1,574 research outputs found

    The Herschel/PACS view of disks around low-mass stars in Chamaleon-I

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    Circumstellar disks are expected to be the birthplaces of planets. The potential for forming one or more planets of various masses is essentially driven by the initial mass of the disks. We present and analyze Herschel/PACS observations of disk-bearing M-type stars that belong to the young ~2 Myr old Chamaleon-I star forming region. We used the radiative transfer code RADMC to successfully model the SED of 17 M-type stars detected at PACS wavelengths. We first discuss the relatively low detection rates of M5 and later spectral type stars with respect to the PACS sensitivity, and argue their disks masses, or flaring indices, are likely to be low. For M0 to M3 stars, we find a relatively broad range of disk masses, scale heights, and flaring indices. Via a parametrization of dust stratification, we can reproduce the peak fluxes of the 10 ΞΌ\mum emission feature observed with Spitzer/IRS, and find that disks around M-type stars may display signs of dust sedimentation. The Herschel/PACS observations of low-mass stars in Cha-I provide new constraints on their disk properties, overall suggesting that disk parameters for early M-type stars are comparable to those for more massive stars (e.g., comparable scale height and flaring angles). However, regions of the disks emitting at about 100 ΞΌ\mum may still be in the optically thick regime, preventing direct determination of disk masses. Thus the modeled disk masses should be considered as lower limits. Still, we are able to extend the wavelength coverage of SED models and start characterizing effects such as dust sedimentation, an effort leading the way towards ALMA observations of these low-mass stars

    Influence of roughness on ZDDP tribofilm formation in boundary lubricated fretting

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    Influence of initial surface topography on tribofilm formation in ZDDP lubricated contact was analysed. A small displacement fretting tests with sinusoidal motion were carried out in classical sphere/plane configuration. A range of surfaces with different initial roughness were prepared by milling and grinding processes. Tests were carried out using variable displacement method where amplitude of imposed displacement was gradually increased after every 1000 cycles from 2 to 30 Β΅m. The surfaces after tribological tests were measured by interferometric profiler. Main findings confirm that initial roughness has a significant influence on antiwear tribofilm formation in boundary lubricated contact. Tribofilm form faster and require less energy to activate in case of rough surface obtained by milling process than in case of smooth grinded surface. However, in contact lubricated by ZDDP additive a significant transfer of material occurred from plane to sphere specimen

    Microbiology profile in women with pelvic inflammatory disease in relation to IUD use.

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the microbial characteristics of patients with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and the possible impact of an intrauterine device (IUD) on the microbial environment in women presenting with PID. METHODS: Case-control study, investigating 51 women with acute PID and 50 healthy women. Endocervical specimens for microbiological investigation were obtained at gynaecological examination. RESULTS: IUD users with PID had significantly more Fusobacteria spp. and Peptostreptococcus spp. than non-IUD users with PID. The finding of combinations of several anaerobic or aerobic microbes was associated with a significantly increased risk of PID and with complicated PID. In IUD users, the combinations of several anaerobic/aerobic microbes were associated with an increased risk of PID, irrespective of duration of IUD use. Long-term IUD use appeared to be associated with an increased risk of a PID being complicated. CONCLUSION: The finding of several anaerobic or aerobic microbes appears to be associated with PID in users of IUD

    A Three Micron Survey of the Chamaeleon I Dark Cloud

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    We describe an L-band photometric survey of 0.5 square deg of the Cha I dark cloud. The survey has a completeness limit of L < 11.0. Our survey detects 124 sources, including all known pre-main sequence stars with L < 11. The fraction of sources with near-IR excess emission is 58% +- 4% for K = 9-11. Cha I sources have bluer H-K and K-L colors than pre-main sequence stars in Taurus-Auriga. These sources also have a strong correlation between EW(H-alpha) and K-L. Stars with K-L 0.6 have strong H-alpha emission. Because many Cha I sources are heavily reddened, this division between weak emission T Tauri stars and classical T Tauri stars occurs at a redder K-L than in Taurus-Auriga.Comment: 12 pages of text, 4 figures, and 1 three page table of data modified version adds reference and acknowledgemen

    C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars: IV. Crystalline silicates

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    Aims. Dust grains in the planet-forming regions around young stars are expected to be heavily processed due to coagulation, fragmentation, and crystallization. This paper focuses on the crystalline silicate dust grains in protoplanetary disks for a statistically significant number of TTauri stars (96). Methods. As part of the cores to disks (c2d) legacy program, we obtained more than a hundred Spitzer/IRS spectra of TTauri stars, over a spectral range of 5-35 ΞΌm where many silicate amorphous and crystalline solid-state features are present. At these wavelengths, observations probe the upper layers of accretion disks up to distances of a dozen AU from the central object. Results. More than 3/4 of our objects show at least one crystalline silicate emission feature that can be essentially attributed to Mg-rich silicates. The Fe-rich crystalline silicates are largely absent in the c2d IRS spectra. The strength and detection frequency of the crystalline features seen at Ξ» > 20 ΞΌm correlate with each other, while they are largely uncorrelated with the observational properties of the amorphous silicate 10 ΞΌm feature. This supports the idea that the IRS spectra essentially probe two independent disk regions: a warm zone (≀1 AU) emitting at ~ 10 ΞΌm and a much colder region emitting at Ξ» > 20 ΞΌm (≀10 AU). We identify a crystallinity paradox, as the long-wavelength (Ξ» > 20 m) crystalline silicate features are detected 3.5 times more frequently (~55% vs. ~15%) than the crystalline features arising from much warmer disk regions (Ξ» ~ 10 ΞΌm). This suggests that the disk has an inhomogeneous dust composition within ~10 AU. The analysis of the shape and strength of both the amorphous 10 ΞΌm feature and the crystalline feature around 23 ΞΌm provides evidence for the prevalence of ΞΌm-sized (amorphous and crystalline) grains in upper layers of disks. Conclusions. The abundant crystalline silicates found far from their presumed formation regions suggest efficient outward radial transport mechanisms in the disks around TTauri stars. The presence of ΞΌm-sized grains in disk atmospheres, despite the short timescales for settling to the midplane, suggests efficient (turbulent) vertical diffusion, probably accompanied by grain-grain fragmentation to balance the expected efficient growth. In this scenario, the depletion of submicron-sized grains in the upper layers of the disks points toward removal mechanisms such as stellar winds or radiation pressure

    Systematic effects and a new determination of the primordial abundance of 4He and dY/dZ from observations of blue compact galaxies

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    We use spectroscopic observations of a sample of 82 HII regions in 76 blue compact galaxies to determine the primordial helium abundance Yp and the slope dY/dZ from the Y-O/H linear regression. To improve the accuracy of the dY/dZ measurement, we have included new spectrophotometric observations of 33 HII regions which span a large metallicity range, with oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H) varying between 7.43 and 8.30 (Zsun/30<Z<Zsun/4). For a subsample of 7 HII regions, we derive the He mass fraction taking into account known systematic effects, including collisional and fluorescent enhancements of HeI emission lines, collisional excitation of hydrogen emission, underlying stellar HeI absorption and the difference between the temperatures Te(HeII) in the He^+ zone and Te(OIII) derived from the collisionally excited [OIII] lines. We find that the net result of all the systematic effects combined is small, changing the He mass fraction by less than 0.6%. By extrapolating the Y vs. O/H linear regression to O/H=0 for 7 HII regions of this subsample, we obtain Yp=0.2421+/-0.0021 and dY/dO=5.7+/-1.8, which corresponds to dY/dZ=3.7+/-1.2, assuming the oxygen mass fraction to be O=0.66Z. In the framework of the standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis theory, this Yp corresponds to Omega_b h^2 = 0.012^+0.003_-0.002, where h is the Hubble constant in units of 100 km/s/Mpc. This is smaller at the 2sigma level than the value obtained from recent deuterium abundance and microwave background radiation measurements. The linear regression slope dY/dO=4.3+/-0.7 (corresponding to dY/dZ=2.8+/-0.5) for the whole sample of 82 HII regions is similar to that derived for the subsample of 7 HII regions, although it has a considerably smaller uncertainty.Comment: 53 pages, 3 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A Study of Nine High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies: IV. Photometry and Sp ectra of Clusters 1324+3011 and 1604+4321

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    New photometric and spectroscopic observations of galaxies in the directions of three distant clusters are presented as part of our on-going high-redshift cluster survey. The clusters are CL1324+3011 at z = 0.76, CL1604+4304 at z = 0.90, and CL1604+4321 at z = 0.92. The observed x-ray luminosities in these clusters are at least a factor of 3 smaller than those observed in clusters with similar velocity dispersions at z <= 0.4. These clusters contain a significant population of elliptical-like galaxies, although these galaxies are not nearly as dominant as in massive clusters at z <= 0.5. We also find a large population of blue cluster members. Defining an active galaxy as one in which the rest equivalent width of [OII] is greater than 15 Angstroms, the fraction of active cluster galaxies, within the central 1.0 Mpc, is 45%. In the field population, we find that 65% of the galaxies with redshifts between z = 0.40 and z = 0.85 are active, while the fraction is 79% for field galaxies at z > 0.85. The star formation rate normalized by the rest AB B-band magnitude, SFRN, increases as the redshift increases at a given evolving luminosity. At a given redshift, however, SFRN decreases linearly with increasing luminosity indicating a remarkable insensitivity of the star formation rate to the intrinsic luminosity of the galaxy over the range -18 >= ABB >= -22. Cluster galaxies in the central 1 Mpc regions exhibit depressed star formation rates. We are able to measure significant evolution in the B-band luminosity function over the range 0.1 <= z <= 1. The characteristic luminosity increases by a factor of 3 with increasing redshift over this range.Comment: 64 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal on May 25, 2001. Scheduled to appear in Sept 2001 issu
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