11 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Pollutants Monitoring by Analysis of Epiphytic Lichen Hypogymnia physodes in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    LiÅ”aji se već dugo vremena smatraju jednim od najkorisnijih bioindikatora onečiŔćenja zraka. Epifitski liÅ”aj Hypogymnia physodes upotrijebljen je za kontrolu onečiŔćenja zraka u području grada Sarajeva. Tehnika spektrometrija masa s indukcijskom spregnutom plazmom (ICP-MS) primijenjena je za određivanje 14 elemenata (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr i Zn) u liÅ”ajima uzetih s pet lokaliteta u gradu Sarajevu. Dobiveni rezultati su uspoređeni s literaturnim podacima iz sjeverozapadnih zemalja Europe i Slovenije. Rezultati pokazuju da su maseni udjeli Cr, Pb i Zn u naÅ”im uzorcima zamjetno poviÅ”eni u usporedbi s literaturnim podacima za udjele tih elemenata u uzorcima liÅ”aja u sjeverozapadnim zemljama Europe.The ability of lichens to accumulate levels of elements in excess of physiological requirements in close correlation with atmospheric elemental levels has led to their wide-scale application as practical biomonitors of inorganic atmospheric contamination. The advantages of using lichens over conventional air sampling techniques are that lichens are perennial and can be found in most terrestrial habitats. The epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes was used to monitor atmospheric pollution in the Sarajevo city region, Bosnia and Herzegovina. H. physodes is a very common epiphytic lichen on trees with a slightly acidic or neutral bark. An inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used for the determination of 14 elements (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr and Zn) in lichen samples from five locations in the Sarajevo area. Achieved results have been compared with literary data from northwestern countries of Europe and Slovenia. A detailed analysis of air pollution with toxic metals and other elements has not yet been made in the area of Sarajevo. So far, analyses of the air quality in Sarajevo have been based on determining the fraction of: SO2, NOx, CO2, CO, O3, smoke, PM 10. This motivated us (especially after the war 1992-1995) to conduct multi-elemental analyses of epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. The results show that the mass fraction of Cr, Pb and Zn in our samples significantly differ from data on the fraction of these elements in samples of lichen in Northwestern European countries

    Analysis of the Radiopollution of the City of Sarajevo and its Surrounding Area with Regard to Radionuclides

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    U posljednje vrijeme postoje razne kalkulacije o streljivu koje koristi osiromaÅ”eni uranij, a koje je upotrebljavano tijekom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini (1992.-1995.). Pored toga, područje Bosne i Hercegovine bilo je pod izravnim utjecajem globalnih disperzijskih procesa u razdoblju mjeseca svibnja 1986. godine, kao posljedica emisije iz Nuklearne elektrane "Lenin" u Černobilu. Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti specifičnu radioaktivnost: 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 232Th, 40K i 137Cs u povrÅ”inski uzetim uzorcima tla u gradu Sarajevu i njegovoj okolici. Uzorci tla uzeti su s devet lokaliteta u gradu Sarajevu i njegovoj okolici. Upotrebljavan je detektor Ge HP spojen na Ortec MCA Gamma Vision 32 Software kao i instrumentna neutronska aktivacijska tehnika (INAA). Rezultati analize uspoređeni su s raspoloživim podacima za grad Sarajevo (1986.,1987.,1988. godina) i Sloveniju. Ti podaci se odnose na razdoblje odmah nakon katastrofe u Černobilu. Gotovo kod svih analiziranih radionuklida imamo neznatno viÅ”u specifičnu radioaktivnost u odnosu na podatke iz 1986., 1987. i 1988. godine za grad Sarajevo. NaÅ”i rezultati ne odstupaju od vrijednosti dobivenih u Sloveniji, osim u slučaju 137Cs na lokalitetu Vraca, gdje je znatno viÅ”a specifična radioaktivnost i iznosi Ī± = 460Ā±20 Bq kg-1.In recent years, great attention has been focused on the research of problems related to the environment and processes occurring within it. The accident that occurred at Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl (1986) unquestionably warned that global pollution with radioactive substances on a continent scale may be expected. The past twenty years have been marked with the utilization of metal uranium ā€“ a depleted isotope of uranium-235 for various purposes. Today, depleted uranium has found its use in modern armies and it is used as efficient ammunition against armored military systems. There are estimates about the usage of ammunition with depleted uranium deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war (1992ā€“1995). The region of Bosnia and Herzegovina was exposed to the direct influence of the global dispersion processes that had occurred in May 1986 as a consequence of emissions originating from Nuclear Power Plant ā€œLeninā€ in Chernobyl. In this work the radionuclides fraction analysis (238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 232Th, 40K i 137Cs) of surface samples (0ā€“5 cm) originating from the City of Sarajevo and its surroundings has been presented. The soil samples were taken from nine locations in the city and the surrounding area: Blekin potok, Kobilja glava, BentbaÅ”a, Vraca, Prirodno-matematieki fakultet (PMF), Aziai, Hrasnica, Butmir, and Blažuj. The analyses were performed at the Department for Environment of Jo?ef Å tefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ge HP detector connected to Ortec MCA Gamma Vision 32 Software was used in addition to the Instrumental Neutron Activation Technique (INAA). The results of the analysis were compared with data available for the City of Sarajevo (years 1986, 1987 and 1988) and Slovenia. Analyses were made after Chernobyl catastrophe. Almost all of radionuclides analysed have shown to have a slightly higher specific radioactivity when compared to the data obtained in 1986, 1987 and 1989 for the City of Sarajevo. Our results are in accordance with the values obtained in Slovenia except in the case of 137Cs at location Vraca, where a significantly higher concentration has been observed and reaching Ī± = 460 Ā± 20 Bq kgā€“1

    Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metals in Atmospheric Precipitation in the Area of Sarajevo Canton

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    Određivanje sadržaja teÅ”kih metala (Cu, Cr, Cd, Mn, Ni i Hg) u uzorcima atmosferskih oborina provedeno je s ciljem procjene eventualnog onečiŔćenja. Uzorci oborina kontinuirano su sakupljani tijekom tri godiÅ”nja doba (zima, proljeće i ljeto) u razdoblju od prosinca 2009. do lipnja 2010. godine. Uzorkovanje je vrÅ”eno na dva lokaliteta Kantona Sarajevo: Bjelave (urbano područje) i Ivan Sedlo (ruralno područje). Rezultati su pokazali da je sadržaj teÅ”kih metala (izuzev bakra i kadmija) viÅ”i u uzorcima oborina s lokaliteta Bjelave. Koncentracije metala u svim uzorcima kretale su se u intervalima: 0,52 - 19,08 ĀµgL-1 (Cu), 0,007 - 2,55 ĀµgL-1 (Ni), 0,006 - 0,26 ĀµgL-1 (Cr), 0,02 - 3,86 ĀµgL-1 (Cd), 0,13 - 21,59 ĀµgL-1 (Mn) i 0,02 - 4,02 ĀµgL-1 (Hg). Srednje vrijednosti koncentracija metala bile su ispod graničnih vrijednosti za pitku vodu koje su definirane od strane Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Za većinu ispitivanih metala viÅ”i sadržaj dobiven je u oborinama uzorkovanim u razdoblju proljeće/ljeto.Trace metals are natural components of the environment but they have become a matter of great concern because of the continuous increase in the concentrations of these metals in our environment. Atmospheric deposition is considered a major source of toxic metals such as Hg, Cd, Pb and several others in the ecosystem. The increasing use of rainwater as an alternative household water source has led to the increased interest in the monitoring of rainwater quality. The heavy metal (Cu, Cr, Cd, Mn, Ni and Hg) in samples of atmospheric precipitation was determined in order to assess possible contamination of rainwater. The samples were collected continuously during three seasons (winter, spring and summer) in the period from December 2009 to June 2010. The sampling was conducted at two sites of the Sarajevo Canton: Bjelave (urban area) and Ivan Sedlo (rural area). The results showed that heavy metal contents (except copper and cadmium) were higher in samples from Bjelave. The results showed levels of metals in all samples as: 0.52 ā€“ 19.08 Ī¼g L-1 (Cu), 0.007 ā€“ 2.55 Ī¼g L,-1 (Ni), 0.006 ā€“ 0.26 Ī¼g L-1 (Cr), 0.02 ā€“ 3.86 Ī¼g L-1 (Cd), 0.13 ā€“ 21.59 Ī¼g L-1 (Mn) and 0.02 ā€“ 4.02 Ī¼g L-1 (Hg). The mean metal concentrations were below WHOā€™s limits for good quality drinking water. For most investigated metals, the highest content was obtained in precipitation sampled during spring/summer

    Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metals in Atmospheric Precipitation in the Area of Sarajevo Canton

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    Određivanje sadržaja teÅ”kih metala (Cu, Cr, Cd, Mn, Ni i Hg) u uzorcima atmosferskih oborina provedeno je s ciljem procjene eventualnog onečiŔćenja. Uzorci oborina kontinuirano su sakupljani tijekom tri godiÅ”nja doba (zima, proljeće i ljeto) u razdoblju od prosinca 2009. do lipnja 2010. godine. Uzorkovanje je vrÅ”eno na dva lokaliteta Kantona Sarajevo: Bjelave (urbano područje) i Ivan Sedlo (ruralno područje). Rezultati su pokazali da je sadržaj teÅ”kih metala (izuzev bakra i kadmija) viÅ”i u uzorcima oborina s lokaliteta Bjelave. Koncentracije metala u svim uzorcima kretale su se u intervalima: 0,52 - 19,08 ĀµgL-1 (Cu), 0,007 - 2,55 ĀµgL-1 (Ni), 0,006 - 0,26 ĀµgL-1 (Cr), 0,02 - 3,86 ĀµgL-1 (Cd), 0,13 - 21,59 ĀµgL-1 (Mn) i 0,02 - 4,02 ĀµgL-1 (Hg). Srednje vrijednosti koncentracija metala bile su ispod graničnih vrijednosti za pitku vodu koje su definirane od strane Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Za većinu ispitivanih metala viÅ”i sadržaj dobiven je u oborinama uzorkovanim u razdoblju proljeće/ljeto.Trace metals are natural components of the environment but they have become a matter of great concern because of the continuous increase in the concentrations of these metals in our environment. Atmospheric deposition is considered a major source of toxic metals such as Hg, Cd, Pb and several others in the ecosystem. The increasing use of rainwater as an alternative household water source has led to the increased interest in the monitoring of rainwater quality. The heavy metal (Cu, Cr, Cd, Mn, Ni and Hg) in samples of atmospheric precipitation was determined in order to assess possible contamination of rainwater. The samples were collected continuously during three seasons (winter, spring and summer) in the period from December 2009 to June 2010. The sampling was conducted at two sites of the Sarajevo Canton: Bjelave (urban area) and Ivan Sedlo (rural area). The results showed that heavy metal contents (except copper and cadmium) were higher in samples from Bjelave. The results showed levels of metals in all samples as: 0.52 ā€“ 19.08 Ī¼g L-1 (Cu), 0.007 ā€“ 2.55 Ī¼g L,-1 (Ni), 0.006 ā€“ 0.26 Ī¼g L-1 (Cr), 0.02 ā€“ 3.86 Ī¼g L-1 (Cd), 0.13 ā€“ 21.59 Ī¼g L-1 (Mn) and 0.02 ā€“ 4.02 Ī¼g L-1 (Hg). The mean metal concentrations were below WHOā€™s limits for good quality drinking water. For most investigated metals, the highest content was obtained in precipitation sampled during spring/summer

    Heavy Metal Contents in Spices from Markets in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    U radu je praćen sadržaj teÅ”kih metala Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb i Zn u začinskom bilju (papar, bosiljak, origano, mljevena crvena paprika, perÅ”in, ružmarin) različitih proizvođača, slučajnim odabirom u trgovačkim centrima Sarajeva. Koncentracije metala određene su plamenom atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom. Sadržaj kroma i nikla u svim ispitivanim uzorcima bio je ispod 5 mg kgāˆ’1. Koncentracije bakra varirale su od 2,36 do 19,47 mg kgāˆ’1, željeza od 6,80 do 785,56 mg kgāˆ’1, mangana od 6,14 do 59,36 mg kgāˆ’1, olova od 0,74 do 20,35 i cinka od 6,93 do 85,44 mg kgāˆ’1. Dobiveni rezultati u skladu su s literaturnim podatcima, osim za olovo, za koje su nađene neÅ”to viÅ”e vrijednosti. Preračunat je dnevni unos metala i uspoređen s vrijednostima MRL-a koje su dane od strane ATSDR-a (2013.). Sadržaj olova u većini uzoraka bio je iznad maksimalno dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija koje preporučuje WHO i propisuje Pravilnik o najvećim dopuÅ”tenim količinama određenih kontaminanata u hrani Agencije za sigurnost hrane Bosne i Hercegovine.Spices are some of the most common foods in the human diet around the world. Spices are dried parts of plants used often as diet components to improve aroma and acceptability of food. The aim of this work was to determine the contents of seven heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in spices available at local markets in Sarajevo. Metal concentrations in six spice samples (black pepper (Piper nigrum), basil (Ocimum basilicum), oregano (Oreganum vulgaris), paprika (Capsicum annuum), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)) were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The content of chromium and nickel in all samples was below 5 mg kg-1 . Copper levels were in the range of 2.36-19.47 mg kg-1 , iron 6.80-785.56 mg kg-1 , manganese 6.14-59.36 mg kg-1, lead 0.74-20.35 and zinc 6.93-85.44 mg kg-1. These results were in agreement with other published data except in the case of Pb which content was slightly higher. Daily intake of different metals was calculated and compared with the MRL values given by ATSDR (2013). The content of lead in most of the samples was above the maximum permitted concentrations recommended by WHO and national regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Size-segregated concentration of heavy metals in an urban aerosol of the Balkans region (Belgrade)

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    This work focuses on the heavy metals contents of the size-segregated urban aerosol of the continental area of Balkans. The distribution of nano/micron heavy metals in the size-segregated urban aerosol of Belgrade center was studied during the summerā€“autumn of 2008. The particle size distribution in the size ranges Dp ā‰¤ 0.49 Ī¼m, 0.49 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 0.95 Ī¼m, 0.95 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 1.5 Ī¼m, 1.5 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 3.0 Ī¼m, 3.0 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 7.2 Ī¼m and Dp ā‰„ 7.2 Ī¼m was measured. The aerosol samples were submitted to gravimetric and chemical analyses. The obtained mean mass concentration of the PM fractions was in accordance with an urban aerosol distribution. The aerosol mass concentrations were determined by gravimetric measurements (mGM) and, for heavy metals analyzed by ICP/MS

    Size distributed aerosol mass concentration and chemical composition in Belgrade during summer-autumn 2008

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    Physical and chemical characterizations of the atmospheric aerosol were carried out in urban area of Belgrade. This work focuses on the size-segregated aerosol chemical composition observed during the summer-autumn 2008th. Aerosol samples were submitted to gravimetric and chemical analyses. Mean random uncertainties associated with determination of Na+ , NH4 +, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO3- and SO42- were assessed

    Trace elements in size-segregated urban aerosol in relation to the anthropogenic emission sources and the resuspension

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    Size segregated particulate samples of atmospheric aerosols in urban site of continental part of Balkans were collected during 6 months in 2008. Six stages impactor in the size ranges: Dpā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰0.49 Ī¼m, 0.49ā€‰<ā€‰Dpā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰0.95 Ī¼m, 0.95ā€‰<ā€‰Dpā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰1.5 Ī¼m, 1.5ā€‰<ā€‰Dpā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰3.0 Ī¼m, 3.0ā€‰<ā€‰Dpā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰7.2 Ī¼m, and 7.2ā€‰<ā€‰Dpā€‰ā‰¤ā€‰10.0 Ī¼m was applied for sampling. ICP-MS was used to quantify elements: Al, As, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Na, Ni, Mg, Mn, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn. Two main groups of elements were investigated: (1) K, V, Ni, Zn, Pb, As, and Cd with high domination in nuclei mode indicating the combustion processes as a dominant sources and (2) Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, Cr, Ga, Co, and Li in coarse mode indicating mechanical processes as their main origin. The strictly crustal origin is for Mg, Fe, Ca, and Co while for As, Cd, K, V, Ni, Cu, Pb, and Zn dominates the anthropogenic influence. The PCA analysis has shown that main contribution is of resuspension (PC1, Ļƒ2ā€‰ā‰ˆā€‰30 %) followed by traffic (PC2, Ļƒ2ā€‰ā‰ˆā€‰20 %) that are together contributing around 50 % of elements in the investigated urban aerosol. The EF model shows that major origin of Cd, K, V, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As in the fine mode is from the anthropogenic sources while increase of their contents in the coarse particles indicates their deposition from the atmosphere and soil contamination. This approach is useful for the assessment of the local resuspension influence on elementā€™s contents in the aerosol and also for the evaluation of the historical pollution of soil caused by deposition of metals from the atmosphere

    Size-segregated mass concentration and water soluble inorganic ions in an urban aerosol of the Central Balkans (Belgrade)

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    The distribution of nano/micron inorganic main ions in the size-segregated urban aerosol of Belgrade center was studied during the summerā€“autumn of 2008. The particle size distribution in the size ranges Dp ā‰¤ 0.49 Āµm, 0.49 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 0.95 Āµm, 0.95 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 1.5 Āµm, 1.5 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 3.0 Āµm, 3.0 ā‰¤ Dp ā‰¤ 7.2 Āµm and Dp ā‰„ 7.2 Āµm was measured. The aerosol samples were submitted to gravimetric and chemical analyses. The obtained mean mass concentration of the PM fractions was in accordance with an urban aerosol distribution. The aerosol mass concentrations were determined by gravimetric measurements (mGM) and, analyzed by ion chromatography for Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Clā€“, NO3ā€“, PO43ā€“ and SO42ā€“. The mean random uncertainties associated with the determinations of Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Clā€“, NO3ā€“ and SO42ā€“ were assessed. The absolute highest concentration is found for SO42ā€“ (1555.8 Ā± 973.6 ng mā€“3) in the range of Dp ā‰¤ 0.49 Āµm with an average participation of 8.19 % to the total mass of the particles. The highest coefficients of correlation were found between NH4+ and SO42ā€“. Principal component analysis, PCA, was used for the identification and evaluation of the contributions of the main emission sources to the contents of water soluble ions in the urban aerosol. The dominant process of particle formation was chemical reactions between gaseous precursors. The formation of (NH4)2SO4 was the dominant process. The influences of local urban and regional industrial sources were identified as contributors to the contents of the main ions in urban aerosol of Belgrade. An effect of marine aerosol was observed