77 research outputs found

    A rare case of retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma

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    Leiomyosarcoma, a rare malignancy of smooth muscle may arise from the retroperitoneum. They often reach a large size before diagnosis is made. Patient presents with vague symptoms, as such retroperitoneal malignancies are related to displacement of organs and obstructive phenomenon. The present paper is one of the very few case reports of retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma which illustrates the presenting symptoms, gross and microscopic findings, treatment modalities and prognostic indicators of a 70 years old male seen at Government medical college, New Civil Hospital, Surat

    Evaluation of the effect of topical cefadroxil on bacterial load of pathogenic staphylococci in anterior nares in human volunteers, comparative study between oral vs. topical cefadroxil and evaluation of effect of combination of oral plus topical cefadroxil in patients with staphylococcal superficial skin infections

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    Background: Cefadroxil has good tissue penetration & exerts more sustained action at the site of infection after oral absorption. Our aim of the study was to check topical cefadroxil has any efficacy over staphylococcal superficial skin infection or not.Methods: Pre-treatment nasal swabs were obtained from 25 healthy human volunteers and bacterial load was recorded. After single application of topical cefadroxil 3% in left anterior nare and placebo (vehicle) in right anterior nare nasal swabs were obtained and results were compared. 150 patients with staphylococcal superficial skin infections were distributed in 4 groups: Group A - oral cefadroxil 500 mg twice daily for 5 days, Group B - topical cefadroxil (0.5 % to 5%) twice daily, Group C - cefadroxil 500 mg orally plus placebo (vehicle) topically twice daily and Group D -cefadroxil 500 mg orally plus cefadroxil preparation topically twice daily. Bacterial load was measured before treatment, on follow up &after clinical cure and results were compared.Results: Topical cefadroxil significantly reduced bacterial load after single application in anterior nare. Topical cefadroxil cured and significantly reduced bacterial load in staphylococcal superficial skin infections within 3 days of treatment. Oral plus topical cefadroxil combination therapy significantly reduced bacterial load and cured infection within 3 days of treatment in patients with moderate to heavy bacterial growth. No any adverse effect was observed during entire study period in any of groups.Conclusions: Topical preparation of cefadroxil is safe and effective in treating staphylococcal superficial skin infections. Combination of oral plus topical cefadroxil showed synergistic effect in infections with moderate to heavy growth. This study is registered at CTRI [REG ID: CTRI/2013/02/003433 REF: REF/2013/02/004576]

    A Machine Learning Approach for Detection of Phished Websites Using Neural Networks

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    Phishing is a means of obtaining confidential information through fraudulent website that appear to be legitimate .On detection of all the criteria ambiguities and certain considerations involve hence neural network techniques are used to build an effective tool in identifying phished websites There are many phishing detection techniques available, but a central problem is that web browsers rely on a black list of known phishing website, but some phishing website has a lifespan as short as a few hours. These website with a shorter lifespan are known as zero day phishing website. Thus, a faster recognition system needs to be developed for the web browser to identify zero day phishing website. To develop a faster recognition system, a neural network technique is used which reduces the error and increases the performance. This paper describes a framework to better classify and predict the phishing sites


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    Introduction: The goal of tuberculosis (TB) control programs is to eliminate the disease by breaking the chain of transmission. Since open cases are rarely present in children, it is imperative that along with the treatment of adults, children coming in contact with the adults be screened simultaneously. This study was done know occurrence of TB infection among children in household contacts with parents having tuberculosis & identify the possible risk factors. Methods: 300 children under the age of 15 years who were in household contact with parents on anti tubercular treatment underwent tuberculin skin testing and ESR estimation. Transverse indurations of greater than 10 mm and ESR>40mm/hr were suggestive of tubercular infection. Risk factors such as age, nutritional status, SE status, BCG vaccination and anemia were studied. Results: 90(30%) out of 300 children were positive for the infection. The risk of transmission of infection is significantly higher if both the parents are affected (50%). The important risk factors for infection transmission were younger age, severe malnutrition, lower socio-economic status, absence of BCG vaccination and anemia (P value <0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of tuberculosis infection among children in household contact with parents is higher than in the general population. Novel approaches for child contact screening and management that improves the implementation of the same needs to be further evaluated in national programmes

    Simultano UV-spektrofotometrijsko određivanje ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u kapsulama primjenom kemometrijskih metoda

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    In the present work, three different spectrophotometric methods for simultaneous estimation of ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium in raw materials and in formulations are described. Overlapped data was quantitatively resolved by using chemometric methods, viz. inverse least squares (ILS), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS). Calibrations were constructed using the absorption data matrix corresponding to the concentration data matrix. The linearity range was found to be 1-5, 10-50 and 2-10 Āµg mLā€“1 for ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium, respectively. The absorbance matrix was obtained by measuring the zero-order absorbance in the wavelength range between 210 and 320 nm. A training set design of the concentration data corresponding to the ramipril, aspirin and atorvastatin calcium mixtures was organized statistically to maximize the information content from the spectra and to minimize the error of multivariate calibrations. By applying the respective algorithms for PLS 1, PCR and ILS to the measured spectra of the calibration set, a suitable model was obtained. This model was selected on the basis of RMSECV and RMSEP values. The same was applied to the prediction set and capsule formulation. Mean recoveries of the commercial formulation set together with other figures of merit (calibration sensitivity, selectivity, limit of detection, limit of quantification and analytical sensitivity) were estimated. Validity of the proposed approaches was successfully assessed for analyses of drugs in the various prepared physical mixtures and formulations.U radu su opisane tri različite spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u sirovinama i formulacijama. Preklapanje podataka kvantitativno je rijeÅ”eno pomoću kemometrijskih metoda, tj. metodama inverznih najmanjih kvadrata (ILS), regresije glavnog sastojka (PCR) i djelomičnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). Kalibracije su postavljene pomoću matrice podataka za apsorpciju koja odgovara matrici pripadajućih koncentracija. Područje linearnosti za ramipril iznosilo je 1ā€“5, za acetilsalicilnu kiselinu 10ā€“50, a za atorvastatin kalcij 2ā€“10 Āµg mLā€“1. Matrica s apsorbancijama dobivena je mjerenjem apsorbancije nultog reda na valnim duljinama između 210 i 320 nm. Set podataka za koncentracije ramiprila, acetilsalicilne kiseline i atorvastatin kalcija u smjesi statistički je tako organiziran da osigura maksimalnu količinu informacije u spektrima i minimalizira greÅ”ku multivarijantnih kalibracija. Primjenom odgovarajućih algoritama za PLS, PCR i ILS na snimljene spektre kalibracijskog seta dobiven je dobar model, koji je odabran na temelju RMSECV i RMSEP vrijednosti. Isti model je primijenjen i na set s predviđenim vrijednostima i na kapsule sa smjesom ove tri ljekovite tvari. Određena je srednja vrijednost povrata za komercijalnu formulaciju te ostale analitičke izvedbene značajke (kalibracijska osjetljivost, selektivnost, granica dokazivanja, granica određivanja i analitička osjetljivost). Potvrđena je primjenjljivost predloženih metoda u analizama lijekova u fizičkim smjesama i u gotovim ljekovitim oblicima

    Development and Validation of Dual Wavelength UV Spectrophotometric Method for simultaneous estimation of Cilnidipine and Olmesartan Medoxomil in Tablet dosage form

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    A simple and economical dual wavelength spectrophotometric method has been developed for the simultaneous estimation of Cilnidipine and Olmesartan Medoxomil in their tablet dosage form. The principle for dual wavelength method is ā€œthe absorbance difference between two points on the overlain spectra is directly proportional to the concentration of the component of interestā€. From the UV absorption spectrum of Cilnidipine, three wavelengths were selected, which were 282.99, 337.85 and 352.92 nm. At 352.92 nm only Cilnidipine has reasonable absorbance, so it was selected for the estimation of it from combination drug product. At these two wavelengths absorbance for Cilnidipine was found to be same i.e. absorbance difference was zero for any concentration, while for Olmesartan Medoxomil concomitantly increase in absorbance difference with increase in its concentration. So, 282.99 and 337.85 nm wavelengths were selected for the estimation of Olmesartan Medoxomil from its combination drug product. The method involved solving of an equation based on measurement of absorbances at two wavelengths 282.99 and 337.85 nm. Regression analysis of Beerā€™s plots showed good correlation in concentration range of 10-60 Ī¼g/ml for Cilnidipine and 20-120 Ī¼g/ml for Olmesartan Medoxomil. The suitability of this method was for quantitative determination of Cilnidipine and Olmesartan Medoxomil was proved by validation and recovery study. The proposed method was found to be simple, rapid, economical, accurate and reproducible for the routine analysis of both drugs in tablet dosage forms

    A Patient with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with Pancreatic Involvement

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    A 78-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia was hospitalized for poor appetite, weight loss, and night sweats. On physical exam, there was no palpable lymphadenopathy, and her abdomen was soft and nondistended. Laboratory results showed a hemoglobin count of 13.3ā€‰g/dl, hematocrit 41.3%, white blood cell 68.4ā€‰Ć—ā€‰103ā€‰Ī¼L with lymphocytes 92.0%, total bilirubin 0.4ā€‰mg/dL, aspartate transaminase 14ā€‰U/L, and alanine transaminase 15ā€‰U/L. CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis showed hypodense lesions within the pancreatic body (1.4ā€‰Ć—ā€‰1.4ā€‰cm) and medial aspect of the pancreatic head (1.2ā€‰cm) as well as mild splenomegaly (13ā€‰cm craniocaudally). She subsequently underwent endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) with fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the pancreatic mass. Flow cytometry revealed expression of CD5 and CD23, consistent with chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Crystal Structure, Dielectric Response and Thermal analysis of Ammonium Pentaborate (APB)

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    International audienceNonlinear optical material Ammonium Pentaborate (APB) crystals have been grown using slow evaporation method from aqueous solution. From Powder XRD analysis the orthohrombic crystal structure was found. Various vibrations in FTIR spectrum were assigned. Thermo gravimetric analysis suggested that the crystal remained stable up to 173ā„ƒ and then decomposed through various stages and endothermic reactions were identified by DTA. The variation of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and ac conductivity with frequencies was studied at room temperature. Further investigation of dielectric properties with higher temperature is under progress. Introduction. Borate crystals have received much attention because of their excellent physical and chemical properties. Alkali borate crystals generally possess chemical stability as well as wide range of optical transparency extended into the ultraviolet due to large difference in the electro negativities of B and O atoms [1]. For majority of borates, it is necessary to use complex and long lasting high temperature solution top-seeding methods [2]. In the current study, authors have employed inexpensive and relatively simple slow solvent evaporation method to grow ammonium pentaborate (APB) crystals. The grown crystals were characterized by Powder XRD, FTIR, thermal and dielectric analysis


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    Introduction: It is estimated that 22000-61000of pregnant women living with HIV in India have mother to child transmission (MTCT) rate of 12 -97%.This study was done to evaluate transmission rate of HIV from mother to child in a tertiary care hospital and evaluate role of different interventions. Methodology: In this study all babies of HIV positive mothers who were diagnosed antenatal and also babies less than 18 months of age of HIV positive mother who came to paediatric OPD were enrolled. Informed consent was taken and assurance about secrecy was given. Detailed background information, antenatal history, obstetric history, birth history, mother investigation and treatment history were recorded. Single dose nevirapin was given to all mother and baby pairs. All babies were followed up to 18 months of age. Sero diagnoses of all babies were checked at different ages with different diagnostic tests and confirmed at the end of 18 months of age with 3 rapid diagnostic tests. Result and Conclusion ā€“ Mother to child transmission rate was 11.4% in this study. Single dose nevirapin to mother baby pair had 93-97% protectivity. Anti retroviral treatment was 80-83% protective in mother with low CD4 count and high viral load. Due to limitation of sources breast feeding was still adopted as acceptable feeding option
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