints to seismologic models. The northern Chelungpu fault has a 10-30 m wide primary damage zone characterized by dense fractures and chemical alteration. The southern Chelungpu fault has a 25-70 m wide primary damage zone characterized by dense fractures, alteration, intensely sheared rock, and secondary faults. The complexity of the damage zone, geochemistry, and clay mineralogy of the southern fault zone reflects its greater maturity (~1 Ma) relative to the northern fault zone (~46-100 Ka). A transition exists from smectite in exhumed fault core to illite-rich fault core at depth (200 - 1000 m) due to co-seismic fluid flow and radiated seismic energy. Clay composition plays a role in fault weakening. Microstructures in deformed Mozumi siltstone indicate syn-tectonic fluid pressurization and flow, and shear concentrated in sericite-rich matrix. Kaolinite and illite clays dominate the host rock and fault breccia; illite, smectite, and kaolinite dominate clay-rich fault breccia. Whole-rock geochemistry shows a depletion of most oxides in fault rocks relative to unaltered host rock (up to ~90%). Resistivity values are depressed by 0-50 ohm-m, and νp and νs are decreased by ~0.30 km/s and ~0.40 km/s across the main fault relative to wall rock, and an average of ~0.70 km/s and ~1.0 km/s relative to host rock, respectively. Calculated values of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of fault rocks range from 16.2 to 44.9 GPa and 0.263 to 0.393, respectively. The protolith has a calculated Young’s modulus of 55.4 GPa and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.242. Lowest values of Young’s modulus and highest values of Poisson’s ratio correspond to fault breccia with high fluid content, and are offset from the most altered and damaged fault rocks. Fluid-rich pockets, and thus alteration, apparently migrate through the fault zone and may facilitate creep on the Mozumi fault because these fluid rich rocks are unable to sustain the shear stresses needed for brittle failure. The Chelungpu and Mozumi faults illustrate the temporally dynamic and heterogeneous nature of active fault zones
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