73 research outputs found

    Sustainability Survey report

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    Although the idea of sustainability means different things to different people, one of the most common definitions comes from the UN’s 1987 Brundtland Report, which states that sustainability is that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In practice, sustainability means balancing environmental protection with economic vitality and social justice. Since the 1990s, sustainability has become a powerful framework for organizational transformation, particularly at institutions of higher education. Today over 1,350 colleges and universities offer degrees in sustainability and use sustainability as a guiding principle for administrative decisions across campus. On our own campus, the Environmental Studies and Sustainability major grew 144% in the past year while enrollment in other programs declined. For many people born in the early twenty-first century, sustainability is an exciting movement that seeks solutions to the daunting economic, environmental, and social problems that their generation will face. As training grounds for the future, universities like Northern have a responsibility to prepare today’s students for these global challenges

    The spin anisotropy of the magnetic excitations in the normal and superconducting states of optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6.9 studied by polarized neutron spectroscopy

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    We use inelastic neutron scattering with spin polarization analysis to study the magnetic excitations in the normal and superconducting states of YBa2Cu3O6.9. Polarization analysis allows us to determine the spin polarization of the magnetic excitations and to separate them from phonon scattering. In the normal state, we find unambiguous evidence of magnetic excitations over the 10-60meV range of the experiment with little polarization dependence to the excitations. In the superconducting state, the magnetic response is enhanced near the "resonance energy" and above. At lower energies, 10<E<30meV, the local susceptibility becomes anisotropic, with the excitations polarized along the c-axis being suppressed. We find evidence for a new diffuse anisotropic response polarized perpendicular to the c-axis which may carry significant spectral weight.Comment: Various typos and errors (inc assignment of components) correcte

    Dynamical spin susceptibility in La2 CuO4 studied by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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    Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is a powerful probe of elementary excitations in solids. It is now widely applied to study magnetic excitations. However, its complex cross-section means that RIXS has been more difficult to interpret than inelastic neutron scattering (INS). Here we report high-resolution RIXS measurements of magnetic excitations of La2CuO4, the antiferromagnetic parent of one system of high-temperature superconductors. At high energies (~2 eV), the RIXS spectra show angular-dependent dd orbital excitations which are found to be in good agreement with single-site multiplet calculations. At lower energies (<0.3 eV), we show that the wavevector-dependent RIXS intensities are proportional to the product of the single-ion spin-flip cross section and the dynamical susceptibility of the spin-wave excitations. When the spin-flip crosssection is dividing out, the RIXS magnon intensities show a remarkable resemblance to INS data. Our results show that RIXS is a quantitative probe the dynamical spin susceptibility in cuprate and therefore should be used for quantitative investigation of other correlated electron materials.Comment: 12 page

    Design and Development of a Multi-material, Cost-competitive, Lightweight Mid-size Sports Utility Vehicle’s Body-in-White

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    Vehicle light-weighting has allowed automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to improve fuel efficiency, incorporate value-adding features without a weight penalty, and extract better performance. The typical body-in-white (BiW) accounts for up to 40% of the total vehicle mass, making it the focus of light-weighting efforts through a) conceptual redesign b) design optimization using state-of-the-art computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools, and c) use of advanced high strength steels (AHSS), aluminum, magnesium, and/or fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) composites. However, most of these light-weighting efforts have been focused on luxury/sports vehicles, with a relatively high price range and an average production of 100,000 units/year or less. With increasing sports utility vehicle (SUV) sales in North America, focus has shifted to developing lightweight designs for this segment. Thus, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office has initiated a multi-year research and development program to enable cost-effective light-weighting of a mid-size SUV. The proposed designs shall enable weight reduction of a minimum of 160 lb. (~72.7 kg), with a maximum allowable cost increase of $5 for every pound of weight reduced. The proposed designs shall enable vehicle production rates of 200,000 units/year and will be aimed at retaining the joining/assembly line employed by the OEM. A systems approach has been utilized to develop a multi-material, light-weight redesign of the SUV BiW that meets or exceeds the baseline structural performance. This study delves into the development of design targets for the proposed redesign at the system, sub-assembly, and component levels. Furthermore, results from topology optimization studies on a design volume were assessed to understand the load paths under various loading conditions. Several multi-material concept designs were proposed based on the insights provided by the topology optimization study. Novel multi-material joining methodologies have been incorporated to enable maximum retention of the OEM’s joining and assembly process without significantly increasing cost. This paper presents the systems approach, and results from design studies undertaken to meet the program challenges

    Measurement of Superluminal optical tunneling times in double-barrier photonic bandgaps

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    Tunneling of optical pulses at 1.5 micron wavelength through double-barrier periodic fiber Bragg gratings is experimentally investigated. Tunneling time measurements as a function of barrier distance show that, far from the resonances of the structure, the transit time is paradoxically short, implying Superluminal propagation, and almost independent of the distance between the barriers. These results are in agreement with theoretical predictions based on phase time analysis and also provide an experimental evidence, in the optical context, of the analogous phenomenon expected in Quantum Mechanics for non-resonant superluminal tunneling of particles across two successive potential barriers. [Attention is called, in particular, to our last Figure]. PACS nos.: 42.50.Wm, 03.65.Xp, 42.70.Qs, 03.50.De, 03.65.-w, 73.40.GkComment: LaTeX file (8 pages), plus 5 figure

    Neutron Scattering and Its Application to Strongly Correlated Systems

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    Neutron scattering is a powerful probe of strongly correlated systems. It can directly detect common phenomena such as magnetic order, and can be used to determine the coupling between magnetic moments through measurements of the spin-wave dispersions. In the absence of magnetic order, one can detect diffuse scattering and dynamic correlations. Neutrons are also sensitive to the arrangement of atoms in a solid (crystal structure) and lattice dynamics (phonons). In this chapter, we provide an introduction to neutrons and neutron sources. The neutron scattering cross section is described and formulas are given for nuclear diffraction, phonon scattering, magnetic diffraction, and magnon scattering. As an experimental example, we describe measurements of antiferromagnetic order, spin dynamics, and their evolution in the La(2-x)Ba(x)CuO(4) family of high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 31 pages, chapter for "Strongly Correlated Systems: Experimental Techniques", edited by A. Avella and F. Mancin

    Progress in Neutron Scattering Studies of Spin Excitations in High-Tc Cuprates

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    Neutron scattering experiments continue to improve our knowledge of spin fluctuations in layered cuprates, excitations that are symptomatic of the electronic correlations underlying high-temperature superconductivity. Time-of-flight spectrometers, together with new and varied single crystal samples, have provided a more complete characterization of the magnetic energy spectrum and its variation with carrier concentration. While the spin excitations appear anomalous in comparison with simple model systems, there is clear consistency among a variety of cuprate families. Focusing initially on hole-doped systems, we review the nature of the magnetic spectrum, and variations in magnetic spectral weight with doping. We consider connections with the phenomena of charge and spin stripe order, and the potential generality of such correlations as suggested by studies of magnetic-field and impurity induced order. We contrast the behavior of the hole-doped systems with the trends found in the electron-doped superconductors. Returning to hole-doped cuprates, studies of translation-symmetry-preserving magnetic order are discussed, along with efforts to explore new systems. We conclude with a discussion of future challenges.Comment: revised version, to be published in JPSJ, 20 pages, 21 figure

    Influence of apical oxygen on the extent of in-plane exchange interaction in cuprate superconductors

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    In high Tc superconductors the magnetic and electronic properties are determined by the probability that valence electrons virtually jump from site to site in the CuO2 planes, a mechanism opposed by on-site Coulomb repulsion and favored by hopping integrals. The spatial extent of the latter is related to transport properties, including superconductivity, and to the dispersion relation of spin excitations (magnons). Here, for three antiferromagnetic parent compounds (single-layer Bi2Sr0.99La1.1CuO6+delta, double-layer Nd1.2Ba1.8Cu3O6 and infinite-layer CaCuO2) differing by the number of apical atoms, we compare the magnetic spectra measured by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering over a significant portion of the reciprocal space and with unprecedented accuracy. We observe that the absence of apical oxygens increases the in-plane hopping range and, in CaCuO2, it leads to a genuine 3D exchange-bond network. These results establish a corresponding relation between the exchange interactions and the crystal structure, and provide fresh insight into the materials dependence of the superconducting transition temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 Table, 42 reference

    Evaluating the use of the Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Screening Questionnaire (CAIDS-Q) to estimate IQ in children with low intellectual ability

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    In situations where completing a full intellectual assessment is not possible or desirable the clinician or researcher may require an alternative means of accurately estimating intellectual functioning. There has been limited research in the use of proxy IQ measures in children with an intellectual disability or low IQ. The present study aimed to provide a means of converting total scores from a screening tool (the Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Screening Questionnaire: CAIDS-Q) to an estimated IQ. A series of linear regression analyses were conducted on data from 428 children and young people referred to clinical services, where FSIQ was predicted from CAIDS-Q total scores. Analyses were conducted for three age groups between ages 6 and 18 years. The study presents a conversion table for converting CAIDS-Q total scores to estimates of FSIQ, with corresponding 95% prediction intervals to allow the clinician or researcher to estimate FSIQ scores from CAIDS-Q total scores. It is emphasised that, while this conversion may offer a quick means of estimating intellectual functioning in children with a below average IQ, it should be used with caution, especially in children aged between 6 and 8 years old
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