216 research outputs found

    Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality of Participants at ‘Tucson II’

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    In previous studies we had found correlations between the material-transcendent dimension underlying the Western intellectual tradition and the diversity of ideas concerning consciousness. In the course of our work we developed the Beliefs About Consciousness and Reality Questionnaire that could be used for measuring fundamental beliefs about consciousness and reality. A survey of participants at the scientific meeting Toward a Science of Consciousness 1996 “Tucson II” was conducted using this questionnaire. Results from 212 respondents indicated scores substantially in the transcendent direction, both for scales underlying the questionnaire as well as for some of its individual items, relative to a 1986 standardization sample. Having traditional or one’s own religious beliefs, interest in phenomenology and culture, lack of interest in neural correlates and age were also all correlated with scale scores in the transcendent direction. Given the diversity of fundamental beliefs about consciousness and reality of listeners at a meeting such as Tucson II, speakers need to find ways to communicate across the spectrum of the material-transcendent dimension

    Measurement of beliefs about consciousness and reality

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    The responses of 334 academics and professionals to a questionnaire concerning consciousness and beliefs about reality were used to develop 7 scales and to establish their reliability and norms. </jats:p

    Новый взгляд на творчество М. Горького: обзор научных публикаций последнего пятнадцатилетия

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    Проблема переосмысления творческого наследия русского писателя М. Горького является одной из самых актуальных в современном литературоведении. Кризис методологии, затронувший гуманитарные науки в конце XX века, привел к пересмотру многих казавшихся неоспоримыми истин в горьковедении. В статье предложен краткий аналитический обзор тех исследований последних пятнадцати лет, в которых представлены наиболее перспективные результаты, значимые с точки зрения нового подхода к изучению творчества М. Горького.The problem of a new view on the creative heritage of a Russian writer Maxim Gorky is one of the more urgent in modern literary criticism. Late XX century methodological crisis of humanities has led to a revision of most principles in Gorky studies that had earlier seemed irrefutable. A shot analytical review of the last 15 years' most valuable researches is offered in the article

    Management quality, certification, and initial public offerings

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    Abstract We empirically examine the relationship between the quality and reputation of a firm&apos;s management and various aspects of its IPO and post-IPO performance, a relationship that has so far received little attention in the literature. We hypothesize that better and more reputable managers are able to convey the intrinsic value of their firm more credibly to outsiders, thereby reducing the information asymmetry facing their firm in the equity market. Therefore, IPOs of firms with higher management quality will be characterized by lower underpricing, greater institutional interest, more reputable underwriters, and smaller underwriting expenses. Further, if higher management quality is associated with lower heterogeneity in investor valuations, firms with better managers will have greater long-term stock returns. Finally, since better managers are likely to select better projects (having a larger NPV for any given scale) and implement them more ably, higher management quality will also be associated with larger IPO offer sizes and stronger post-IPO operating performance. We present evidence consistent with the above hypotheses